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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit One,Changes in the Way,We Live,Phoebe Hu,侠哩仓鸵披屿怨迈眷厉损脐泳由缮窖掠乾孵馋痞怯妖穆铁俊装贴无疯示元大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,Outline,Presentation,Text,comprehension,Language points,Homework,擅侥世烫托杰海嘱嫌锑簿呕艳疽叹构断蕴森四棍煌学随毯汁堑本笑拧妆腿大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,Presentation,Topic:Where to live,in the Country or in the City,1.City life,Advantages:,Convenience transportation,High living standard,Health care,preferable working environment,Better education,酣苗滴恨牙镰抱灵众咽将束伦勺轻郡否哥蛆鹊熬桓西鸿乳泵窘朝涝荚厌帛大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,More job opportunities,Easy access to the entertainment,Disadvantages:,Overpopulation,Pollution,Noise,traffic jam,High crime rate,Fierce competition&stress,Indifference in interpersonal relationship,涨詹意发摆沥亚队俭猪散梭桅饯搔究宫济吱喻牵剧谣件块果谈镍艇漓井岿大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,2.Country life,Attraction of country,no pollution,gorgeous scenery,fresh air,high-quality food,close to nature,quietness,peace,inexpensive housing,less pressure,less crime,less traffic:,Disadvantages:,inconvenient traffic,monotonous life,tough,conditions,lacking facilities and entertainments,3.My preference,公香措贫爪岗树板屠沈亚叁饶肾湿扑扇溺黑于浮综宾混扁并难达秒村掇启大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,Text Comprehension,1.Comprehension questions,1)What is the farm life like in the writers opinions?Please find examples to prove that.,The self-reliant life is satisfying but tough.,2)How can the writer manage to overcome all the hardships?,bear harsh environment and weather condition,get by on a tight budget by cutting back on the daily expenses,tolerate the feelings of solitude and anxiety,瞄侄篮卢沥暑聋肘搭尹庇窄坚禾陌略俩陡榨狸锅仆鸭酪亚煽县饮杨凿啊燃大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,2.Text organization,Part One Paras 1-3,The writer views his life in the country as a,self-reliant and satisfying one.,Part Two Paras 4-7,Life in the country is good yet sometimes,very hard.,乾纠秀庭哩酮痔虎诲色怒婉共垃滇蔚蓟愉鸳态首愉宴琢捧粱啃问垦驰卉枣大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,Part Three Paras 8-11,After quitting his job,the writers income was,reduced,but he and his family can manage to,Get by.,Part Four Paras 12-15,A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy,have made it possible for the family to enjoy,their life in the country.,家厢浦炒跋满梗跋乏嵌何秧潘角砖眩石谰志消械后察嘎秘炼贬妙它东贯个大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,Further Thinking,What do you think are possible ways to improve the quality of our lives?,Do you want to change in the way you live?,烃且办参慎断配魂因篷狼馒畜案核忙侈圾昂茂牺俗奢悯闹瓤樟毒呸汰享赋大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,Language Points,Difficult sentences in Text A:,1)Line31:There is,as the old saying goes,no rest for the wicked on a place like this-and not much for the virtuous either.,2)Line51:Will there ever be a better time?The answer,decidedly,was no,and so-with my employers blessings and half a years pay in accumulated benefits in my pocket-off I went.,parenthesis,嗜花茹朋痕沥耕武过云寿作首绳夺同琢杠默碗苍浊核蠕甘腋晤功辆坤惨讨大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,3)Line60:Im not making anywhere near as much as I did when I was employed full time,.Words,1 Haul(Line 16)vt 1)transport,as with a truck,cart,etc.,每天早上农民们用卡车把蔬菜运到市场。,The farmers haul vegetables to the market on a,truck every morning.,2)pull or drag sth.with effort or force,救援人员把乘客从被撞击的火车中拖出来。,Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the,crashed train.,咏瘪同脯宫浆仍痰主箱形奖窗烦蹄桃亚批黎蜘圭拜矛刘炔伯牺推竹拓铡烙大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,2.Supplement(Line 21),1)vt add to sth.in order to improve it,(followed by with),医生建议在我的饮食中补充维生素E和A。,The doctor suggested supplementing my diet,with vitamins E and A.,2)n.an additional amount of sth.,She has been ill and must have supplements,to her ordinary food.,Do you read the Sunday color supplements?,漓淮拌洗轴猫免恕图且芍项石子蹦抖教灌械玉狂阀泥怨跺逸荔语碧篷畏蹲大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,3.Get through(Line 45)come successfully to the end,当地政府已采取一些措施以确保全体人民熬过冬天。,The local government has taken some measures to ensure that all the people will get through the winter.,她顺利通过考试,被大学录取。,She got through the entrance examination,and was accepted by the college.,墓停隆费梨惦裤件规拷难型破事胜朝速殴蒸携帕贯酮戮对龋洋病鹿隶绢衙大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,4.On balance(Line 54),总的来说,改换公司的名字可能是不可取的。,On balance,its probably not advisable to,change the companys name.,keep ones balance,lose ones balance,strike a balance,in the balance,保持平衡,失去平衡,公平处理,不确定,升撮鼎猜辗伪滑屯绽脯困柬庞嗅羚绣尿辫邹旦墓迟呆涂琵储射种始管好员大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,5.Illustrate(Line 56),illustrate,exemplify&demonstrate 都是“举例说明”,illustrate表示不仅使用具体事例而且有时使用图画,目的是使说明生动、逼真或有效,从而真实地说明某一观点。,exemplify表示使用事例说明一个笼统而抽象的陈述,或佐以揭示某一提法的真实,demonstrate表示用足够数量及可靠的证据说明某,学术争论结论的真实性,也可用于说明人或事,Galileo_ that objects of different,weights fall at the same speed.,The way that a pump works is used to _ how the heart sends blood around the body.,Knights _ courage and courtesy。,demonstrated,illustrate,exemplified,粒是滁鹿藩券咒溯形短申酬蕴斥滦循谨订妇乖鸟醒措腮蓉验柑呸蒸泌娱嗅大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,6.When it comes to(Line 64)当提到,当提到乡村生活时,人们总是想到广阔的空间,安宁、平静的生活环境。,People will think of vast stretches of field in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere when it comes to life in the countryside.,当说到情商时,女人没有男人聪明,男人也不比女人聪明多少。,Women are not smarter than men when it comes to emotional intelligence,nor are men smarter then women.,合啸瀑廖冠针肿爽爷瞅帅贼啃独衍舒杯黑籽竣独炮逆寺该湾锁俺趋师俩寿大学英语3-unit1大学英语3-unit1,7.Generate(Lin


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