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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,1-,*,Marketing:,Real People,Real Decisions,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,2019年12月11日星期三4时19分28秒,#,The World,of Marketing,Chapter 1,Lecture Slides,Solomon,Stuart,Carson,&Smith,Your name here,Course title/number,Date,1,Chapter,Learning Objectives,When you have completed your study of this chapter,you should be able to:,Define the marketing concept.,Define the objective of marketing.,Understand the basics of marketing planning.,Describe the evolution of the marketing concept.,Explain how marketing is important to both individual and business customers in the market place,in our daily lives,and in society.,Explain marketings role within an organization.,2,Introduction,to the Topic,What is,marketing?,Is is advertising?Sales?Going to the grocery store?,It is a functional area within a business,but what does it do?,A useful definition from the,American Marketing Association,:,Marketing,:,the process of planning and executing the conception,pricing,promotion,and distribution of ideas,goods,and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.,Note the many component parts(including the 4 Ps)to this definition,which will all be discussed in good time.,3,Needs,versus Wants,Marketing attempts to satisfy the needs of consumers.,Consumer:,the ultimate user of a good or service,Could be an individual,business,or organization,Need:,recognition of any difference between a consumers actual state and some ideal or desired state.,Want:,the desire to satisfy needs in specific ways that are culturally and socially influenced.,Why is the difference between these two relevant to marketers?,If consumers must,learn,how to satisfy needs,then they can be influenced in the process.,4,Exchange,of Value,If marketing is all about exchanges of value,what is,value,?,Customer value:,what the customer gets in the purchase,use,and ownership of a product relative to the costs and sacrifices incurred.,Exchange:,the process by which some transfer of value occurs between a buyer and seller.,Most exchanges are in the form of money,but barter can also be popular on a local basis.,What is the relationship between,value,and,price,?,Customers will pay for value received;the more received,the more they will pay.,A,good deal,is,therefore,a state of mind?,5,Exchange,of Value,(continued),To be meaningful to marketers,wants need resources.,Demand:,customers desire for products coupled with the resources to obtain them.,Market:,all of the customers and potential customers who:,share a common need that can be satisfied by a specific product,have the resources to exchange for it,are willing to make the exchange,and,have the authority to make the exchange.,Note that these four conditions also make a good definition of a,customer,.,Marketplace:,any location or medium used to conduct an exchange.,6,(Almost)Anything,Can Be Marketed,Product:,a tangible good,a service,an idea,or some combination of these that,through the exchange process,satisfies consumer or business customer needs;a bundle of attributes including features,function,benefits,and uses.Products have:,Features:,characteristics of the product,such as materials,construction,and what it does.A feature of a computer is that it has 512 Mb of RAM,Advantages:,what the features do for the user of the product.More RAM allows for greater computing power.,Benefits:,the outcome sought by a customer that motivates buying behaviour.The customer wants more RAM to run the latest version of a software program.,7,(Almost)Anything,Can Be Marketed,Idea marketing:,many organizations,including governments use marketing to sell ideas,such as not smoking,responsible alcohol consumption,safe sex,and using recycling programs.,Place marketing:,using marketing to sell places as a destination for tourists or for industries to choose to locate in.,Tourism is big business in Canada.,People marketing:,using marketing to sell people and their images,such as celebrities endorsing products or representing organizations.,Why would Nike pay Tiger Woods$40 million over 5 years,just,to wear their clothing and footwear?,8,The Marketing,Concept,Marketing,concept,:,a management orientation that focuses on achieving organizational objectives by understanding consumer needs and wants and the associated costs of satisfying them.,Which comes first,the consumer need or the product to satisfy it?,It is important to recognize that marketing does not exist in isolation from the world around it.,Social marketing,concept,:,an orientation that focuses on satisfying consumer needs and wants while also addressing the needs of the larger society.,“Its not easy being green.”,Kermit the frog,9,Marketing,Planning,Strategic planning:,the process of identifying and analyzing alternative ways of achieving objectives.,Favourable,Type of factor,Location of factor,Unfavourable,Internal to,the company,Externa


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