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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,一、中国朝代的那些事儿,中华文明,Chinese civilization,文明摇篮,cradle of civilization,华夏祖先,the Chinese ancestors,秦始皇帝,First Emperor, Emperor Chin,皇太后,Empress Dowager,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇一、中国朝代的那些事儿,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,汉高祖刘邦,founder of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD),成吉思汗,Genghis Khan ; Temujin,夏朝,Xia Dynasty,明清两代,(of) Ming and Qing dynasties,朝廷使者,royal court envoy,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇汉高祖刘邦 founder of t,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,二、中国那些易错的地名,四川,Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan,陝西,Shaanxi,这两个地名是经常弄错的呦,而且写法也不同于拼音哦,请注意!,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇二、中国那些易错的地名,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,三、四大发明的英文说法,四大发明,the four great inventions of ancient China,火药,gunpowder,印刷术,printing,造纸术,paper-making,指南针,the compass,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇三、四大发明的英文说法,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,五,、汉语的那些秘密,汉字,Chinese character,单音节,single syllable,汉语四声调,the four tones of Chinese characters,阳平,level tone,阴平,rising tone,上声,falling-rising tone,去声,falling tone,五言绝句,five-character quatrain,七言律诗,seven-character octave,八股文,eight-part essay; stereotyped writing,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇五、汉语的那些秘密,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,六,、课本中的四,书,五经你忘了嘛?,四书五经,The Four Books and The Five Classics,1,、四书,the Four Books,大学,The Great Learning,中庸,The Doctrine of the Mean,论语,The Analects of Confucius,孟子,The Mencius/The Works of Mencius,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇六、课本中的四书五经你忘了嘛?,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,2,、,五经,The Five Classics,春秋,the Spring and Autumn Annals,诗经,The Books of Songs; The Book of Odes,易经(周易),I Ching; The Book of Changes,礼记,The Book of Rites,尚书 (,书,经),The Books of History,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇2、五经The Five Clas,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,七,、假期霸屏的那些中国四大名著,三国演义,Three Kingdoms,西游记,Journey to the West;,Pilgrimage to the West,水浒传,Heroes of the Marshes;,Tales of the Water Margin,红楼梦,Dream of the Red Mansions,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇七、假期霸屏的那些中国四大名著,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,八,、那些我们耳熟能详的经典作品,史记,Historical Records,资治通鉴,History as a Mirror;,Comprehensive History Retold as a,Mirror for Rulers,山海经,The Classic of Mountains and Rivers,孝经,Book of Filial Piety,孙子兵法,The Art of War,三字经,The Three-Character Scripture;,The Three-Word Chant,西厢记,The Romance of West Chamber,聊斋志异,Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio;,Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇八、那些我们耳熟能详的经典作品,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,九,、近现代大师的佳作,围城,Fortress Besieged,阿,Q,正传,The True Story of Ah Q,吾国吾民,My Country and My People,京华烟云,Moment in Peking,骆驼祥子,Rickshaw/James,茶馆,Teahouse,边城,The Border Town,倾城之恋,Love in a Fallen City,十八春 (倾城之恋),Eighteen Springs,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇九、近现代大师的佳作,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十,、中华文化遗产拾珠,重要文化遗产,major cultural heritage,优秀民间艺术,outstanding folk arts,文物,cultural relics,中国画,traditional Chinese painting,书,法,calligraphy,水墨画,Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting,工笔,traditional Chinese realistic painting,中国结,Chinese knot,旗袍,Cheongsam,中山装,Chinese tunic suit,唐装,traditional Chinese garments (clothing),,,Tang suit,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十、中华文化遗产拾珠,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十,一、艺术相关词汇怎么说,文人,men of letters,雅士,refined scholars,表演艺术,performing art,现代流行艺术,popular art, pop art,纯艺术,high art,高雅艺术,refined art,电影艺术,cinematographic art,戏剧艺术,theatrical art,才子佳人,gifted scholars and beautiful ladies,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十一、艺术相关词汇怎么说,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十,二、国粹里的那些,“,术语,”,生,(,男性正面角色,) male (the positive male role),旦,(,女性正面角色,) female (the positive female role),净,(,性格鲜明的男性配角,) a supporting male role with striking character,丑,(,幽默滑稽或反面角色,) a clown or a negative role,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十二、国粹里的那些“术语”,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十,二、国粹里的那些,“,术语,”,花脸,painted role,歌舞喜剧,musical,滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头,shtick,滑稽短剧,skit,京剧人物脸谱,Peking Opera Mask,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十二、国粹里的那些“术语”,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十三,、中国的那些戏剧文化,皮影戏,shadow play; leather-silhouette,show,说,书,story-telling,叠罗汉,make a human pyramid,折子戏,opera highlights,踩高跷,stilt walk,哑剧,pantomime; mime,哑剧演员,pantomimist,戏剧小品,skit,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十三、中国的那些戏剧文化,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十三,、中国的那些戏剧文化,马戏,circus show,单口相声,monologue comic talk, standup comedy,特技表演,stunt,相声,witty dialogue comedy, comic cross talk,杂技,acrobatics,京韵大鼓,the traditional story-telling in Beijing,dialect with drum accompaniment,秦腔,Shaanxi opera,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十三、中国的那些戏剧文化,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十四,、那些中国特有的绝技,&,瑰宝,习武健身,practice martial art for fitness,气功,qigong, deep breathing exercises,篆刻,seal cutting upriteous,工艺,手艺,workmanship / craftsmanship,卷轴,scroll,蜡染,batik,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十四、那些中国特有的绝技&瑰宝,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十四,、那些中国特有的绝技,&,瑰宝,泥人,clay figure,漆画,lacquer painting,唐三彩,Trio-colored glazed pottery of the,Tang Dynasty,景泰蓝,cloisonn,文房四宝,The four stationery treasures of the Chinese study - a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十四、那些中国特有的绝技&瑰宝,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十五,、中国传统文化,民间传说,folklores,寓言,fable,传说,legend,神话,mythology,古为今用,洋为中用,make the past serve the present and the foreign serve china,赋诗,inscribe a poem,对对联,matching an antithetical couplet,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十五、中国传统文化,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十六,、中国天干地支等,阳历,solar calendar,公历,Gregorian calendar,阴历,lunar calendar,天干,heavenly stem,地支,earthly branch,闰年,leap year,二十四节气,the twenty-four solar terms,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十六、中国天干地支等,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十七、,中国年,&,那些传统节日,十二生肖,the twelve Chinese zodiac signs,本命年,ones year of birth considered in relation to the,12 Terrestrial Branches,传统节日,traditional holidays,春节,the Spring Festival,元宵节,the Lantern Festival (15th day of the first lunar,month),四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十七、中国年&那些传统节日,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇,十七、,中国年,&,那些传统节日,清明节,the Pure Brightness Festival /,the Tomb-sweeping Day,(April the 5th),端午节,the Dragon Boat Festival,(5th of the fifth lunar month),中秋节,the Moon Festival /,the Mid-Autumn,Day,(15th of the eight lunar month),重阳节,the Double Ninth Day,/ the Aged Day,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇十七、中国年&那些传统节日,2015.06四级翻译,在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。长期以来,大米在中国人的饮食中占据很重要的地位,以至于有谚语说,“,巧妇难为无米之炊,”,。中国南方大多种植水稻,人们通常以大米为主食,;,而华北大部分地区由于过于寒冷或过于干燥无法种植水稻,那里的主要作物是小麦。在中国,有些人用面粉做面包,但大多数人用面粉做馒头和面条。,2015.06四级翻译在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切,In the eyes of the western, the basic food closest to China is rice. Rice has long occupied so significant a position in the diet of Chinese that there is a proverb,“ Even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice,”. Rice is grown mostly in southern China where people usually take rice as their staple food, while it cannot be planted in northern China where the climate is either too cold or too dry for rice to grow. As a result, the main crop in the north is wheat. In China, flour is sometimes the main ingredient for bread but more often used to make buns and noodles,。,第一句,简单句,;,第二句如此以至于结构,“so. that,注意,so,的用法,直接接,adj.,或,adv,。第三句南北对比,可以用,while,或,whereas,连接,最后一句也是对比句,主语,people,是比较泛的大主语,考虑改写为被动句。,In the eyes of the western, th,点评:,1.,词汇点评:本篇翻译中国特有的词汇考查较多,比如大米和水稻(,rice,)、小麦(,wheat,)、面粉(,flour,)、馒头(,steamed bread,)、面条(,noodles,)。,2.,谚语考察:这是今年最难的一句话,因为上下文限制,最恰当的翻译必须翻出,rice,,这就意味着不能意译,但是“巧妇”的处理需要稍加解释(,clever housewife,)。,3.,语法考查:最高级、无主句、对比关系(两处)等考察也是年年必考,同学们备考时这些语法点要多加练习。,点评:,中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现在世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其实包括到,2020,年建成一个太空站。目前,中国是世界上最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。,2011,年,中国超越日本成为第二大经济体。,中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现在世界基础的许多元素都起,参考范文,1,China is one of the oldest cultures in the world, from which much that constructs the foundation of the modern world is derived. China is witnessing the fastest development of its economy and experiencing a new industrial revolution. Also, China has started the ambitious program for exploring the outer space, including to complete a space station by 2020. Currently, being one of the largest exporters in the world, China is attracting massive foreign investment. Simultaneously, it has invested billions of dollars overseas. In 2011, China surpassed Japan as the worlds second-largest economy,。,参考范文1China is one of the ol,参考范文,2,China is one of the worlds most ancient civilizations. Many elements that founded the modern world originated in China. China has the worlds fastest growing economy and is undergoing a new industrial revolution. China has also launched its ambitious space exploration plan, including building a space station by 2020. Now, China is one of the largest exporters in the world and is attracting a large number of foreign investment. Meanwhile, it has invested billions of dollars overseas. In 2011, China surpassed Japan and became the world second largest economy,。,参考范文2China is one of the worl,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇综述课件,据报道,今年在中国快递服务将递送,120,亿件包裹,这将使中国可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给教育百万在线,;,零售以及其竞争力的价格,销售商品的机会。仅在,11,月,11,日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了,90,亿美元的商品,中国有这样不少的特殊购物日。因此快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。,据报道,今年在中国快递服务将递送120亿,参考范文,1,According to reports, this year in China express delivery service will deliver 12000000000 packages, which will make China surpassed the United States as the worlds largest express market. Most of the items contained in the parcel were ordered online. China has given millions online to education; retail and its competitive prices, opportunities for selling goods. In November 11th alone, Chinese consumers bought $9000000000 from the largest shopping platform in China, with a lot of special shopping days for China. So the express industry in China is not surprising expansion.,参考范文1According to reports, t,参考范文,2,It is reported that Chinas express courier service will deliver about 12 billion packages this year. China could overtake the United States as the worlds largest express market. Most packages are for items ordered online. China provides opportunities to millions of online retailers to sell goods at very competitive prices. Only on November 11th, Chinese consumers bought $9 billion worth of goods from the nations largest shopping platform. There are many such special shopping days in China. Therefore, the expansion of express industry is not surprising at all.,参考范文2 It is reported th,点评:,词汇考查:今年这篇四级考察社会热点快递和网购,相关的热点词汇有,courier service,,,delivery,,,packages,,,online shopping,,,express industry,等。,2.,数字考察:数字翻译的考察从,2014,年,12,月份开始成为必考重点之一,特别是,million,和,billion,这两个数量级别的考察。,3.,句法考察:被动语态(据报道),最高级(最大的快递市场、最大的购物平台),因果关系等(因此)等。,点评:,环境保护是中国的一项基本国策。防治环境污染和生态破坏以及合理开发利用自然资源关系到国家的全局利益和长远发展。中华人民共和国宪法(,the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China,)规定:“国家保护和改善生活环境和生态环境,防治污染和其他公害。”“国家保障自然资源的合理利用,保护珍贵的动物和植物。禁止任何组织或者个人用任何手段侵占或者破坏自然资源。”,环境保护是中国的一项基本国策。防治环境污染和,Environmental protection is one of China,s basic state policy. The prevention and control of environmental pollution and ecological destruction, together with the rational exploitation and utilization of natural resources, is of vital importance to the country,s overall interests and long-term development. As the Constitution of the People,s Republic of China stipulates, the state protects and improves the living environment and the ecological environment. It prevents and controls pollution, as well as other public hazards. The constitution also makes it clear that the state ensures the rational use of natural resources and protects rare animals and plants. Appropriation or damage of natural resources by any organization or individual by whatever means is prohibited.,Environmental protectio,中国的互联网社区是全世界发展最快的。,2010,年,中国约有,4.2,亿网民,( netizen ),,且人数还在迅速增长。互联网的日渐流行带来了重大的社会变化。中国网民往往不同于美国网民。美国网民更多的是受实际需要的驱使,用互联网为工具发电子邮件、买卖商品、规划旅程或付款。中国网民更多是出于社交原因使用互联网,因而更广泛地使用,QQ,、聊天室等。,中国的互联网社区是全世界发展最快的。2010年,中国约有4.,本次四级翻译要求我们总共翻译三段共,6,句话,从词法的角度看,相对较容易,没有出现相对偏难的知识点,重点考查了下面这些功能性表达。,1.,互联网社区:,Internet community,2.,日渐流行:,increasingly popular/prevalent;,Increasing popularity,3.,受实际需要的驱使:,be driven by practical needs,4.,重大社会变革:,major social change;,significant social change,5.,不同于:,be different from; differ from. ; other than;,6.,规划旅程:,plan the journey;,付款:,pay for the bill; cover the cost,7.,出于:,for the purpose of.; out of .,8.,社交:,social contact; social intercourse,本次四级翻译要求我们总共翻译三段共6句话,从词,The internet community in China is developing at the fastest speed around the world. China has about 420 million netizens in 2010, and the number is still growing quickly. The increasing popularity of internet has produced the major social change. And netizens in China are often different from that of America. American netizens are more driven by practical needs, using the internet to send e-mails, buy and sell goods, plan the journey or pay for the bill. However, Chinese netizens are using internet for the purpose of social contact. Consequently, they are more widely using the QQ and chat-rooms and so on.,The internet community,大熊猫是一种温顺的动物,长着独特的黑白皮毛。因其数量极少,大熊猫已被列为濒危物种。大熊猫对于世界自然基金会有着特殊意义。自,1961,年该基金会成立以来,大熊猫就一直是它的徽标。大熊猫是熊科中最稀有的成员,主要生活在中国西南部的森林里。目前,世界上大约有,1000,只大熊猫。这些以竹为食的动物正面临许多威胁。因此,确保大熊猫的生存比以往更重要。,大熊猫是一种温顺的动物,长着独特的黑白皮毛。因其数量极少,大,The giant panda is a docile animal with unique black and white fur.,Bec,ause of their small number, giant pandas have been listed as an endangered species. The giant pandas are of special significance for WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Since the establishment in 1961, the fund has been using the giant panda as its logo. The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family. They mainly live in the forests of southwestern China. Currently, there are about 1,000 giant pandas in the world. The bamboo-eating animals are facing many threats. Therefore, to ensure the survival of the giant panda is more important than ever.,The giant panda is a doc,阅读的选词填空,30,个高频词,1. competition n.,竞争,比赛,2. exception n.,例外,除外,3. issue n.,问题,/ v.,发行,发布,4. phenomenon n.,现象,事件,5. recession n.,经济衰退,不景气,6. resource n.,资源,物力,7. result n.,结果,/ v.,产生,8. survey n. / v.,调查,9. variety n.,多样,种类,10. worth n.,财富,价值,/ adj.,值得的,阅读的选词填空30个高频词1. competition n.,阅读的选词填空,30,个高频词,11. adapt v.,适应,12. analyze v.,分析,13. cause n.,原因,理由,/ v.,成为的原因,导致,14. determine v.,决定,确定,15. invest v.,投资,花费,16. involve v.,包含,牵涉,17. maintain v.,保持,保养,18. range v.,把分类,范围从(与,from,连用),19. reduce v.,减少,缩小,20. specialize v.,专门从事,专攻(与,in,连用),阅读的选词填空30个高频词11. adapt v. 适应,阅读的选词填空,30,个高频词,21. available adj.,可获得的,有空的,22. average adj.,平常的,平均的,/ n.,平均水平,23. domestic adj.,家庭的,国内的,24. excessive adj.,过度的,极度的,25. particular adj.,特别的,详细的,26. suitable adj.,合适的,适当的,27. total adj.,总计的(金额等),/ n.,总计,总数,28. especially adv.,尤其地,29. really adv.,真,真正,30. increasingly adv.,越来越多地,阅读的选词填空30个高频词21. available adj,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇综述课件,中国有句说法,:,不去长城看一看或没有品尝北京,烤鸭,(Beijing Roast Duck),都不算来过北京。如果你想更多地了解中国菜系、文化和习俗,北京烤鸭作为著名的、拥有悠久历史的,美食,是绝佳的选择。供应烤鸭的两大最著名的餐厅是便宜坊,(Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant),和全聚德。这两家餐厅都有,100,多年的历史了。 品尝烤鸭的真正方式是这样的,:,首先拿起一片小薄饼,抹上甜面酱,(sweet bean sauce),加点葱段,再加几片鸭肉,最后将饼卷起来,咬上一口。你会为这种美味而感到惊奇的。,中国有句说法:不去长城看一看或没有品尝北京烤鸭(Beijin,词句点拨,1.,中国有句说法,:,可译为,According to a Chinese saying,或,There is a saying in China,。,2.,不算来过北京,:,可理解为“游玩北京不完整”,故可译为,novisit to Beijing is complete,。,3.,绝佳的选择,:,可译为,an excellent choice,。,4.,卷起来,:,可译为,roll-up,。,5.,咬上一口,:,译为,take a bite,。,词句点拨1.中国有句说法:可译为According to a,According to a Chinese saying, no visit to Beijing is complete if you miss seeing the Great Wall or dining on Beijing Roast Duck. As a famous and delicious food with a very long history, Beijing Roast Duck is an excellent choice if you want to know more about Chinese cuisine, culture and customs. The two most famous restaurants that serve Beijing Roast Duck are Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant and Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant.,According to a Chines,. Both have a history of over one hundred years. The way to really enjoy the Roast Duck is as follows: first take one piece of the small, thin pancakes provided, spread it with sweet bean sauce, add small slices of spring onions and then some pieces of duck. Finally roll up the pancake and take a bite. You will be surprised by the terrific taste!,. Both have a history of over,请将下面这段话,翻译,成英文:,那些保持适应性情绪控制状态的人,把逆境看作是暂时性的,相信困难应该会过去的。在一项危机中,他们很好地调整自己,坚信控制来源于激励的行动而非控制反应。他们不会受到紧张或痛苦情绪的惊吓,;,他们采取有效的应对策略,例如取得亲朋的支持和自我的述说。研究表明那些拥有高情商的人处理创伤性,(traumatic),事件时很少会有负面心理问题。,请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 那些保持适,Those who maintain an adaptive state of emotional control regard adversity as temporary and have the belief that,“,This shall pass.,”,In a crisis, they well adjust themselves and firmly believe that the control comes from inspired action rather than controlling reaction. They are not terrified by intense or painful emotions; they employ effective coping strategies, such as obtaining support from relatives and friends, and self-talk. The study indicates that individuals with a high emotional intelligence handle traumatic events with rare negative psychological problems.,Those who maintain an,在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用红色或其他喜庆的颜色,(festive color),来包装,但白色或黑色不适宜用于此。当你将礼物递出去时,收礼者,(recipient),可能会礼貌谢绝。在情况下试着将礼物再,-,次送出去。通常收礼者在客人离开之后才打开礼物。此外,送礼还有些禁忌,(taboo),如给夫妻送伞就不合适,因为中文里“伞”与“散”同音。,在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用,In China, we should consider the specific situation and occasion when presenting gifts. The gifts are usually packaged in red or other festive colors. But white and black and not suitable in the packaging. When you offer the gift, the recipient may refuse it politely. In this case, you could try to offer the present once again. Usually, the recipient wont open the gift until the guest leaves. In addition, there are some taboos in giving gifts. For example, it is inappropriate to present an umbrella as a gift to a couple,bec,ause the word,“,umbrella,”,has the same pronunciation with another word separate in Chinese.,In China, we should co,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇综述课件,功夫茶,(Gongfu tea),不是一种茶叶或茶的名字,而是一种冲泡的手艺。人们叫它功夫茶,足因为这种泡茶方式十分讲究:它的操作过程需要一定的技术,以及泡茶和品茶的知识和技能。功夫茶起源于宋朝,在广东的潮州府,(,今潮汕地区,),一带最为盛行,后来在全国各地流行。功夫茶以浓度,(concentration),高著称。制作功夫茶主要使用的茶叶足乌龙茶,(Oolongtea),因为它能满足功夫茶色、香、味的要求。,功夫茶(Gongfu tea)不是一种茶叶,Gongfu tea is not one kind of tea or the name of tea, but a skill of making tea. People call it Gongfu tea for the reason of its exquisite process. The operational procedures require certain techniques, knowledge and skill of brewing and tasting tea. Gongfu tea originated in the Song Dynasty and prevailed mostly in Chaozhou Guangdong Province(Now: Chaoshan Area). It later,bec,ame popular around the nation. Gongfu tea is famous for its high concentration. Oolong tea is mainly used in making the Gongfu tea because it can meet the requirements of color, flavor and taste of the Gongfu tea.,Gongfu tea is not one k,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇综述课件,“剩女,(leftover women),”这个词被用来指那些在二十八九岁,甚至更大年龄仍未结婚的女性。有些人认为“剩女”是需要认真对待的社会力量,而另一些人则主张这个词应被视为褒义词,意思是“成功女性”。据,2010,年的中国婚姻调查,(Chinese National Marriage Survey),报道,,90%,的男人认为女人应该在,27,岁之前结婚。在中国,大部分“剩女”都是受过良好教育的中产阶级。跟以前几代人相比,如今的女性更加自由,更能够独立生活。,“剩女(leftover women)”这个词被用来指那些在,“,Leftover women,”,is a term that refers to women who remain unmarried in their late twenties and beyond.Some people regard leftover women as a social force to be reckoned with,”,while others have argued that the term should be taken as a positive term to mean,“,successful women,”,.In a 2010 Chinese National Marriage Survey,it was reported that 9 out of 10 men believe that women should be married before they are 27 years old.In China leftover women are mostly well-educated middle class.Women today are more free and able to live independently in comparison to previous generations.,“Leftover women”is a term that,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇综述课件,自上世纪,90,年代后期起,七夕节,(the Double Seventh Festival ),开始被称为“中国的情人节”。这个节日可以追溯到汉朝,当时对恋人、女孩都是个特殊的日子。 这天,女孩会举行仪式,向织女,(Zhinu ),乞求智慧、技艺和美满婚姻,所以七夕节还被称为“乞巧节,(the Begging for Skills Festival),”。如今,一些传统习俗已经弱化。人们现在把七夕节当作浪漫的情人节来庆祝,尤其是在年轻人中间。,自上世纪90年代后期起,七夕节(the Double Sev,The Double Seventh Festival has been called Chinese Valentines Day since the late 1990s. The festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. It was then a special day not only for lovers, but also for girls. Girls would hold a ceremony to beg Zhinu for wisdom, skills and a satisfying marriage. So it is also called,“,the Begging for Skills Festival,”,.Today some traditional customs have been weakened. Now the festival is celebrated as a romantic valentines day, particularly among young people.,The Double Seventh Fes,四级翻译中的中国特色词汇综述课件,很多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技术和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养,(nutrition),。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物,肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡。所以中餐美味又健康。,很多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为,Many people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is not only regarded as a skill but also an art. The well/carefully-prepared Chinese food is tasty and good-looking. The way of coo


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