教育精品:定语从句 (5)

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man,who,/,that,I visitsd yesterday is my uncle.,定语从句的用法,:,当先行词是地点时,用,where,引导,.,当先行词是时间时,用,when,引导,.,This is the school,where,I used to study.,Winter is the time of year,when,the days are short and nights are long.,注意:,先行词虽然是地点或时间,但是当地点或时间在从句中充当主语,宾语或定语时,仍然用,that/which.,This is the room,that/which,I lived in.,September 18th is the day,that/which,all the Chinese never forget.,宾语,who,whom,whose,that,用法区别,.,who,作定语从句的,主语或宾语,.,The man,who,is speaking at the meeting,is a worker.,The man is a worker.,The man,is speaking at the meeting.,分解,作主语,Whom,作定语从句的,宾语,The woman,whom,they wanted to visit,is a teacher.,The woman is a teacher.,They wanted to visit,the woman,.,分解,作宾语,常可以省略,whose,作定语从句主语的,定语,.,即:先行词与定语从句的主语存在,从属关系,I know the girl,whose,mother is a teacher,.,分解,I know the girl.,The girls,mother is a teacher.,作定语,that,可以作定语从句的,主语和宾语,.,注意,:,关系代词作动词宾语时可,省略,.,The woman,(that,/whom,),they wanted to visit,is a teacher.,分解,The woman,is a teacher.,T,hey wanted,to visit,t,he woman,下列情况只能用,that,1.,当,先行词,被,序数词或形容词最高级修饰,时。,eg,.,Tom is the cleverest boy,that,I have ever known.,2.,当先行词是指物的不定代词时。如:,all,anything,something,nothing,none,the,one,everything,little,few,much,any,。,eg.,Here is something(that)I will tell you.,3,先行词被,the only,,,the very,,,the last,等修饰时。,下列情况只能用,that,eg.,This is the,only,novel that you want to borrow,4,先行词是或被,all,,,no,,,some,,,any,,,little,,,much,等修饰时。,eg.,Ive written down all,the things,that the teacher doesnt allow us to do,5,先行词是人和物的名词时,用that,既不用which,也不用who。,eg.,He told us,many interesting things and persons,that we had never heard,下列情况只能用,that,6.主句的主语是疑问词who/which时,为了避免重复。,eg.,Who is the girl that is crying?,eg.,Which is the bike that you lost?,下列情况只能用which,1.介词前置时,不用that。即介词提在定语从句前。,2.非限制性定语从句不用that,eg.,This is the room,in,which he lives.,eg.,Thenecklace,whichyougavemeasa,present,waslostyesterday.,3.先行词为that时,避免重复,用which.,eg.,Whatsthatwhichisunderthedesk?,who 与 whom(,先行词指人),1.在定语从句中作宾语,两者可互换,且可省略。,The teacher(who/whom)Li Ming is talking to is Toms father.,2.在定语从句中作主语时,只用who.,3.在定语从句中作宾语,但是介词提在从句前时,只用whom.,Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way.,Please tell me from whom you borrowed the book.,定语从句巧记法,定语从句记结构,先行关系从在后。,关系词,在中央,指代先行成分当。,充当主宾或定状,关系代副看情况。,先行词语若指物,that/which要记住。,先行指人不指物,使用that或用who。,若有介词从句前,which whom在中间。,先行与主表从属,whose一词要记住。,地点时间从作状,where when来充当。,从句作主或宾语,that which要选取。,使用that比较多,不妨对你说一说。,不定代词或被限,使用that来判断。,Exercise,1.,I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music.,who/that,which/that,whose,3.,The man _ leg broke in a,match used to be a football player.,2.,Yesterday Emily was wearing the,new dress _ I gave her.,4.,My parents live in a house_,is more than 100 years old.,5.,The boy with _ John talked is,my brother.,which/that,whom,6.,Kevin is reading a book _,is too difficult for him.,which/that,7.,Is there anything _ you want,to buy in the town.,8.,All _ we can do is to study hard.,9.,The first one _ stands up is a,little boy.,that,that,that,句子翻译,1.,这就是救了那个孩子命的医生,.,This is the doctor who saved the boys life.,2.,正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔,.,The man who is running is my uncle.,3.,我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐,.,I like the music that I can sing along with.,4.,住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师,.,The woman who lives next door is a teacher.,(),1.This is the bag _ my mother bought yesterday.,A.that,B.who,C.whom D.this,(),2.The man _ lives next to us is my English teacher.,A.whom B.which,C.who,D./,(),3.The girl _ you saw in the street is Mary.,A.that,B.whose,C.whichD.as,A,c,A,定语从句练习,(),4.Is this the factory _ a lot of students visited yesterday?,A.the one,B.which,C.,wh,ere,D.whom,(),5.Is this factory _ a lot of students visited yesterday?,A.the one,B.that,C.,wh,ere,D./,(),6.The only language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongue.,A.whichB.that,C./D.it,B,A,B,定语从句练习,(),7.The girl handed everything _ she had picked,up in the street to the police.,A.whichB.in which,C.thatD.all,(),8._ cleans the blackboard should be praised.,A.That B.Who,C.The one whoD.The students who,(),9.Please show me the book _ you bought,yesterday.,A.whichB.whom,C.whose D.this,C,C,A,定语从句练习,(),1


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