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The interior thyroid artery provides branches to the pharynx, trachea and esophagus .,Vein:,1) The,superior,thyroid vein,2) The,middle,thyroid vein,3) The,inferior,thyroid vein,9,甲状腺疾病英文版,Rich , from the superior and i,The nerves supplying the thyroid originate from vagus,(,迷走神经), innervate the epithelial cells,(上皮细胞),of the follicles,(滤泡),of the thyroid gland.,One must be aware of the bilateral existence of a recurrent laryngeal nerve,(喉返神经),during dissection.,10,甲状腺疾病英文版,The nerves supplying the thyro,Produces,synthesizes , stores , and secretes,Two Hormones,Called,Thyroxine (T4),Thyronine (T3),Regulates Metabolism,so Your Cells Function Properly,Affects Every Cell in the Body,necessary for normal growth and development,11,甲状腺疾病英文版,Produces, synthesizes , stores,Common disorder:,A deficiency of iodine,Other disorder :,Autoimmune thyroid disease,Classification:,Hyperthyroidism,(,甲亢), hypothyroidism,(甲减), tumours , cancer or goitre,(甲状腺肿),.,12,甲状腺疾病英文版,Common disorder: A deficiency,When the Thyroid Doesnt Work,Hyperthyroidism,Too Much Thyroid Hormone,Metabolism Speeds Up,Hypothyroidism,Too Little Thyroid Hormone,Metabolism Slows Down,13,甲状腺疾病英文版,When the Thyroid Doesnt WorkH,Hyperthyroidism,(,甲状腺功能亢进),14,甲状腺疾病英文版,Hyperthyroidism(甲状腺功能亢进)14甲状腺,Definition,Hyperthyroidism is an imbalance of,metabolism,caused by,overproduction,of,thyroid hormone.,15,甲状腺疾病英文版,Definition Hyperthyroidism i,Cause:,Increased secretion of thyroid hormone.,Females : males = 4 : 1, it tends to affect males more severely .,Incidence,: 20 40 years old group .,16,甲状腺疾病英文版,Cause: Increased secretion of,Clinical Manifestation,Goiter,Exophthalmos,(,突眼征),Increased metabolic rate,Increased function of sympathetic,nerve,(,交感神经),Cardiovascular alteration,17,甲状腺疾病英文版,Clinical ManifestationGoiter1,The thyroid can be palpated for,asymmetry,(,不对称),and size.,It may enlarge,3-4 times,to its normal,size. It is called goitre.,18,甲状腺疾病英文版,The thyroid can be palpated,Hyperthyroidism,19,甲状腺疾病英文版,Hyperthyroidism19甲状腺疾病英文版,20,甲状腺疾病英文版,20甲状腺疾病英文版,As a result of increased thyroid hormone production, the client has an increased metabolic rate.,Weight loss,despite increased appetite , fatigue , poor tolerance to heat , and profuse perspiration, menstrual irregularities .,21,甲状腺疾病英文版,As a result of increased thyro,Nervous, restlessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating , emotional liability, mood swings, personality changes.,Fine,tremors,of the fingers and tongue, shaky handwriting , clumsiness, trouble in climbing stairs, or dyspnea possibly at rest.,22,甲状腺疾病英文版,Nervous, restlessness, irritab,The skin,is warm and moist , characteristic,salmon colour,(,鲜肉色),.,The hair,is fine and soft with premature,grey,and increased,hair loss,.,The nails,appear,fragile,with distal nail separation from the nail bed .,23,甲状腺疾病英文版,The skin is warm and moist , c,Tachycardia :,160 bpm and down to 80 bpm during sleep.,Pulse pressure,is widened.,There can be,muscular weakness,and atrophy,(,萎缩), paralysis,(瘫痪),.,24,甲状腺疾病英文版,Tachycardia : 160 bpm and d,Diagnostic Tests,TSH,(促甲状腺激素),T,3, T,4,Radioactive iodine uptake,(,131,),Thyroid scan,Mensuration of basic metabolism,rate (BMR),25,甲状腺疾病英文版,Diagnostic TestsTSH(促甲状腺激素)25甲,TSH,(ThyroidStimulating Hormone),normal TSH reflect a euthyroid,(,甲状腺机能正常的),state.,Hyperthyroidism : TSH is low or absent .,In mild forms of hyperthyroidism :,slightly abnormal .,26,甲状腺疾病英文版,TSH (ThyroidStimulating Hormo,Thyroid scan,Scan are helpful in determining location , size, shape, and anatomic function of the thyroid gland.,27,甲状腺疾病英文版,Thyroid scan27甲状腺疾病英文版,Mensuration of Basic Metabolism Rate ( BMR ),Conditions,: Early in the morning , empty stomach , at the time of rest,Basic Metabolism Rate,= ( Pulse rate + Pulse pressure) - 111,28,甲状腺疾病英文版,Mensuration of Basic Metabol,Grade,Normal,: 10%,Slightly,abnormal: +20% +30%,Moderately,abnormal: +30% +60%,Seriously,abnormal:,+60%,29,甲状腺疾病英文版,GradeNormal: 10% 29甲状腺疾病英文版,Treatment,Antithyroid drugs , radioactive iodine, or thyroidectomy,(,甲状腺切除术),.,Individualized,and depends on the age and general state of health,,,the size of the goiter and the ability to obtain follow-up care.,30,甲状腺疾病英文版,TreatmentAntithyroid drugs , r,Partial or complete thyroidectomy,may be carried out as primary treatment .,The type and extent,of the surgery depend on the diagnosis, goal of surgery , and prognosis.,31,甲状腺疾病英文版,Partial or complete thyroidect,Surgical Indications,A very large goiter,or a multinodular goiter with relatively low radioactive iodine uptake,Malignant,thyroid nodule,Psychologically or mentally incompetent,patients,32,甲状腺疾病英文版,Surgical IndicationsA very lar,Surgery,A portion of the thyroid gland is removed, but a total thyroidectomy may be performed,(expensive, risks).,Indications for subtotal thyroidectomy : the main advantages are,rapid control,of the disease and,a lower incidence,of,hypothyroidism,than can be achieved with radioiodine treatment.,33,甲状腺疾病英文版,SurgeryA portion of the thyroi,Surgery,If a,partial thyroidectomy,is done , the remaining thyroid tissue should provide adequate amounts of thyroid hormones.,If a,complete thyroidectomy,is done, the client will require thyroid hormone replacement for a lifetime.,34,甲状腺疾病英文版,SurgeryIf a partial thyroidect,The neck is extended and a symmetrical, gently curved incision is made 1 to 2 cm above the clavicle,(锁骨),.,Closure of the wound is accomplished by the strap muscles in the midline. A small suction catheter is usually inserted through a stab wound,.,35,甲状腺疾病英文版,The neck is extended and a sym,Complications after surgery,Dyspnea , asphyxia,Injury of laryngeal nerve,Spasms,Thyroid crisis,(甲状腺危象),36,甲状腺疾病英文版,Complications after surgeryDy,Haemorrhage,Haematoma,(,血肿),formation,Tracheal collapse,(气管塌陷),Tracheal mucous accumulation,Laryngeal or local tissue edema,Cause,37,甲状腺疾病英文版,HaemorrhageCause37甲状腺疾病英文版,Complications after surgery,Respiratory distress and haemorrhage.,Difficulty in respiration,which is the,occurs within,after the surgery .,most critical complication,48 hours,38,甲状腺疾病英文版,Complications after surgery R,Management,Surgical evacuation is required.,The first aid,by the bed,A. cut off the suture,B. opened the wound wide,C. removed the hematoma,The trachea is cut , apply oxygen,Send to the operation room for further treatment.,39,甲状腺疾病英文版,Management Surgical evacuation,Preventive interventions,A tracheostomy set,(,气管切开包),is kept at the patients bedside at all times , and the surgeon is summoned at the first indication of respiratory distress.,40,甲状腺疾病英文版,Preventive interventionsA tra,Injury of laryngeal nerve,Any,voice,changes are noted because they might indicate injury to the,recurrent laryngeal nerve,(喉返神经), which lies just behind the thyroid next to the trachea.,Talk as little as possible.,Can be cured spontaneously, or by physical therapy.,41,甲状腺疾病英文版,Injury of laryngeal nerveAny v,Spasm,The parathyroid glands may be injured or removed disturbance of the calcium metabolism of the body blood calcium level falls spasms of the hands and feet and muscular twitching,“tetany”,laryngospasm,42,甲状腺疾病英文版,Spasm The parathyroid glands,Management,Temporary,Limit taking of meat , eggs which are high in phosphorus,(磷),Use of the sedative to control the pain,Intravenous administration of calcium gluconate,葡萄糖酸钙,43,甲状腺疾病英文版,ManagementTemporary43甲状腺疾病英文版,Thyroid crisis (storm),Reason:,insufficient preoperative preparation , a release of large amounts of thyroid hormone , rare,Outcome:,can lead to cardiac, hepatic or renal failure.,Stressful factors:,surgery , infection or trauma, pregnancy .,44,甲状腺疾病英文版,Thyroid crisis (storm)Reason:,Time of occurring :,the first 12 hours postoperative.,Clinical manifestation:,Tachycardia (,130 bmp),T,39, sometimes,41,Exaggerated symptoms of hyperthyroidism,Disturbances of a major system,45,甲状腺疾病英文版,Time of occurring : the first,Gastrointestinal,(diarrhea, abdominal pain),Neurologic,(psychosis, somnolence, coma),Cardiovascular,(edema, chest pain, dyspnea, palpitations),46,甲状腺疾病英文版,Gastrointestinal 46甲状腺疾病英文版,Fatalness:,The client may develop congestive heart failure and die .,Preventions:,The key is to do the,preoperative preparation sufficiently, and perform the surgery until the,BMR,become,normal,.,47,甲状腺疾病英文版,Fatalness: The client may deve,Medical Management,The physician,must be informed immediately .,Transfer the patient to the,intensive care,for closer monitoring,Iodine is administered to decrease,the,output of thyroid hormone . Take KI solution,3ml,orally , or put,10% iodine sodium 5ml,into in,10% glucose, and give iv injection to the patient .,48,甲状腺疾病英文版,Medical ManagementThe physicia,甲状腺疾病英文版培训课件,Oxygen therapy :,Humidified oxygen is administered to improve tissue oxygenation and meet the high metabolic demands,Cardiac problems :,arterial fibrillation, and congestive heart failure,sympatholytic agents may be administered,such as propranolol,(,心得安,),50,甲状腺疾病英文版,Oxygen therapy : Humidified ox,Preoperative care,Perfect preoperative care,Baseline information,Pharmacologic therapy,Mental support,Nutrition,Instruction,51,甲状腺疾病英文版,Preoperative carePerfect preop,Pharmacologic therapy,It is necessary for surgical treatment, but it,can not act as a therapuetic medication,.,Encourages the patient to take the medications as prescribed .,Iodine preparations may have been prescribed,10 to 14 days before surgery,to decrease thyroid vascularity and decrease bleeding .,52,甲状腺疾病英文版,Pharmacologic therapyIt is ne,2 to 5 drops,of,potassium iodide solution,(,复方碘化钾,),or,Lugols iodine solution,(,卢戈氏液,),are given in conjunction with,propylthiouracil,(,丙基硫尿嘧啶,),to decrease the friability and vascularity of the thyroid, it should be applied until the,time of operation,and the patient became,euthyroid,.,.,53,甲状腺疾病英文版,2 to 5 drops of potassium iod,Requirement :,euthyroid,Patients mood is steady , the sleep takes a favorable turn, gain weight , pulse rate 90 times /min , Basic Metabolism Rate +20%.,情绪稳定、睡眠正常、体重增加、心跳正常、代谢恢复,54,甲状腺疾病英文版,Requirement : euthyroid 54甲状腺疾,Nutrition,Several well-balanced meals of small amount, even up to six meals a day.,Highly seasoned foods and stimulants, such as coffee, tea , cola, and alcohol are discouraged.,High-calorie, high-protein foods are,encouraged.,55,甲状腺疾病英文版,NutritionSeveral well-balanced,Preoperative teaching,How to,support the neck,with the hands after surgery to prevent stress on the incision.,Eye care and protection,may become necessary , correct instillation of eye drops or ointment prescribed to soothe the eyes and protect the exposed cornea.,56,甲状腺疾病英文版,Preoperative teachingHow to su,Postoperative care,Position,Observation,Oxygen,Nutrition,Medication,Health instruction,57,甲状腺疾病英文版,Postoperative carePosition57甲状,Observation,Cardiac and respiratory function,are assessed by measuring vital signs and cardiac output, ECG monitor, arterial blood gases.,Surgical dressing,are assessed periodically and reinforced when necessary, especially at the back of the neck for bleeding.,58,甲状腺疾病英文版,Observation Cardiac and respir,If there is,a drain, approximately of drainage is expected at the,1st day,.,If there is,no drainage, the drain must be checked for,50 ml,links or obstruction,59,甲状腺疾病英文版,If there is a drain , approxim,Laryngeal nerve :,The nurse should encourage voice test for,48 hours,postoperatively with voice checks every,2 to 4 hours,to make certain there is no laryngeal nerve damage.,60,甲状腺疾病英文版,Laryngeal nerve : The nurse sh,Nutrition,Intravenous fluids,are administered during the immediate postoperative period;,water,may be given by mouth as soon as nausea subsides.,Cold fluids,and,ice,may be taken better than hot fluids.,No difficulty in swallowing ,soft diet,.,61,甲状腺疾病英文版,Nutrition Intravenous fluids,Medications,KI (potassium iodine),should be taken,3 times a day,16 drops,each time, reduce,1 drop,day by day, until the condition being steady.,Sedative,are administered as prescribed for pain .,62,甲状腺疾病英文版,Medications KI (potassium iodi,Health instruction,K,nowledgeable about the,signs and,symptoms of complications,that may occur.,iodine,63,甲状腺疾病英文版,Health instructionKnowledgeabl,


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