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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,Whats your neighborhood like?,What kind of place is Seven Days?,Can you find other places around DC?,what are they?What about the,places around your home?,Barber shop,barber,b:b,理发师,Laundromat,lndrmt,n.,自动洗衣店,;,There is a Laundromat over there.,Stationery store,文具店,Stationery stei()nri,We can buy pens and notebooks in a stationary store.,Travel agency,旅行社,agency eidnsi n.,代理,代理处,I work in a travel agency,Agent,代理商,Grocery store,杂货店,grocery,rusri,Theater,it,n.,剧场,电影院,戏院,Reservation,rezvein,预定,Id like to make a,reservation,.,我想订票,Clothing store,服装店,Drugstore,药店,Internet caf,网吧,Music store,音像店,Post office,邮政局,Karaoke bar,Coffee shop,Dance club,Gym,Park,Movie theater,Restaurant,A bank,Gas station,加油站,Department store dip:tmnt,百货商店,Pay phone,公共电话,Im your new neighbor,Move,动,移动,Who moved my cheese?,across,kr:s adv.,横过,穿过,prep.,横过,穿过,在对面,Can you swim,across,the river?,你能游到河的对岸吗?,across,后常加,from,,,He lives across from my house.,他住在我的房子的对面,Guess,Is there a lollypopllipp,棒棒糖,.,Yes,there is.Theres a lollypop,No,there isnt,but there is one,Asking the way,a.,Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights,.,沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。,b.,Turn right/left at the second crossing.(Take the second turning on the right/left,.),在第二个十字路口向右,/,左转弯。,c.,Take a number 46 bus,and get off at the square.,坐,46,路公共汽车,在广场下车,。,d.,Its on the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road.,在淮海路和西藏路的路口,e.,Go straight ahead along the road and then turn left.,沿着外滩往前走,然后左转,Can you tell me some places you,often visit?,If do not knows where these places are,and you want to ask the way,what you should say,?,Its pretty safe,How do you like,It is convenient knvinjntadj,.,方便的;合适的,Living in the big city is,convenient,.,住在大城市是方便的。,I cant see him now;its not convenient.,我现在不便见他,It is convenient for sb to do sth.,It is convenient for me to come DC,Parking garage,Garage,r:,车库,Crime,kram n.,罪行,犯罪,Alarm,l:m,警报;闹铃,air alarm,空袭警报,fire alarm,火警警报器,alarm clock,闹钟,call back,回电话,Ill call you back when I am free.,召回;使,回 来,No one can call back yesterday.,What shall I do?,1.My neighbors dog barks all night.,2.My neighbor always has loud parties.,3.The kids next door always play in my yard(,院子,),4.My neighbor visits every day.It is too much,5.My neighbor has garbage in his front yard,My roommates socks are very smelly.,My roommate often listens to loud music,but I dont like,.,谢谢观赏!,


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