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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,U,n,i,t,6,A,t,the,s,n,a,c,k,b,a,r,Story time,Unit 6 At the snack barStory,What similar words can you say?,(,你能说出多少同类词?,),apple,hot dog,milk,Brain storm,What similar words can you say,Unit6 At the sn,a,ck b,ar,c,ar,c,a,p bl,a,ck,Unit6 At the snack barcarcap,What can you see at the snack bar?,I can see,food,What can you see at the snack,Any,thing else?,还要别的东西吗?,m,a,ny,a,ny,+,thing,a,ny,thing,Anything else?还要别的东西吗?manyany+,Lets learn,food,hamburger,rice,sandwich,noodles,some,some,a,a,Lets learnfoodhamburgerricesa,Lets learn,drinks,a,cup,of tea,a,cup,of coffee,a,glass,of juice,a,glass,of milk,cup,通常指带柄的瓷杯,用来喝茶、咖啡等,,glass,通常指玻璃杯,用来饮酒、喝水等。,Lets learndrinks a cup of tea,Lets guess.,1.Whats this?,4.Whats this?,3.Whats this?,2.Whats this?,Lets guess.1.Whats this?4.Wh,A:What would you like?,B:Id like.,A:Anything else?,B:.,please.,A:What would you like?,Who are they?Where are they?,Who are they?Where are they?,Lets listen and read,Lets listen and read,Lets listen and read,Lets listen and read,Lets listen and read,Lets listen and read,Lets listen and read,Lets listen and read,What would they like?,?,Read and tick,What would they like?Read and,?,Read and tick,What would like?,?Read and tickWhat would,They are at home.,(,),Mike would like a glass of tea.,(),Helen would like some noodles.,(,),Mikes father would like a hamburger.,(,),Lets judge,True or false,F,T,F,F,They are at home.,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(,分角色读,),Read after one.,(,跟一位学生读,),Read together.(,齐读,),Tips:,请注意语音语调,,有问题可以请教同学,或老师哦!,Lets read,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。Read,Lets fill,让我们来体验一下练习的快乐吧!,Mike,Helen and their father at the snack bar.They would some food and drinks.Mike would like a glass of and a .Helen would like some .Mr Brown would like a and a cup of .,are,like,milk,hamburger,noodles,sandwich,coffee,轻声朗读课文,完成填空。,Lets fill让我们来体验一下练习的快乐吧!,作为,waitress,(,服务员,),在快餐店应该说:,作为,Customer,(,顾客,),在快餐店可能会说:,Can I help you?,What would you like?,Here you are.,Id like,please.,please.,Thank you,Discuss with your deskmate.,同桌讨论,Summary,作为waitress(服务员)在快餐店应该说:作为Custo,Make a dialogue,A:,Welcome to our snack bar,.,What would you like?,B,:Id like.please.,A,:,Anything else?,B,:.,please.,A,:OK.Here you are.,B:Thank you.,两人一组合作创编对话。,Make a dialogueA:Welcome to o,Make a dialogue,两人一组合作创编对话。,A:,Welcome to our fruit shop,.,What would you like?,B,:Id like.please.,A,:,Anything else?,B,:.,please.,A,:OK.Here you are.,B:Thank you.,Make a dialogue两人一组合作创编对话。A:W,译林版四上英语Unit-6-At-the-snack-barstory-time公开课课件,译林版四上英语Unit-6-At-the-snack-barstory-time公开课课件,译林版四上英语Unit-6-At-the-snack-barstory-time公开课课件,译林版四上英语Unit-6-At-the-snack-barstory-time公开课课件,


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