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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,LECTURE-3MORPHOLOGY,Su,Zhanghai,3.1 Morphology,(,形态学,),1.Definition:,Morphology,refers to the study of the internal structure of words,and the rules by which words are formed.,e.g.:,A,B,like,dis,like,order,dis,order,appear,dis,appear,approve,dis,approve,agree,dis,agree,advantages,dis,advantages,2.Word and word classes,Word:,No satisfactory definition so far.,In the case of English,a,word,is a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper.,Words,are units fall between pauses in speech.,A,word,is“a minimum free form”in a language,that is,the smallest form that can occur by itself,.-Bloomfield.,A better way to define a word is probably to survey the four characteristics of a word.,First of all,a,word,is a sound or combination of sounds which we produce voluntarily with our vocal equipment.,Phonemes build up into morphemes,which are the smallest working units of meaningful sound and which then build up into words:,Words,Morphemes,Phonemes,One-morpheme word,we,/,wi,:,/(two phonemes),cat,/,kt,/(three phonemes),Two-morpheme word,read,er,/,ri:d,/,(four phonemes),jump,er,/,d,mp,/,(five phonemes),Second,a,word,is symbolic,i.e.it stands for something else,such as objects,happenings,or ideas.The symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary;there is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or idea and the actual thing or idea itself.The only exceptions for this rule are onomatopoetic or echoic words such as,bang,or,cuckoo,.,Third,words,are part of the large communication system we call language.A word is partly dependent for meaning upon its use in the larger context.,Lastly,words,help human beings interact culturally with one another.In some situations,the act of speaking is more important than what we actually say.,Open class and closed class,(,开放性词类和封闭性词类,),open class words,(,开放性词类,),=content words,(,实义词,),nouns,verbs,adjectives and adverbs,closed class words,(,封闭性词类,),=grammatical,or,functional words,(,功能词,),conjunctions,prepositions,articles and pronouns,3.2 Morphemes-the minimal units of meaning,(,词素,最小的意义单位,),morphemes,bound morphemes(,粘着词素,),free morphemes(,自由词素,),prefixes(,前缀,),suffixes(,后缀,),Derivational morphemes:new words are derived,Inflectional morphemes:,Grammatical markers-tense,number,case,etc.,3.4 Morphological rules of word formation,(,词汇构成的词素音位规则,),Morphological rules,词素音位规则,Productive Morphological rules,生产性词素音位规则,3.5 Compounds,Conference:,Lectures of,Lexicology,Yang,Xinzhang,:2005:7396,


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