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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Writing style counts,tips on passage construction,文风与技巧,-,构建优秀作文之关键,March,2008,By Ye,Zaitian,Todays homework:,在英语课堂上,教师授课只用英语,还是英语、汉语兼用?请你就此,参考所给要点,,选择一种授课方式,发表看法。,词数:,120,左右。,(,浙江卷,2007,),授课方式之一:授课方式之二:,只用英语 英语,汉语兼用,优点:,有助于听说能力,等,;,优点:,易于理解,等,缺点:,英语气氛欠浓厚,等,缺点:,不易听懂,等,结论:,结论:,开头已经写好:,I prefer my English classes to be taught in,Homework for last lecture:,上网交友,人们对于网上交友持不同意见。请根据下表提示,用英语写一篇短文,并说明自己的看法。,赞 成 反 对 你的看法,.,1,广交朋友;,1,浪费时间;?,2,表达思想;,2,影响学习;,3,学习英语。,3,上当受骗。,注意:,1,文章必须包含全部内容;,2,词数:,110-120,。,3,参考词汇:网络朋友:,on-line friend,(13),班,:,朱雨岑,Making online friends is becoming increasingly popular nowadays.However,people hold different views,towards this matter,.,Some think that we can make friends with people of different countries from different backgrounds since the Internet,provides,us,with,a,relatively relaxing environment,where we are allowed to give various opinions freely.In addition,our foreign language learning would rapidly improve if your friend could frequently communicate with you in English.(,未完,),Others,on the contrary,regard,it,as,a waste of time.They are,concerned with,the negative effects that might produce on our normal studies.Worst of all,some are most likely to,get cheated,.,Personally,I believe that getting to know e-pals,is of great value,as long as we could,restrict,our spare time and,distinguish,right,from,wrong.(,完,),(14),班 倪迪杭,An argument took place about whether it is proper for teenagers to make online friends.My classmates,react to,the topic in different ways.,The majority believe that making online friends has more advantages than disadvantages.First of all,through,the Internet we could,get to know,more friends,making it possible,to share freely our thoughts and ideas.What is more,not only can,we communicate in Chinese,but also in English,which,definitely,contribute,much,to,improving our language learning.(,未完,),However,others,hold the opposite opinion,.They say that staying in touch with online friends will cost much of time,which will produce,negative effects,on our school life.What is worse,an increasing number of,swindles,(,骗局,),do happen,unexpectedly on the Internet nowadays.,Personally,I agree with,the former viewpoint,.It has a few shortcomings,though,making online friends will,benefit us,more,-,as time goes on.(,完,),Passage 1 by,章天怡,:,Recently,we have made a survey about whether it is,beneficial,to make friends on the Internet.Since every coin has two sides,answers are different.,Some people find it interesting,for they can make friends with people,from different backgrounds.,While,chatting on,line,they have a strong feeling that they are allowed to fully and freely express themselves.Besides,since communication has no boundary,making friends with foreigners will,contribute to,their foreign language learning.,However,others do hold the opposite opinion.(,未完,),They say that spending too much time online means a waste of time,thus having a negative effect on study.Whats more,those,who are too immature to distinguish good from bad,will easily be taken in by the“sweet words”.,As we know,confining oneself in an ivory tower will make it hard to communicate with others in,the,Information Age,so we should take advantages of the Internet with a right attitude and a clever mind.So I think it is quite necessary for us to make friends online.,(,完),1 More,concisely,简洁地,:,Recently we had a heated discussion,about whether its good or not to make friends on line,?.,Some students hold the view that it extremely,benefits us,by allowing us,to make friends,from different,and various,backgrounds so,that we can equip ourselves with the latest(,未完,),which is becoming so popular among young people.,as we are allowed,information to keep up with the,fast,pace of the,?,world.What is more,it also makes it,possible for us to exchange ideas freely and,even,grasp,English,better,by,applying it to,our daily conversation.,improve,practicing,rapidly,/,effectively,changing,if you keeps on using the language.,However,on the other hand,There are also,critics,about it.Others think,it,wastes our,valuable time,which we should have,spent in,studying,with the result that our study is,?,affected.In addition,we may be,even,taken,in,if we cannot make a definite distinction between truth and lies.,seriously,devoted to,most likely,criticisms/arguments,is a waste of time,As far as I am concerned,I am in,favour,of,the first idea.,Because,only by making more,friends online,can we enrich our experience,and have a better sense of,?,ourselves.,responsibility of,b,2 More,idiomatically,符合语言习惯地,:,1 On the other hand,making online friends may cost us lots of time,and make,a bad effect on our study.,On the other hand,making online friends may cost us lots of time,producing/cast,a bad effect on our study.,2 Therefore,making,a lot of online friends,has no benefits,for teenagers.,-,Therefore,getting,to know a lot of online,friends,contributes little,to,teenagers.,Intermediate,中级的,choice of wor


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