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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,*,Secret to a Blessed Life#3:,“Simplicity”,幸福人生的秘訣之三,:,“,簡樸生活”,太,Matt 6:19-34,路,Luke 12:15-34,I.Simplicity defined(described),“,簡樸,”,的描述,(,太,Matt 6:19-34;18:2-6;,路,Luke 12:15-34;18:15-17;,來,Heb 12:1),Natural simplicity(,自然的簡樸,),(太 Matt 6,18;路 Luke 12),Complex(mature)simplicity(,成熟的簡樸,),(來 Heb 12:1;太 Matt 5:8;18;路 Luke 18),II.Biblical foundation of simplicity,“,簡樸,”,的聖經根据,(,太,Matt 5:9;6:19-34;18:2-6;,路,Luke 12:15-34;18:16-17;,提前,1Tim 6:6-11;,來,Heb 12:1;,弗,Eph 2:10),“Single Eye”-(“,單一的眼睛,”),Spiritual discipline(,属靈操練,),Natural simplicity(,自然簡樸/單純,),Mature(complex)simplicity(,成熟簡樸,),Growth:Achieving simplicity via spiritual discipline,透過属灵操練達到成熟的簡樸,(,變成小孩子的樣式,),Please Read:,請讀,馬太,Matt 6:19-34;5:9;18:2-6,路加,Luke 12:15-34,太 Matt 5:8,Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see God.,清心的人有福了,因為他們必得見神,Pure=Unalloyed;Unmixed,太 Matt 6:22-23,22 The light of the body is the eye:if therefore,thine,eye be single,thy whole body shall be full of light.23 But if,thine,eye be evil,thy whole body shall be full of darkness.If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness,how great is that darkness!(KJV),22,眼睛就是身上的燈你的眼睛若,瞭亮,,全身就光明,23,你的眼睛若昏花,全身就黑暗你裡頭的光若黑暗了,那黑暗是何等大呢,Single Eye,=,Focused on the most important thing=,Focused on the single treasure of Christ and His Kingdom=,Living in the light of simplicity.,雅 James 1:6-8,6 But when he asks,he must believe and not doubt,because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,blown and tossed by the wind.7 That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord;8 he is a double-minded man,unstable in all he does.,6只要憑著信心求,一點不疑惑因為那疑惑的人,就像海中的波浪,被風吹動翻騰7這樣的人,不要想從主那裡得什麼8心懷二意的人,在他一切所行的路上,都沒有定見,Double-minded=,心懷二意,=,心分兩半,太 Matt 18:3-4,2 He called a little child and had him stand among them.3 And he said:“I tell you the truth,unless you change and become like little children,you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.4 Therefore,whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.,2耶穌便叫一個小孩子來,使他站在他們當中,3說,我實在告訴你們,你們若不回轉,變成小孩子的樣式,斷不得進天國4所以凡自己謙卑像這小孩子的,他在天國裡就是最大的,路 Luke 18:15-17,15 People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them.When the disciples saw this,they rebuked them.16 But Jesus called the children to him and said,“Let the little children come to me,and do not hinder them,for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.17 I tell you the truth,anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”,15,有人抱著自己的嬰孩,來見耶穌,要他摸他們,門徒看見就責備那些人,16,耶穌卻叫他們來,說,讓小孩子到我這裡來,不要禁止他們,因為在,神國的,正是這樣的人,17,我實在告訴你們,凡要承受,神國的,若不像小孩子,斷不能進去,III.Elements in simplicity,簡樸生活的要素,(,太,Matt 6:19-34;11:28-30;18:2-6;,路,Luke 18:16-17;1:52-53;4:18-19;,雅,James 2:26),好眼,-“Single eye”(太 Mat 6:22),信心,-Faith(弗 Eph 2:8-10;來 Heb 11:1),愛心,-Love(可 Mark 12:30;,林前,1Co 13),盼望,-Hope(來 Heb 6:19;罗 Rom 5:2-4),清心,-Purity in heart(太 Matt 5:9;18,路 Luke 18),思想,-,心意,-Mind(雅 James 1:16-18,罗 Rom 12:2),價值,-Value(Possessions)(太 Matt 6:20,33),目的,-Purpose(弗 Eph 2:10;,林後,2Co 5:9-10),生活型式,-Lifestyle(來 Heb 12:1-2;路 Luke 1:52-52;4:18-19),行動,-Action(來 Heb 12:1;路 Luke 12:33;太 Matt 11:28-30),服事,-Service(路 Luke 1:52-53;4:18-19;雅 James 1:27;,約一,1 John 3:18),住在主裡,-Abide in Jesus(太 Matt 11:28-30;約 John 15:1-8),IV.Simplicity in practice,簡樸生活的實行,(,傳,Ecc,2:16-26;5:18-20;,來,Heb 12:1-2;,罗,Rom 12:1-2;,太,Matt 18:2-6;,路,Luke 12:15-21;18:16-17;4:18-19;,雅,James 1:17;,提前,1Tim 6:6-11;17-19;,帖前,1Thes 5:18;,雅,James 2:26;,腓,Phil 4:10,11-13),Spiritual discipline(,属靈操練,),Word+Spirit(,神的話与灵作工,),Prayer+Meditation(Gods+My role)(,祷告,默想,),Renewal of mind(Transformed)(,心意更新變化,),New value take hold:Determination(Obedience)(,下決心,順服,),Actions in increasing steps toward new goals(,向新目标有行動,),Constant practice(Action)(,時常練習,),Get rid of useless,excess weight(Heb 12:1)(,簡化,拆除及整理,),Habit(Maturing)(,养成好習慣,成自然,),Lifestyle(Beatitudes-Abundant life)(,成為日常生活型式,),Spiritual Discipline,属灵操練,(,提前,1Tim 4:8),For physical training is of some value,but godliness has value for all things,holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.,操練身體,益處還少惟獨敬虔,凡事都有益處因有今生和來生的應許,Un-tangle and Simplify Your Life,簡化你的生活,(來 Heb 12:1-2),1 Therefore,since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles,and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,the author and,perfecter,of our faith,who for the joy set before him endured the cross,scorning its shame,and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.,1我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易纏累我們的罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程,2仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌他因那擺在前面的喜樂,就輕看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦難,便坐在神寶座的右邊,Focus on the Top Priority,集中精力在最重要的事物上,(太 Matt 6:33),But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,and all these things will be given to you as well.,你們要先求他的國和他的義這些東西都要加給你們了,Store up treasure in heaven,積儹財寶在天上,(太,Matt 6:19-21,33),19“Do not store up for yourselves treasures o


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