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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.,我唱歌就跑调。,When I sing a song,I always sing off-key.,Chapter Two,Main Language Differences Between English and Chinese,2.,再跑,就毙了你!,If you escape(or:run away)again,Ill shoot you.,English Emphasizes Structure;,Chinese on Meaning,一)隐性,(implicit),与显性,(explicit),Chinese takes itself implicit,while English takes itself explicit.implicit Chinese and explicit English are reflected on the following aspects.,1,There are not any signs of word classes in Chinese except for several affixes such as,“子”、“儿”,and so on,and some auxiliary words such as“,的,”,、,“,地,”,、,“,得,”,),.For example,“打”,in the sentence“,钟打了十二,下”,is a verb,,,but in the phrase,“一打鸡蛋”,,it is a unit word.“,打”,itself has no sign of word class.its word class shows itself only in the context.Whats more,Chinese verbs have no signs of tense,voice and mood.Unlike Chinese,quite a number of English words show themselves the words classes.For example,the suffixes such as-,ment,-,er,-,ness,-,tion,and so on are signs of nouns;while-al,-,ful,-,ative,and the like are signs of adjectives.In English,articles are signs of nouns,and nouns are main body in syntax.,The noun as subject naturally decides the forms of the verb as predicate.,2,From syntax,a Chinese word doesnt show itself in form as subject,predicate or object and so on,while English,personal pronoun,s,and verbs have signs in syntax forms.For example,in the two sentences:,“我爱她”,and“,她爱,我”,there are no differences between the subjects,“她”,and“,他”,and the objects,“他”,and“,她”,.But in English,nominative,and,objective,are different in function,so they are different in forms.,It is so obvious in the following sentences:,“,I,love,her,.”“,She,loves,me,.”,3,The predicate should agree with its subject,but there isnt any requirement of their forms.English predicate has to agree with its subject in number,person and tense.For example,in the following sentences:“,我是学生,他是学生,我们都是学生,。”,all the predicates are,“是”,but English are different:,“,I,am,a student,she,is,a student,we all,are,students.”person depend on the forms of,“是”,.,Implicit and explicit are the biggest and the most basic differences between English and Chinese grammar.The basic differences result in the a series of different characteristics of the two languages,of which the most important one is that English grammar takes forms as its main characteristic,even dependent of semantic meanings,such as structuralism.But Chinese grammar has to depend on semantic meanings.,So the famous,linguistist,Wang Li says,“As the syntax is concerned,the western languages are ruled by law,while Chinese language is by man.”,It is obvious that compared with Chinese,English rules are much more explicit.This is very important,because our thinking mode is also restricted by the form of grammar.In the west world,people are accustomed to acting according to established practice,while Chinese are quite on the contrary,often too flexible.,二),Differences in Thinking Mode,Chinese are accustomed to induction(,归纳法,),while the western people,to deduction(,演绎法,).,So the subject matter of English writing is usually at the beginning.,while that of Chinese writing is usually at the end,developing according to the order of lead-in,carry-on,shift and summary(,启、承、转、合,).,The Chinese are more good at dealing with things in an overall way,while the western people are better at,analysizing,things in details.,The Chinese are good at induction,while the western people,at deduction;The Chinese stress collectivism,while the western stress ego(individualism);The Chinese are good at thinking in images,while the western people,at logical thinking;The Chinese are better at poems,while the western people,at science;The Chinese regard the universe as the whole,full of“Tao”and“,Qi,”,while the western people think it made of atoms,which are dependent and related to each other.The Chinese deal with things just as traditional Chinese medical science,treating a man as the whole,while the western people,just as Western medicine.,The stress on meaning,the whole and induction are also the character of Chinese philosophy,literature(especially poems),music dancing,art,traditional Chinese medical science,Qigong and,Chan sect,and so on.,神,秀说:,“,身是菩提树,心如明镜台,时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃,。,”,慧能说:,“,菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃,。,”,。,无形胜,有形,才是,最高境界。中国哲人皆,务心得而轻著述,。孔子、老子、庄子都有诸如,“,大辨不言,”,的观点。这种重意(即内涵),而不重形(外在的形式)的文化特性也同样反应到语言的句法结构上。,三),Parataxis,(,意合)与,Hypotaxis,形,合,As for language,English stress syntax,while Chinese,semantic meaning.A long sentence or a short one doesnt do without its subject.A long sentence usually has one subject and one predicate but many clauses,like a tree,however,very clear,in structure and logic.,But on the contrary,Chinese does not give priority to syntax and grammar structure,and does not have so many conjunctions that English has,but stresses inherent relation of the meanings.Thats so-called,“,English stresses forms,Chinese stresses semantic meanings.,In English,kinds of logical relation


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