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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教版(三年级起点)小学英语六年级上册,Unit6 How do you feel?B Lets talk,人教版(三年级起点)小学英语六年级上册Unit6 How,Rules:,When you know the words,s,tand up as soon as possible.,C,ome on,!,迅速站起来并快速抢答你所看到的单词,比一比谁反应更快?,Sharp Eyes,Sharp Eyes,Rules:When you know the words,人教版(三年级起点)小学英语六年级上册Unit6-How-do-you-feel-B-Lets-talk课件,人教版(三年级起点)小学英语六年级上册Unit6-How-do-you-feel-B-Lets-talk课件,Whats wrong?,Your father,is ill.,Sarahs Dad is ill.,Whats wrong?Your father is il,What should Sarahs father do?,B.He should see a doctor.,A.,He should go to the zoo,.,B,.,He should see a doctor,.,Task1:Watch and answer,What should Sarahs father do?,He is,ill,.What should he do?,He should,see a doctor,.,He is _.What should he do?,He should _.,He is ill.What should he do?H,-,He is _.What should he do?,-,He should _.,Pair Work,Tip:“should”,可以帮我们,给别人提供合理建议,。,-He is _.What should,1.,What does Mom,answer?,A.,Dont be sad,.,B.,Dont be happy,.,2.,Whats Moms suggestion,?,A.,We can watch TV,.,B.,We can go next time,.,A.,Dont be sad,.,B.,We can go next time,.,Task2:Listen and answer,1.What does Mom answer?2.What,How doesDad,feel,now?,Very well.,Not well.,Task3:Guess and read,How doesDad feel now?Very we,Mum:Sarah,Sam,come here,please.,Sarah:Whats wrong?,Mum:Your father is ill.,He,should see a doctor this morning.,So we cant go to the zoo today.,Sam:Oh,no!,Mum:Dont be sad.We can go next time.,Sam:How does Dad feel now?,Mum:Not well.Lets go to the hospital.,Listen and imitate,Mum:Sarah,Sam,come here,pl,I am ill.I am ill.,What should I do?What should I do?,You should see a doctor.You should see a doctor.,Don,t be worried.,Dont be worried.,I am angry.I am angry.,What should I do?What should I do?,You should take a deep breath.,You should take a deep breath.,Don,t be angry.,Dont be angry.,Lets sing,I am ill.I am ill.Lets sing,Mum:Sarah,Sam,come here,please.,Sarah:Whats wrong?,Mum:Your father is ill.,He,should see a doctor this morning.,So we cant go to the zoo today.,Sam:Oh,no!,Mum:Dont be sad.We can go next time.,Sam:How does Dad feel now?,Mum:Not well.Lets go to the hospital.,Part 1,Part 2,Act it out,Mum:Sarah,Sam,come here,pl,Oh,no!,He is,_.,How does Dad feel now?,He is _.,How does Sam feel?,Think and Summary,Sam,only cares himself at the beginning,!,Sam,begins to care his family,!,sad,worried,sad,worried,Oh,no!He is _.How d,(We should look after our family,,,help them when theyre in trouble!),(We should be friendly to our family!),What,can we learn from Sams change,(改变),?,我们应该学会照顾家人、在家人遇到困难的时候帮助家人!,(We should look after our fam,游戏,规则:,1,名学生上台选择其中一个数字,用肢体语言表演出来图片状况并介绍,I,m.,;,其他同学大胆给出建议!,Dont be.You should.,挑战开始啦!,1,2,3,你能对朋友友善吗?你能给朋友提供合理的建议吗?,“知心小顾问”栏目开始啦!谁是最棒的“知心小顾问”呢?快来大胆试一试吧!,游戏规则:1名学生上台选择其中一个数字,用肢体语言表演出来图,范例:A:Hello!,B:Hi,Im.,A:Dont be You should.,C:Im.,A:Dont be You should.,B&C:OK!Thanks!Bye!,s,uggestion,(建议),Y,ou,should,worried,cold,ill,angry,wear warm clothes,take a deep breath,see a doctor,四人一组,推选出一名小顾问来,其他三人参考下面的表格咨询问题,小顾问要给出合理的建议,老师评判出“最佳小顾问”颁奖!,范例:A:Hello!You shouldworried,(We should be willing to help the others,give them some suggestions!),(We should be friendly to the others,care them!),(We should be willing to help,友善,Friendliness,友善Friendliness,Help the others!Be much happier!,Help the others!Be,读一读下面四名学生反映的问题,提出合适的建议吧!,随堂检测,你能帮老师给同学们解决问题吗?,Advice for the Children,Zhang Yi,Li Qiang,Chen Wei,Ma Hui,Im ill.Im,cold,and sleepy,.What should I do?,Im,angry,with my classmate.What should I do?,Im,cold,.,What should I do?,Im,fat,(胖的),.,What should I do?,You should_.,You should_.,You should_.,You should_.,take a deep breath B.wear warm clothes,C.do exercise every day D.wear warm clothes and see a doctor,读一读下面四名学生反映的问题,提出合适的建议吧!随堂检测你能,Homework:,Listen and imitate for 3 times.,(,听、跟读录音至少,3,遍。),2.Make up a new dialogue with your partner.,(跟你的同位做一个新对话。),Thank you!,1.Listen and imitate for 3 times.,2.Give some suggestions to your friends in trouble.,Homework:Listen and imitate f,Good Advisor!,知心小顾问!,Im angry.,Dont be angry.You should take a deep breath.,Good Advisor!知心小顾问!Im angr,Good Advisor!,知心小顾问!,Im ill.,Dont be worried.You should see a doctor.,Good Advisor!知心小顾问!Im ill.,Good Advisor!,知心小顾问!,Im cold.,Dont be worried.You should wear warm clothes.,Good Advisor!知心小顾问!Im cold,


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