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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 22 A,world of fun,Revision,1.,昨晚车祸发生时,一名警察碰巧从旁边经过,并和路人一起设法把受伤的人送往医院。,2.,目光接触,直,视对方,在某些国家能表明自己感兴趣。,When an car accident happened last night,a policeman happened to be passing by and managed to send the injured to hospital together with passers-by.,Making eye contact-looking directly into someones eyes-is in some countries a way to show interest.,4.,如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独,微笑可以帮我们度过困境。,If we are feeling down or lonely,a smile can help us get through difficult situations.,5.,他没想到那位教授会专程来拜访他。,It didnt occurred to him that the professor would call on him.,3.,我集中精力做这项工作,在期限前完成了。,I focused my attention on/upon the work and finished it ahead of the deadline.,What a theme park is,The theme park mentioned,Why the theme park is so popular,a collection of rides,exhibitions,or other attractions based on a common theme.,both entertain and educate,the visitors.,World Park/China Ethnic Culture Park/Ocean Park/Disneyland/Universal Studios,Function,Revision of the text,Parks:more advanced and new technology People:not get enough rides and exciting adventures,Dictation,Unlike most traditional amusement parks,good theme parks are both educational and entertaining.They include rides,exhibitions and other attractions based on a common theme.They also allow visitors to experience what is now called virtual reality.This means that visitors can almost feel what it is like,for example,in outer space.Of course they must still use a bit of their imagination.As technology improves,more and more kinds of virtual reality attractions will be built at theme parks.,Words,1.,主题公园是围绕一个共同主体所设立的集车乘、展览等吸引人的项目为一体的公园。,A theme park is a collection of rides,exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme.,attraction n.attractive adj.attractively adv,attract,vt,吸引,=appeal to,;,招引,引起,attract ones attention/interest/criticism,她是这个表演中的耀眼明星。,这项提议引起了官员们的极大兴趣关注。,She is the star attraction of the show.,The proposal attracted the great attention of the officials.,2.,主题公园与传统的游乐公园不同,常常有教育游客的作用。,Unlike traditional amusement parks,theme park parks often want to teach visitors something.,amusement n,娱乐,消遣;娱乐活动,amusing,adj,amused,adj,amuse,vt,逗笑,逗乐;(使)娱乐,amuse oneself by/with ,be amused by/with,be amused to do,_(,使每个人感到好笑的是,),the actor fell off the stage.,Big cities have theatres,films,football matches,_,(,和许多其他的娱乐活动,),。,逗人的故事把我逗笑了。,The _story _ me.,I was _ by the _ story.,_,_,(,我高兴地见到,)you here.,We watched him doing the experiment _(,脸上带着感兴趣的表情,).,To everyones amusement,amusing,amused,amused,amusing,Im amused to meet,with an amused expression,and many other amusements,3.,海洋公园分成两个部分。,divide v.,分割;分配,分担;使分开;除以;使产生分歧,n.,分歧;差异,divide.into.,divide,sth,.in half/two,into(two)halves,divide,sth.(up,/out)between/among,sb,.,divide A from,B=separate A from B,Ocean Park is divided into two sections.,他把蛋糕分成两半,我们俩平分。,九除三等于三。,当路分岔时你应走左边的路。,不管怎么争吵也不会使他们分开。,Is it right to divide a mother from her child?,The two boys are fighting.Please _ them.,After saying goodbye,we got,separated,in the crowd.,He divided the cake in half and divided them between us.,Nine,divided by,three is/equals/gives/makes three.,When the path divides,you must follow the left way.,No quarrel can divide them.,=Is it right to separate a mother from her child?,separate,4.,主题公园越来越先进,新技术保障我们几乎能经历一切但又不必冒受到伤害的危险。,risk,vt/n,冒险,risk doing,sth,at risk,at the risk of,sth,/doing,sth,run/take a risk/risks,run/take the risk of,sth,/doing,sth,The parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.,冒风险,有危险,冒着,的风险,冒险,冒险做,We dont want to _ losing their business.,_ showing my ignorance,how exactly does the Internet work?,If we go to war,innocent lives will be put _.,They knew they risked _(arrest).,run/take the risk of,At the risk of,at risk,being arrested,Phrases,go through,get through,look through,put through,carry through,help,sb.survive,a difficult period,帮助某人度过难关;,complete,sth.successfully,成功完成,通过考试;完成,;,给某人接通电话;,use up,用完,耗尽;,给某人接通电话;使某人经受(痛苦,磨练),look at or examine,sth,.carefully,仔细查看;,experience or suffer,sth,经历,遭受;完成,1).Its a difficult job but she is the person to _ it _.,2).She _ her notes before the exam.,3).She _ all her students _ the exam.,4).Considering all the hardships she had to _,he is amazingly cheerful.,5).Could you please _ me _ to the manager,please?,through,through,got,carry,looked through,go through,put through,Answers to the multiple choices,1-5CBDBC 6-11ABABBB,Amusement parks can be found in many parts of the world.Often they did not stay in one place but,move from town to town in search for new,audiences.Those work at the parks often,move with them.No two parks are exactly like,although they usually include rides for children,contests,and shows.The biggest and expensive,amusement parks are now called theme parks.,They have been developed only within the last,century.Unlike amusement parks,it remain,in one site or include many shows and exhibits.,A few unus


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