七年级英语 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿(精品)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,4.,teach sb.sth.,教某人某物,teach sb.to do sth.,教某人做某事,underground,n.,地铁,air,pollution,|p,lu:,n,|,n.,污染,tall,building,s,|,bildi,|,n.,建筑物,楼房,such,a tall building,adj.,这样的,此类的,Shopping Mall,Open:7:00a.m-10:00p.m,The shopping mall is open,until,10:00p.m.,close,far,be close to,be far away from,Lilys home,is close to,the center of city.,2008,北京奥运会,纪念品,souvenir,n.,纪念品,Chinese/,local,restaurant,Western,restaurant,|,westn|,adj.,西方的,|lukl|,adj.,本地的,Beijing duck,Beijing Opera,theatre,京剧,n.剧院,Learn new words!,“,T”or“F”,1.It takes 40 minutes to walk to the centre of Beijing from,Sunshine Town.,2.There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town.,3.Many students live in tall buidings.,4.There are only two shopping malls in Sunshine Town.,5.You can eat Beijing Duck in Sunshine Town.,6.You can enjoy Beijing Opera at the theatre.,F,40 minutes by underground,T,T,F,more,than,two,shopping,malls,T,T,Fill in the blanks:,Sunshine Town is a new town in Beijing.Its only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by,.,There is less air,in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.Most of us live in tall,.We dont,go far if we want help with our homework because live _ to each other.,Star Shopping,Mall,is our _ shopping mall.You can shop,ten oclock at night in it.If you like Chinese food,you can,any food you,like here.If you dont like Chinese food,there are lots of,restaurants,too.Do you like Beijing Opera?Why dont you,our local,with,us?You can enjoy Beijing Opera here.,underground,pollution,buildings,have to,until,choose,Western,visit,theatre,close,favourite,Listen to the script,tick(,),some right words from the script,A 50 minutes B 40minutes C 30 minutes,by bus by bike by underground,many flats tall buildings houses,18-35 floors 1935 floors 17-34 floors,Happy shopping Mall Star shopping Mall,souvenirs favourite clothes bags,Beijing Duck Hamburgers noodles,local theatre cinema Assembly Hall,(B)(C)(B)(A)(B)(A)(A)(A),Phrases,1.most of us,2.such a tall building,3.live in places like this,4.be close to,5.have to,6.want help with our homework,1.我们中的多数人,2.这样的一座高楼,3.住在这样的地方,4.和靠近,5.不得不,6.想要在需要帮助,Phrases,1.welcome to Sunshine Town,2.lots of things to do,3.this great new town,4.air pollution,5.lessthan,6.other areas of Beijing,7.a beautiful country park,8.go walking,9.green hills,trees and,lakes,1.欢迎到阳光镇,2.很多要做的事,3.这个大的新镇,4.空气污染,5.比少,6.北京的 其它地区,7.一个美丽的乡村公园,8.去散步,9.青山,绿树,碧湖,2.We,like to live in tall buildings because we can be close,to our friends.,我们喜欢住在高楼里,因为这样我们可以和朋友住得很近。,be close to,是“离近”的意思,相当于“near”例如:,My house,is close to,the bus stop.,Huashi Town,is close to,my home town.,(1)我家离公交车站很近。,(2)华士镇靠近我老家。,3.,need help with,“需要方面的帮助”例如:,他们在英语方面需要帮助。,They,need help with,their English.,她母亲在家务上需要帮助。,Her mother,needs help with,the housework.,Explanation,It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.,eg.,1.我家离学校步行大约十分钟.,2.他们的家离购物中心坐公共汽车半小时的距离.,My home is about 10 minutes from the school on foot.,Their homes are half an hour from the shopping mall by bus.,1.,A+be from+B+方式.表示距离,It is+from+A+to+B,There are,more,students in Class One,than,in Class Two.,There are,more,comics in my bag,than,in your bag.,more,than ,比,更多,many/much more most,5.We dont,have to,go far if we want help with,our homework.,如果我们在作业方面需要帮助的话,不必出远门。,“,have to,”,不得不,必须,我的自行车坏了,我不得不步行上学。,My bike is broken.I,have to,walk to school.,他的妈妈病了,他不得不照看她。,His mother is ill.He,has to,look after her.,go far 去远处,help sb.with sth 帮某人做某事,3.It is only 40 minutes,from,the centre of Beijing,by underground.,乘地铁从北京中心仅仅需要四十分钟。,by underground,“,乘地铁,”,介词by+交通工具:,by bus/car/bike/boat/ship(sea)/plane(air)/land/taxi,乘公交车/小汽车/骑自行车/船/飞机/陆地交通工具/出租车,by telephone/letter/e-mail/post,通过电话/信件/电子邮件/邮件,4.,Most of us,live in tall buildings.,我们大多数人住在高楼大厦里。,most of+,复数名词,/,不可数名词,,“,大多数,大部分,”,。,She read most of the books.,大多数书她都读过。,My cousin spent most of her money on clothes.,我表妹把大多数钱花在衣服上。,most,作形容词,修饰名词,,“,大多数的,”,。,Most students in our class do well in English.,Match the words with their meanings,1.air pollution,2.souvenirs,3.theatre,4.local,5.Western,6.underground,7.far,a,.,the,place where you live,b.things that make the air dirty,c.things that help people think of,a person,place,etc,d.a place for people to watch,plays or shows,e.a railway system under the,surface of ground in a city,f.the west part of the world,g.not near,本课时的安排和课件的说明:,本篇文章是阳光中学的学生向一群留学生介绍自己,家乡风貌的录象文字稿。本课时是阅读课的第一课时。,任务:识别生词,了解课文梗概,能够把握文章中心脉络。,1.,快速阅读,回答两个简单的问题。,2.,精读,划出不认识的词,根据图片或上下文猜出词义,。,3.,把课文作为听力材料,设计了几个听力题,加深学生 对课文的理解。,4.,再读课文,根据图片选择其链接的问题,进行回答,考查学生对课文的理解。,5.,根据课文做True or False 练习,6.,小结一个现代化的城镇应具备那些特点和条件,。,7.,以小组为单位描述一个你们喜欢的的地方。,江苏省怀仁中学:林维华,牛津英语七,(B)Unit 2 Reading,


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