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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,中国英语教师网,*,Unit 3,How do you get to school?,Section A,Period 1(1a-1c),点此播放教学视频,豫海初级中学,关平,Do you know them?,car,taxi / cab,train,plane,Do you know them?,bus,bike / bicycle,Do you know them?,ship,subway,Do you know them?,单词风暴,train bus subway ship bike bicycle car taxi cab plane,bike,ship,subway,bus,train,plane,car,walk,taxi,I,ride my/ a bike,to school.,How do you get to school?,He,walks,to school.,How does he get to school?,Practice,A: How do you come to school?,B: On foot.,(Ride my bike. / Take the bus. / Take the train. ),Free talk,Zhang Fang,She takes the subway to school.,The following pictures show how different students get to school. Make sentences according to the pictures.,Li Lei,He rides his bike to school.,The following pictures show how different students get to school. Make sentences according to the pictures.,Wei Fang,She takes the bus to school.,The following pictures show how different students get to school. Make sentences according to the pictures.,Li Lin,He comes to school by car.,The following pictures show how different students get to school. Make sentences according to the pictures.,1. take the train _ 2. take the bus_,3. take the subway_ 4. ride a bike_,5. walk_,1a,Make the words with the pictures.,a,d,e,b,c,Bob 3. John 5. Yang,Lan,2. Mary 4. Paul 6. Jim,1b,Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture above.,a,e,d,c,c,b,点此播放教学视频,1c,Look at the picture in 1a. How do the students get to school? Make conversations with your partner.,A: How does Mary get to school?,B: She takes the subway.,How does Bob get to school?,takes the train,to school.,goes to school,by train,.,How does Mary get to school?,She ,takes the subway,to school.,goes to school,by subway.,He ,ride a bike,by,bike,take a ship,take the subway,take a bus,take a train,take a plane,take / drive a car,walk,on,foot,by,bus,by,train,by,ship,by,subway,by,plane,by,car,by:,乘坐,(,某种交通工具,),两种方法表达交通方式,take a bus / by bus,乘公共汽车,ride a bike / by bike,骑自行车,take the subway / by subway,乘地铁,take a car / by car,乘坐小汽车,How do you get to school?,walk,to school.,go to school,on foot,.,ride my / a / the bike,to school.,go to school,by bike.,take a / the bus,to school.,go to school,by,bus,.,I,How do you get to school?,I,take a train,to school.,take a ship,to school,.,take a subway,to school,.,go to school,by,train,.,go to school,by,ship.,go to school,by,subway.,How do you get to school?,你是怎么上学去的?,how,是疑问副词,通常用来提问方式等。,含有动词的交通方式有:,take the subway,乘坐地铁,take the train,乘火车,walk (go on foot),步行,take the bus,乘公交汽车,可以用介词,by,表示乘坐方式:,by bus, by subway, by ship, by bike, by plane / air,Pair work,Example:, How does Maria go home?, She goes home by subway. /,She takes the subway home., How does Maria go home?, She goes home /,She home., How does Maria go home?, She goes home . /,She home., How does Maria go home?, She goes home . /,She home.,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,0,zero,0 1 2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9,Numbers review,ten,17,12,15,16,13,18,14,11,19,20,Can you read,these,numbers?,el,e,ven,tw,e,lve,s,e,venteen,four,teen,fif,teen,six,teen,nine,teen,eigh,teen,thir,teen,twen,ty,21,24,23,22,thir,ty,25,twenty,-six,twenty,-seven,twenty,-eight,twenty,-,nine,twenty,-one,twenty,-two,twenty,-three,twenty,-,four,twenty,-,five,30,26,27,29,28,2a,Listen and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word.,84,105,99,200,72,61,sixty-one _ seventy-two _,eighty four _ ninety-nine _,one hundred and five _,two hundred _,61,99,72,105,84,200,2b,Listen and complete the chart.,How?,How long? (minutes),How far? (kilometers),Tom,Jane,walks,20 min,2 km,takes the bus,1 hr 30 min/90 min,60 km,2c,Listen again. Check your answers in 2b.,2d,Student A is Jane and Student B is Tom. Use the information in 2b to make conversations.,A: How do you get to school? B: I,A: How long does it take? B: It takes ,A: How far is it from to ? B: Its about ,2e,Role-play the conversation.,点此播放教学视频,thir,teen,four,teen,fif,teen,six,teen,seven,teen,eigh,teen,nine,teen,thir,ty,f,or,ty,fif,ty,six,ty,seven,ty,eigh,ty,nine,ty,one hundred two hundred,注意,forty,的拼写!,one thousand three hundred and sixty five,1365,英文数字,用英语写出下列计算题的答案。,1. 7 + 5 = _,2. 9 + 14 = _,3. 44,10 = _,4. 90 2 = _,5. 7 8 = _,6. 29 + 38 =_,7. 9 9 = _,8. 35 + 64 = _,9. 50 2 + 6 = _,10. 60 + 70 = _,twelve,twenty-three,thirty-four,forty-five,fifty-six,sixty-seven,eighty-one,ninety-nine,one hundred and six,one hundred and thirty,6:30,6:40,leave home,get to school,10 minutes,A:,How long does it,take,?,B:,It take,s,about 10 minutes.,take,在此句中的意思是“花费”,A:,How do you get to school?,B:,I walk to school.,minutes,25,A:,How long does it take?,B:,It,take,s,twenty-five,minutes.,A: How do they get to school?,B: They ,8:00_8:30,A: How,long does it,take,?,B: It,take,s,minutes.,thirty minutes,take the subway,7:15_7:30,take the bus,fifteen minutes,6:45_ 7:20,thirty-five minutes,ride a bike,A,:,How do you get to school?,B,:,I,usually,but,sometimes,I ,A,:,How long does it take?,B,:,It takes about and .,take the subway / 10 minutes,take the train / 15 minutes,ride my bike / 25 minutes,take the bus / 20 minutes,Pairwork,It takes about 15 minutes to walk.,步行大约要花,15,分钟的时间。,It takes sb. some time to do,sth,.,某事花费某人,时间,e.g. It takes me 30 minutes to finish my homework.,sb.,some time,to do,sth,.,take,用法,ABC,一,.,take,表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具,。,如:,My father usually takes a bus to work.,我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。,注意:,take,和,by,都有“乘、坐”之意。,take,是动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;,而,by,是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。,by,短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如:,格林先生经常乘火车去上班。,Mr,Green often goes to work by train.,=,Mr,Green often takes a train to work.,二,.,take,表示“花费时间”之意,,,其常用句型为“,It takes sb. some time to do,sth,. ”,,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面动词前的,to,不可丢掉。,如:,It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day.,她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。,It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening.,晚上我要花半小时做作业。,三,.,含,take,的短语,take exercise,运动;锻炼,take off,脱掉;飞机)起飞,take a look (at),看一看,take photos,照相,拍照,take a seat,坐下,坐坐,take a walk,散步,take a rest,休息,take down,取下,take away,拿走,take out,拿出,take a vacation,度假,1,. I,take the bus,to,get to school.(,同义句,),2,. She,takes the car to,get to work.(,同上,),3,.They,walk to,school. (,同上,),4. It takes him,35 minutes,to walk there.,(,对划线部分提问,),I get to school on the bus / by bus.,She gets to work in the car / by car.,They get to school on foot.,How long does it take him to walk there?,根据提示完成句子。,1. I spend two hours doing my homework. (,改为同义句,),It _ me two hours _ _ my homework.,2. takes, the, he, usually, out, subway, to, go (.)(,连词成句,),_,_,takes,to do,He usually takes the subway to go out.,Homework,Copy 2c and 2d.,2. Make a survey.,How do your parents go to work?,And how long does it take?,


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