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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Process FMEA,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,What is a Process FMEA?,什么是程序,FEMA?,A systemized group of activities intended to:,一个系统化,团队,:,Recognize and evaluate the potential failure of a process and its effects,确定和评价过程的潜在失效和后果,Identify actions that could eliminate or reduce the chance of the potential failure occurring,确定可以消除或减少潜在失效发生机会的措施,Document the process - it defines what a process must do to satisfy a customer,把以上的措施规定下来并标准化操作,JIS,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Purpose of PFMEAs,PFMEAs,的目的,To identify potential failure modes and rate the severity of their effects,确定有哪些潜在失效模式和其后果严重性,To identify Critical Characteristics,确定评价特性,To rank order potential process deficiencies,确定潜在过程缺陷的等级,To focus on eliminating process concerns and help prevent problems from occurring,注意消除装配过程的缺陷和防止问题发生,Quality check standard,Standardized inspection,In process validation,Andon system,GMS,DFMEA / PFMEA,KCDS ( KPC / PQC),Design for 6 sigma,DFM/A,CPIT,Red X,Kepner Trago,PFMEA RPN Top 5,Suggestion schemes,Quality circles,为什么要使用,PFMEA,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Customers of FMEAs,FMEAs,的顾客,The customer for a Process FMEA is normally seen as the “End User”.,1.,过程,FMEA,的顾客通常被视为“最终用户”,也指车辆的最终用户。,However, customers can also be any subsequent or downstream manufacturing or assembly operation, as well as a service operation.,2.,但,也可以是后续的或下一制造或装配工序,以及服务工作,。,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,When is a PFMEA Completed?,PFMEA,什么时候完成,The PFMEA is a living document and must be updated whenever significant changes in the manufacturing or assembly process occur,PFMEA,当:,零件设计基本完成;,基本操作已经了解;,相关操作流程已经明确;,就可以制定,PFMEA,,原则上越早越好。,PFMEA,同时还是一个动态的文件,在制造和装配过程中发生任何显著变化时,文就可件必须更新。,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,The FMEA Form:,FMEA,表格,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Heading:,提纲,1.,FMEA Number - The number used for tracking,FMEA,编号 - 跟踪用的号码,2.,Item - The number of the System, subsystem, or component being,analyzed,项目 - 填入所分析的系统,子系统或零件的安装过程名称。,3.,Process Responsibility - OEM, department, group,过程责任 - 整车厂(,OEM),,部门和小组,4.,Prepared by - Name, department, telephone number,编制者 - 姓名,部门,电话号码,5.,Model Year(s)/Vehicle(s) - Intended model years and vehicle lines,年型/车型 - 已知的年型和车型,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Heading (contd):,提纲,6.,Key Date - Initial PFMEA due date - cannot exceed the SOP date,关键日期 - 初次,PFMEA,预定完成的日期 - 不应超过计划开始生产的日期,7.,FMEA Date - Date the original PFMEA was compiled and latest,revision date,FMEA,日期 - 编制,FMEA,原始的日期及最新修订的日期,8.,Core Team - Names and departments of responsible individuals,which have authority to identify and/or perform tasks,核心小组 - 有权确定和/或执行任务的责任部门和个人姓名,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,9.,Process Function/Requirements,过程功能/要求,A description of the process or,operation being analyzed,(i.e. turning, boring, tapping,welding, assembly.,简单描述被分析的过程或工序(如车,钻,攻丝,焊接,装配),注意尽量一个过程只包含一个操作;不要使用比如先装*零件、再装*零件、最后安装*零件这类描述。,Indicate as precisely as,possible.,尽可能确切的说明(比如装配时使用的零件数量、装配时使用的工具型号、相关的扭矩信息等),Process FMEA,PlanTech, Inc.,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,10.,Potential Failure Mode,潜在失效模式,The manner in which the process could fail to meet the process,requirements,所谓潜在失效模式是指过程可能发生的不满足过程要求和/或设计意图的形式。,It is a description of the non-conformance at the specific operation,是对某具体工序不符合要求的描述,Assume incoming parts are correct,假定提供的零件/材料是合格的。,List each potential failure mode. Assume the failure could occur but may not necessarily occur.,列出每一个潜在失效模式。假设这种失效可能发生,但不一定非得发生。,How can the process fail to meet specifications?,过程/零件怎么不能满足规范?,What would a customer consider objectionable?,顾客会提出什么异议?,Process FMEA,PlanTech, Inc.,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,10.,Potential Failure Mode (Contd),潜在失效,模式,Typical Failure Modes:,典型的失效模式,同一工位有类似的零件,错装,错误的零件(选装错),漏装零件,/,漏操作,零件安装方向错误,零件安装不到位,错误的扭矩,零件损坏,破坏,危险,/,难安装,错误的工具(工位上有类似的工具但扭矩不一),错误的工装,夹具,零件污染,Process FMEA,PlanTech, Inc.,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,11.,Potential Effects of Failure:,潜在失效,后果,The effects of failure on the next customer(s). Remember, the customer is the next operation, subsequent operations, or the end user. Each must be considered.,指失效模式对顾客的影响。应该记住,顾客可以是下一道工序,后序工序或最终用户。这些都是必须考虑到的。,Typical Effects of Failure:,典型的失效后果,End User,最终用户,Downstream Operations,后续工序,Noise,噪声,Broken tap,龙头破损,Unstable,不稳定,Cannot fasten,无法紧固,Rough,粗糙,Cannot complete assembly,无法安装到位,Poor appearance,外观不良,Does not connect,不连接,Impaired operation,功能欠缺,Warranty issue,售后问题,Unpleasant odor,异味,Endangers operator,危害操作者,Process FMEA,PlanTech, Inc.,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Process FMEA,PlanTech, Inc.,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,12.,Severity,严重度,An assessment of the seriousness of the effect of the Potential Failure Mode to the customer,是指潜在失效模式对顾客的影响后果的严重程序的评价指标,Severity applies to effect only,严重度仅适用于失效的后果,Severity is estimated on a “1” to “10” scale,严重度评估分为“1”和“10”级,当对下道工序和对最终用户产生的后果严重不一致时,选取严重度高的,Process FMEA,PlanTech, Inc.,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,13.,Classification,分级,This column is used to classify any special process characteristics (KPC, KCC) for components, subsystems or systems that may require additional process controls,本栏目是用来对需要附加过程控制的零部件,子系统或系统的一些特殊过程特性(,KPC,KCC),进行分级的。,These characteristics may affect safe vehicle operation, product function, compliance with government regulation or customer satisfaction and may require special manufacturing,这些特性会影响到车辆操作安全,产品功能,符合政府规范或客户满意度,且需要特殊制造,。,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,14.,Potential Cause(s)/Mechanism(s) of Failure,潜在失效起因/机理,How the failure could occur. It is described as something that can be corrected or controlled,指失效是怎么发生的,并依据可以纠正或控制的原则来描述。,Only specific errors should be listed. Avoid ambiguous phrases such as “operator error” or “machine malfunction”.,列表时应明确记录具体的错误或操作情况,应避免使用含糊不清的词语(如:操作者错误机器工作不正常),Assume in-coming parts are correct,假设零件没有问题,Typical causes,:,典型原因,员工失误,未按,SOS/JIS,进行操作 比如环境光线暗,操作时看不清楚,设备,/,工具故障比如踏板低,操作费力未能装到位,设计失误,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,15.,Occurrence,频度,How frequently the failure cause/mechanism will occur.,指具体的失效起因/机理发生的频率。,Only occurrences resulting in the failure mode should be considered,只有导致相应失效模式的发生,才能考虑分级。,Use historical data, if available. If historical data is unavailable use a subjective assessment.,若可获得的话,用历史性数据.若无法获得历史数据,则用客观或经验评价。,Occurrence is estimated on a “1” to “10” scale,可以分“1”到“10”级来估计频度的大小。,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,16.,Current Process Controls,现行过程控制预防,Prevent to the extent possible the failure mode from occurring or detect the failure mode should it occur.,是对尽可能阻止失效模式的发生,或者探测降发生的失效模式的控制的描述,Types of controls:,控制方法,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,16.,Current Process Controls (checking,),现行过程控制检查,Examples of process controls:,过程控制检查举例:,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,17.,Detection,不易探测度,An assessment that the proposed Type (2) controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism or the probability the Type (3) controls will detect the failure mode before a part leaves the manufacturing operation or assembly location.,指在零部件离开制造工序或装配工位之前,第二种现行过程控制方法找出失效起因/机理过程缺陷的可能性的评价指标; 或者用第三种过程控制方法找出后续发生的失效模式的可能性的评价指标。,Only detection type controls are ranked,不易探测度控制方法分级。,Detection is estimated on a “1” to “10” scale,评价指标分“1”到“10”级。,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,18.,Risk Priority Number,风险顺序,Product of Severity (S), Occurrence (O), and Detection (D),严重度数(,S),频度数(,O),和不易探测度数(,D),RPN = (S) x (O) x (D),The RPN has no value. The RPN should be used to rank the potential process weaknesses for consideration of recommended actions.,RPN,不代表什么特定值,它只是个数字;,RPN,应用来作潜在过程缺陷分级,换句话理解,,RPN,数值越大,说明这个缺陷发生的可能性,/,危害性就越高。,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,19.,Recommended Actions,建议措施,Rank order the Failure Modes by RPN. Develop corrective action plans for the highest ranked concerns.,用,RPN,排出各个失效模式的先后顺序,建立针对,RPN,较高失效模式的纠正措施计划(建议对,RPN,超过,100,的采取纠正措施),Consider the following:,应考虑以下措施,:,Keep recommended actions simple,简单的推荐措施,High severities (9 or 10), even with a low RPN to to be addressed,高严重度(9或10),虽然,RPN,较低,If recommended action is not required, enter “None” in the,column,若推荐措施并不需要,在栏中写上“无”,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,20.,Responsibility and Target Completion Date,责任和目标实现日期,The person responsible for the recommended action and the target completion date,负责推荐措施和目标实现日期的个人,21.,Action Taken,采取的措施,After the recommended action has been implemented, enter a brief description of the action and the effective date,当实施一项措施后,简要记载具体的执行情况,并记下生效日期,22.,Resulting RPN,纠正后的,RPN,After recommended actions have been,“IDENTIFIED”,estimate and record the resulting severity, occurrence, and detection rankings.,当明确了纠正措施后,估算并记录纠正后的频度,严重度和不易探测度数。,Calculate and record the resulting RPN.,计算并记录纠正后的,RPN,值。,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Summary:,总结,To reduce Severity,减少严重度,A design or process revision is required,所需要的设计或程序,To reduce Occurrence:,减少频度,Remove or control causes through prevention techniques,通过防止技术减少或控制起因,Process FMEA,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,过程,FMEA,失效模式及后果分析,Summary (Contd),总结,Recommended Actions - order of priority,推荐措施 - 优先级次序,Prevent the cause or failure mode from occurring,防止失效模式或起因的发生,Detect the cause and lead to corrective action,发现起因并组织纠错,Detect the failure mode,发现失效模式,谢谢观看,/,欢迎下载,BY FAITH I MEAN A VISION OF GOOD ONE CHERISHES AND THE ENTHUSIASM THAT PUSHES ONE TO SEEK ITS FULFILLMENT REGARDLESS OF OBSTACLES. 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