大学英语1unit5-8 put in use2课后答案

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Section I,Section II,Unit 5,At a Restaurant,Session 1,Section I,Section II,Unit 6,Shopping and Sightseeing,Session 1,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Section I,Section II,Unit 7,FAREWELL,Session 1,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Section I,Section II,Unit 8,APPLYING FOR A JOB,Session 1,Imagine you are having dinner at a restaurant.Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese version provided.,Waiter:Can I take your order now,sir?,You:Yes.,1,_.,(,但我还没有看过菜单呢。,),Waiter:Ill show you one.Would you like,Chinese food or,Western,food?We serve,both.,You:,2,_.,(,我想品尝一下西餐。,),Waiter:I hope youll enjoy it.Here is the menu.,You:Well,3,_,_,_.,(,我要一份烤牛肉、蔬菜色拉和炸薯条。),Waiter:Do you want some drinks?,You:Yes.,4,_.,(,一杯啤酒。),Waiter:Would you like any dessert later on?,You:,5,_,(,你们有什么甜食?),Waiter:We have some very nice vanilla ice cream,(,香草冰激凌。),You:Very good.,6,_.,(,我就要香草冰激凌,吧。),Exercise 2,But I havent,got a menu,yet.,I would like to try some western food,Id,like to have a roast beef,a vegetable salad and French Fries.,A glass of beer,please.,What do you have for dessert?,Ill take it.,(Please click the blanks),Exercise 2,S:Good morning,Miss.Can I help you?,Y:,1,_.,(我想买一条牛仔裤。),S:OK.Our selection of jeans is the most comprehensive available.,2,_?,(您想要什么样式的?),Y:Its really hard for me to choose from so many styles of jeans.,S:Well,let me see.How do you like this style?Its the latest fashion,very popular.And the quality is excellent.,Y:,3,_?(看上去不错。我能试一条,深蓝色的吗?),S:Certainly.What size are you?,Y:,4,_.(我想是中号。),S:Here you are.Theres a fitting room just over there.,Y:The color is fine.But Im afraid its too big for me.,5,_?(有小点尺码的吗?),S:Wait a moment,please.Oh,I think this pair will be the right size for,you.,Imagine you are Wang Na.You want to buy a pair of jeans.Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese version provided.,Yes,please.Im looking for a pair of jeans,What style would you like,That looks fine.Can I try a dark blue pair,Medium,I think,Have you got any smaller size,(Please click the blanks),Exercise 2,Y:,6,_?(是的,我也这样想。多,少钱?),S:$90,plus tax.,Y:,7,_.,(太贵了。比我想的多多了。),S:You know,what they say:You get what you pay for.You cant,go wrong on that.,Y:OK.Ill take it.,8,_?(你们接受信用,卡吗?),S:Sure.,Yes,I think so.How much is it,Its too expensive and much more than I wanted to pay,Do you accept credit cards,(Please click the blanks),Imagine you are Yang,li,.You are going to study in Canada.Say goodbye to Professor Williams who is now working in China.Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese version provided.,You:,1,_,(,威廉姆斯教授,我来向您告别。,),Prof.W:,What!Do you mean you are going away?,Where are you going?,You:,2,_,(,我要去加拿大学习。,),Prof.W:,Really?When will you leave?,You:,3,_,(,我下周一动身,票已经订好了。,),Prof.W:,How long will you stay there?,You:,4,_,(,大概两年。,),Prof.W:,Oh,yes.I have some friends there.Ill introduce,you to them.They may give you some help.,You:,5,_,(,那太好了。谢谢,),Prof.W:,Have a pleasant trip and wish you success,in your study.,Professor Williams,Ive come to say goodbye to you.,Im going to study in Canada.,Im leaving next Monday and Ive booked the ticket.,About two years,That would be wonderful.Thank you.,Exercise 2,Prof.W=Professor Williams,I=Interviewer,Y=You,I:Please come in and sit down.Make yourself,comfortable.,Y:Thank you.,I:May I ask why you are interested in this job?,Y:,1,_.(,当我看到贵公司在,中,国日报,上登载的广告,我决定试一试。,)Well,Ive,always enjoyed a challenging job.,I:Why do you want to change your job?,Y:,2,_.,(,我想尝试做不同的工作。,),When I saw the position your company advertised in China Daily,I decided to have a try,I think I would like to do something different,Exercise 2,I=Interviewer,Y=You,I:How long have you been in your present job?,Y:Two years.,I:Does your present employer know that you are planning,to leave the company?,Y:,3,_.(,是的,我跟他谈过此事。,),I:If we hire you,how soon can you start?,Y:,4,_,(,嗯,我得需要两周的时,间,,)of course,after you give me the green light.,Yes.I talked about it with him,Well,I would need two weeks,Exercise 2,I=Interviewer,Y=You,I:Is there anything else youd like to know?,Y:,5,_.(,现在没有。,),I:Well,I enjoyed talking with you.Well call you within,a week with an answer.,Y:,6,_.(,谢谢。感谢您抽出,时间来跟我面谈。,),No,not at the moment,Thank you.I appreciate the time you have given me,Exercise 2,


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