人教新目标九年级Unit4 self check

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,What would you do?,Self check,Words preview,knowledgeable,represent,letdown,come up with,rest,知识渊博的,代表,使。失望,沮丧,想出,提出,剩余部分,其余,Fill in each blank with the correct form.,nervous shy tired terrible friendly,Im really,.Ive been studying all day.,2.,I dont like making speeches.I feel_ talking in front of many people.,3.If you were more,to people,you would have more friends.,4.My stomach feels,.I think I ate something bad at lunch time.,5.People think Paul is very _.But in fact he talks a lot with his friends.,tired,nervous,friendly,terrible,shy,2.Language points,1.want her to represent the class,2.be sure that,3.win/beat,4.in fact,es top,6.let her friends down,7.is terrified of speaking in front of other people,8.think of/any good advice,e up with ideas/solutions/plans,10.do you think,插入语陈述,11.the rest of,虚拟语气,概念,:,表示与,now,事实相反或根本不可能实现的事,.,if,引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去时主句用“,should/would/could/might,动词原形”,.,eg,:If I,had,time,I,would go,for a walk.,(,事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步),If I,were,invited,I,would go,to the dinner.,(,事实上没有人邀请我,我也不能去参加宴会),If I,had,a million dollars,I,would put,it in the bank.,(,事实上我没有一百万美元,也不可能存在银行),1.If I _(know)his number,I would,phone him.,2.,I_,_,_(not,buy)that coat if I were you.,3.I _,_,_(help)you if I could,but Im afraid I cant.,4.If we had the choice,we,_,_,_,(live)in the country.,5.Youre always tired.If,you_(not go),to bed so late,every night,you wouldnt be tired all,the time.,6.If I were you,I _,_,_(not wait).,I _,_,_,(go),now.,knew,wouldnt buy,would help,would live,didnt go,wouldnt wait,would go,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,Translate these sentences into English,如果我是你,我就穿上套装,.,如果我有一百万美元,我就买一栋大房子,.,我不知道是否该去参加那个聚会,.,如果你是我,你该怎么办,?,如果你努力学习英语,你会通过考试的,.,他不知道是否该带礼物去,.,If I were you,I would wear a suit.,If I had a million dollars,I would buy a big house.,I dont,know,if I should join that party.,If you were me,what would you do?,If you work hard on English,you will pass the test.,He,doesnt,know if he should bring a present.,


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