Writing Essays

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Chapter 6 Writing Essays,Week 14,Patterns of Essay Development,Description,Narration,Exposition,Argumentation,Description,Description,is a,verbal picture,of a person,place,or thing.,Narration,Narration,is an,account of something that happened,.,Exposition,Examples,Process,Definition,In,exposition,the writer,explains,a certain subject.Patterns of exposition include:,Comparison and contrast,Classification,Cause and effect,Argumentation,In,argumentation,a writer attempts to,support,a controversial point,or,defend,a position,on which there is difference of opinion.,Two Points to Remember,1)While many essays involve one,predominant pattern,most make use of,more than one pattern,.,2)Most essays involve some form of,argumentation,;that is,they attempt to convince the reader that a point is valid,.,DISCUSSION,Important,Considerations,Understanding the,length,and,nature of the assignment,Knowing your,subject,Knowing your,purpose,and,audience,Determining your,point of view,Using,peer review,Doing a,personal review,The,Length,and,Nature,of the Assignment,What,kind,of paper does the instructor have in mind?,Research summary?,Original,work?,Something else?,How long,should the paper be?,Subject of the Paper,Try to write on something that,interests,you-if possible,make it a subject you already,know something,about.,Purpose,Most writing has one of three,purposes,:,to,inform,to,persuade,or,to,entertain,.,In order to achieve your purpose,you will need to know your,audience,.,Audience,Your instructor and classmates stand in for a,general,audience,:,educated,adult readers,.,You will need to practice writing for more,specific audiences,as well an employer,a,children,group,the,mayor,etc,.,Point of View,1)First-person approach,(,I,like comfort when Im camping,.,),Most common in,narrative,essays.,2)Second-person approach,(,First,find,your,flashlight,.,),Generally appropriate only for giving instructions and direct explanations,as in,process,essays.,3)Third-person approach,(,The camper found,his,flashlight,.,),Most common in,academic,writing.,Peer Review,Identification,:On a sheet of paper,write the authors name and the title of the paper you read.,Scratch Outline,:“X-ray”the paper for its inner logic by making a scratch outline.,Comments,Where did the paper,“snag”?,Suggest ways to fix problems.,Are there problems with,support,unity,or,organization,?Try to help.,Note something you,really,liked,about the paper.,Personal Review,Follow these steps to practice your,personal review,:,While,you write and revise,evaluate,for,unity,support,and,organization,.,After youve finished the next-to-last draft,check it for,sentence skills.,Description,More than any other type of essay,a,descriptive,paper needs,sharp,c,o,l,o,r,f,u,l,details.,Description,DULL:,“A fan was in the window.”,Description,Co,l,o,r,f,u,l:,“,The blades of the rusty window fan clattered and whirled as they blew out a stream of warm,soggy air.”,This description is rich in sense impressions.The reader receives a clear,picture,of the fan and can more easily share the writers,experience,.,Narration,Narration,is used to make a,statement,clear or,illustrate a point,.,For example,you might provide a,vivid,account of your first driving experiences to,argue,for a higher minimum driving age.,Narration,The,sharper,and more,c,o,l,o,r,f,u,l,the,detail,the greater the,IMPACT,the,narration,will have.,Examples,Examples,help,your audience,understand,your point,help,convince,them of it,and,add,interest,to your paper.,Examples,For,example:,STATEMENT,That washing machine is unreliable.,EXAMPLES,The water temperature cant be predicted;it stops in midcycle;and it sometimes shreds my clothing,.,Process,Process essays,explain how to do something.,?,How do you diaper a baby,?,?,How do you deal with stress,?,?,How do you analyze a poem,?,Process,Process essays,sometimes employ a,second-person,approach:,First,you,locate the baby.,Use of the,second-person approach,is otherwise generally frowned on in academic writing.,Cause and Effect,There are nearly always multiple,causes,and,effects,associated with any,phenomenon,(action,event,idea,etc.).,Cause and Effect,Emphasizing one or another,cause,and/or,effect,is the,point,of writing a,cause-and-effect,essay.,Cause and Effect,Be aware,however,that in doing so,you are making an,argument,.Be sure to adequately,support,your point,!,Comparison and Contrast,The,purpose,of,comparing,and,contrasting,two things is to,understand,the two things more clearly,and,at times,to make,judgments,about them.,Comparison and Contrast,Comparison,and,contrast,essays call for one of two types of development:,1),One side at a time,2),Point by point,Definition,For example:,STATEMENT,Larry is really inconsiderate.,DEFINITION,By“inconsiderate,”I mean that he borrowed my economics book“overnight,”but didnt return it for a week,and then delivered it covered with coffee stains!,Definition,In a,written,definition,we make clear in a more,detailed,


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