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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/8/4 Tuesday,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,WWW.DESIGNERSPARADISE.COM,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/4/2020,#,初三英语,建议类书面表达,建议类作文分类,内容描述内容描述内容描述内 容描述内容描述内容描述内容,单击编辑标题,A.,针对某一主题提出建议。,B.,针对某一现象,分析原因,提出你的建议,。,【写作策略】,一、认真审题,确定体裁、人称和时态。,建议类文章是针对某一问题,提出作者的建议,应使用第一人称或第三人称,一般现在时态。,A.针对某一主题提出建议。,这类文章,可以按总分总的思路进行写作,,第一部分要开篇点题,,即开门见山地表明本篇文章的主题是针对某问题提出建议;,第二部分要条理清晰地阐述建议,;,第三部分要简洁准确地进行总结。,第一段针对某一主题提出建议,Here are some,suggestions,on,how to learn English,.,How can we keep healthy?,What should we do to keep fit?,The following are my suggestions( on ),第二段阐述具体的建议,You should/ ought to ,You had better do/not do,Why not,Why dont you ,It is good/ wise to ,You mustnt ,Dont,第三段,号召按建议采取行动,Lets take actions from now on to ,If you following the suggestions above, you will,Only in this way, can we ,If you do so/ keep on doing that, you will ,Thus, I suggest sb (should )do sth .,B.针对某一现象,分析原因,提出你的建议,第一段,描述现象,Nowadays, the computer is,playing an important role in,our daily life.,With the development of,technology,more and more,students are using smart phones.,As we all know,most middle school students,spend,little time,doing,sports.,It is known to all that,many students have to take,various,classes,in their spare time,第二段分析原因,First of all, Secondly,Thirdly,Whats more, Besides,Finally,.,For one thing, For another thing,.,On the one hand, On the other hand,.,第三段提出建议,You should/ ought to ,You had better do/not do,Why not,Why dont you ,It is good/ wise to ,You mustnt ,Dont ,遣词造句,1.我们应该采取一系列的有效措施来应对当前的形势。,2.锻炼的方法有很多。,3.我们最好在空闲时间帮父母博物馆或打扫房间。,4.做家务教会我们如何照顾自己。,5.为了提高学习效率,我们应该学会用正确的方式放松。,6.你应该每天锻炼以便于尽早地恢复体力。,7.大部分人们还没有意识到不吃早餐这个坏习惯对他们的健康有多大的伤害。,8.不吃早饭不会帮助你减肥,反而会增加你的体重。,9.,早睡早起是一种健康的生活方式。,1,0,.健康的生活方式帮助我们保持健康.,我们应该采取一系列的有效措施来应对当前的形势。,1,.,We,should,take a series of effective,measures to,cope with,the situation.,锻炼的方法有很多,2.,There are many ways to exercise.,我们最好在空闲时间帮父母做饭或打扫房间。,3.We,had better,help our parents cook or clean,the,house in free time .,做家务教会我们如何照顾自己。,4,.Doing housework,teaches us how to look after ourselves.,为了提高学习效率,我们应该学会用正确的方式放松。,5.,In order to,improve learning efficiency, we should learn to relax,in a right way.,你应该每天锻炼以便于尽早地恢复体力。,6.You should exercise everyday,so that,you can rebuild your strength soon.,大部分人们还没有意识到不吃早餐这个坏习惯对他们的健康有多大的伤害。,7.Most people havent realized,how much harm,may the bad habitnot eating breakfast do to their health.,不吃早饭不会帮助你减肥,反而会增加你的体重。,8.Refusing breakfast will not help you lose weight but to put weight on you.,早睡早起是一种健康的生活方式,9.,Early to bed and early to rise,is a healthy way of living.,健康的生活方式帮助我们保持健康.,10.Healthy lifestyles,help,us,keep in good health.,优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),三、组句成篇。,写作的第三个步骤是通读文章,并在句与句之间加一些,衔接性、过渡性的词汇或短语,,使文章更加流畅。并,检查是否存在拼写和,语法错误,。,优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),为了更好地开展八年级学生的研学旅行( study travel),学校现面向全年级征集活动意向。假如你是李华,,请谈谈你建议的,时间,和,地点,并,陈述理由,,简要介绍,打算开展的活动,。,要求:,(1)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;,(2)词数80左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,Dear leaders,I am Li Hua from Class, Grade 8. _,We can discuss the details(细节)later.,Yours,Li Hua,典型例题,优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),班级将举办英语演讲比赛,请根据思维导图,以How to Be Happy为题目,写一篇90词左右的演讲稿开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数),要求:,1短文应条理清楚,行文连贯,段落分明,2短文中不能出现真实的姓名、学校、地名等信息,3短文应包括全部信息,可围绕主题适当发挥,课后作业,Good morning,everybody!The topic I want to talk about today isHow to Be Happy,The following are my suggestions,优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),Good morning,everybody!The topic I want to talk about today isHow to Be Happyy suggestions are as following,First of all,we should have life aimsWhen we have life aims,we can be clear about what to do every day and live a busy and meaningful life,Next,we must keep healthyWithout good health,we will have nothingSo we should have good life habits and try our best to take exercises every day,Finally,we ought to be ready to help othersWhen we help those in trouble,we can get much happiness,I believe if we do so,we can have a happy life,Thats what I want to share with youThank you,优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),谢谢您的观看,!,Thank you,优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),优秀,ppt,公开课,ppt,免费课件下载免费课件中考英语建议类书面表达(,PPT18,张),


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