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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,执教者:李佳,Play a game,请快速说出你所看到的单词、短语或,句子!,2.,看到,请拍手并大声说:,Bomb!,游戏规则,Play a game,in the desk,Its under the chair.,Is it on your desk?,behind,家,home,Play a game,家,home,新家,new home,This is,our new home,.,Unit 5,Our,This is our kitchen.,This is our living room.,This is our bedroom.,我们的新家,b,e,droom,卧室,k,i,tchen,厨房,l,i,v,i,ng,room,客厅,预 习 反 馈,Where,s,my doll?,It,s,in the bedroom.,bedroom,呈 现 新 知,Where,s,my robot?,It,s,in the kitchen.,kitchen,s,o,f,a,沙发,Where,are,my ball,s,?,They,are,in the living room.,They,are,on the sofa.,They,are,behind the sofa.,living room,(,考考你的记忆力:请仔细观察苏海和苏阳的家,记住每样物品放在什么地方,然后说出它的位置。,),Good memory,Good memory,Where are,my,?,Theyre in/on,your,1.,2.,3.,两两对话!,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Roll it!,Wheres,my,?,Its in,your,Where are,my,?,Theyre in,your,Where are they?,Theyre in the,Roll it!,Where are they?,Theyre in the,呈 现 新 知,Watch the cartoon,Q:What are they looking for?,(她们正在寻找什么?,),Su Yangs bag B.Su,Hais,T-shirt,C.Su,Hais,skirts D.Su Yangs doll,E.Su Yangs white cap,Watch the cartoon,Su Yangs bag B.Su,Hais,T-shirt,C.Su,Hais,skirts D.Su Yangs doll,E.Su Yangs white cap,Q:What are they looking for?,(她们正在寻找什么?,),Read the story,Wheres the bag?,Wheres the white cap?,Where are the skirts?,Its in the bedroom.,Its in the kitchen.,Theyre in the living room,on the sofa.,Read by yourselves and underline the places.,(,自读故事并划出下列物品所在的位置。,),1.,Read after the tape.,跟录音朗读,注意模仿语音语调。,Lets read,Try to say,Mum,wheres my bag?,Its in your bedroom.,Try to say,Mum,where are my skirts?,Theyre in the living room,on the sofa.,Try to say,Wheres my white cap,Su,Hai,?,Is it in your bedroom?,No,it isnt.,Try to say,过来看看,Come and,look,Su,Yang.Your,cap is in the kitchen.,1.,Read after the tape.,跟录音朗读,注意模仿语音语调。,Lets read,2.,Read together.,(合作学习),四人一组,朗读课文,,互帮互学,争取人人会读,,组长负责,。,Try to read,!,Try to say,新 知 巩 固,(请把对话补充完整),Try to say,新 知 巩 固,(请把对话补充完整),Try to say,新 知 巩 固,(请把对话补充完整),Try to say,新 知 巩 固,(请把对话补充完整),Lets act.,三人一小组,分好角色,表演对话,记住自己的台词。,Tips:,1.,准备,2,分钟。,2.,注意语气、表情和动作哦!,达 标 检 测,语音正确、声音响亮、说得流畅。,语音正确、声音响亮、说得流畅、,语调准确,。,语调正确、声音响亮、说得流畅、语调准确、,动作表情到位,。,评 价 标 准,Fill in the blanks,选用合适的词填空,This is Su,Hai,and Su Yangs new _.Look,Su Yangs bag is in the _.And her white,cap is in the _.Where are Su,Hais,skirts?,Oh,theyre in the _,on the _.,bedroom kitchen living room home sofa,考考你!,Fill in the blanks,选用合适的词填空,This is Su,Hai,and Su Yangs new _.Look,Su Yangs bag is in the _.And her white,cap is in the _.Where are Su,Hais,skirts?,Oh,theyre in the _,on the _.,home,bedroom,kitchen,living room,sofa,bedroom kitchen living room home sofa,Please love our home!,Please love our family!,1.,我们的新家,课堂练习,翻译下列词组和句子。,2.,在你的卧室里,3.,在沙发上,4.,在客厅,5.,我的白色便帽,6.,过来看看,7.,我的包在哪里?它在厨房里。,8.,我的一些书在哪里?它们在沙发上。,Homework,Read and recite,Story time,after class.,2.Name the things in your home.,Goodbye,


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