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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,镇静的,沉着的,(adj.),慷慨的,大方的,(adj.),暴力的,(adj.),人物,性格,(n.),太空船,(n.),省,(n.),宇航员,(n.),飞行,航班,(n.),发射,(v.),calm generous violent character spaceship province astronaut flight launch,火箭,(n.),高飞,(vi.),探险,(,vt,.),记者,(n.),大气,气氛,(n.),百万,(n.),挥手示意,(vi.),革命,(n.),建立,创立,(,vt,.),rocket soar explore reporter atmosphere million wave revolution found,共和国电灯泡意见,看法就自己而言平等的斗争,拼搏抗议行军卓越的,辉煌的,republic (n.)light bulb (n.)opinion (n.)personally(adv.)equal (adj.)struggle (n.)protest (n.)march (vi./n.)brilliant (adj.),灵巧的,熟练的极度的(口语)无用的,无效的比赛,竞争令人惊异的不平常的冠军暴力热心的,渴望的,skilful (adj.)awful (adj.)useless (adj.)compete (vi.)amazing (adj.)unusual (adj.champion(n.)violence (n.)keen (adj.),竞赛,事件,(n.),幸运地,(adv.),运动员,(n.),超人,(n.),灾难,(n.),促进,提升,(,vt,.),单独地 损害,伤害,(n.),放弃,event fortunately athlete superman disaster promote on ones own injury give up,达到某种状态使从(受伤)中活下来犯(错误),(,vt,.),融洽相处关系,(n.),反应,(vi.),离婚,(vi.),参加,参与,come to,pull through,commit get on relationship react divorce get involved in,质量,品质残疾的自信的太别胡扯羽毛球钦佩,羡慕潜水,跳水奖章,quality(n.)disabled(adj.)confident (adj.)far too come off it badminton(n.)admire (,vt,.)dive (vi./n.)medal (n.),完全地,绝对地你所说的看来有道理,absolutely(adv.),1.,发射,2.,从,分离,3.,有一种,的感觉,4.,放出,释放,5.,向,招手,6.,为,而斗争,7.,和,做斗争,8.,领导一次革命,9.,享受平等权利,10.,受,的影响,lift off,separate from,get a feeling of,let out,wave to,fight for,fight against,lead a revolution,enjoy equal rights,be influenced by,11.,入狱,12.,以,开头,13.,得到诺贝尔奖,回首,回顾,15.,对某人严格,16.,和,比赛,17.,表现出对,的强烈兴趣,18.,结束,19.,进步,20.,因为,而著名,21.,从,摔下,in prison,begin/start with,win the Nobel Prize,look back,be strict with,compete against,express a keen interest in,come to an end,make progress,be famous for,fall from,22.,期望某人做某事,23.,靠某人自己,独自,24.,筹集很多钱,25.,促进医学研究,26.,吸引公众注意,27.,想过,考虑,28.,放弃,29.,达到某种状态,30.,渡过难关,活下去,31.,自杀,32.,参与,33.,太,过,expect,sb,.to do,on ones own,raise a lot of money,promote medical research into,draw public attention to,think of,give up,come to,pull through,commit suicide,get involved with,far too,Fill in each blank with the correct word,millions of,soar,compete,explore,launch,peacefully,1.The _ vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit.,2.The word _means:to fly very high in the air.,3.If you _ a place,you travel around it to find out what it is like.,4.The hen settled herself on the nest most _.,5._people watched the opening ceremony broadcast live on TV.,6.If you _ in a contest or a game,you take part in it.,fortunately,keen,on ones own,promote,admire,event,7.If you are _ on doing something,you want to do it very much.,8._means one of the races or competitions in a sports,programme,.,9._ the weather was good.,10._ means by oneself.,11.I am _ the use of computers in the classroom.12._means to respect sb.for what they are.,give up,come to,pull through,get on,quality,dead,get involved with,absolutely,13.Never _even if you succeed.,14.Years went by and I _realize how I much she loved me.,15.I _well with my new classmates.,16.A products _ is very important.,17.18.What you said is _ /_right.,19._means to succeed with great difficulty.,20.If you _,sth,you are taking part in it.,millions of,soar,compete,explore,launch,peacefully,1.The _ vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit.,2.The word _means:to fly very high in the air.,3.If you _ a place,you travel around it to find out what it is like.,4.The hen settled herself on the nest most _.,5._people watched the opening ceremony broadcast live on TV.,6.If you _ in a contest or a game,you take part in it.,launch,soar,explore,peacefully,Millions of,compete,fortunately,keen,on ones own,promote,admire,event,7.If you are _ on doing something,you want to do it very much.,8._means one of the races or competitions in a sports,programme,.,9._ the weather was good.,10._ means by oneself.,11.I am _ the use of computers in the classroom.12._means to respect sb.for what they are.,keen,Event,Fortunately,On ones own,promoting,Admire,give up,come to,pull through,get on,quality,dead,get involved with,absolutely,13.Never _even if you succeed.,14.Years went by and I _realize how I much she loved me.,15.I _well with my new classmates.,16.A products _ is very important.,17.18.What you said is _ /_right.,19._means to succeed with great difficulty.,20.If you _,sth,you are taking part in it.,give up,came to,get on,quality,dead/absolutely,Pull through,get involved with,


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