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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?,Section A 1a-2c,Unit 1Where did you go on vac,Studying aims:,知识目标:复合不定代词(,anyone,,,anything,,,something,,,everything,,,nothing,)含义及用法。,能力目标:,Learn to talk about past events using the simple past tense.,情感目标:,Talk about own vacation experience and enjoy the life.,Studying aims:知识目标:复合不定代词(anyo,How,was,your last weekend,?,It,was,great,/,OK,/,not bad,/,not very good,do my homework clean my room,go to the movies go to the beach,visit my aunt stay at home,have a party do some reading,practice English study for the test,Revision,What,did,you,do,on the weekend,?,It was great/OK/not bad/n,What did they do?,They were,on vacation,.,在 度 假 中,Presentation,What did they do?They were on,Where,did,you,go,on vacation?,I,went,to,the beach.,beach,Where did you I went to beach,Where,did,he,go,on vacation?,He,went,to New York City.,New York City,Where did he go on vacation?H,Where,did,he,go,o,n,vacation?,He,went,to the,museum,.,He,visited,museum,s,.,museum,Where did he go on vacation?He,Where,did,she,go,on vacation?,She,visited,her friend.,Where did she go on vacation?,Where,did,she,go,on vacation?,She stay,ed,at home.,Where did she go on vacation?,They,went,to,the mountains.,Where,did,they,go,on vacation?,They went toWhere did they,They,went,to summer camp.,Where,did,they,go,on vacation?,summer camp,They went to summer camp.Wher,visited,museum,s,went to,summer,camp,visited,my uncle,went to,the beach,stayed at,home,went to,the mountains,went to,New York City,Important Expressions,visited museums went to,Matching,1.stayed at home _,2.went to New York,City _,3.visited my uncle _,4.went to summer,camp _,5.went to the,mountains _,6.went to the beach _,7.visited museums _,b,d,c,g,a,e,Match the activities with the pictures a-g.,1a,f,Matching1.stayed at home _bd,Listen and number the people in the picture(1-5).,1.Tina,2.Xiang Hua,3.Sally,4.Bob,5.Tom,4,3,2,5,1b,Listening,Listen and number the people i,A:Where,did,you/,he/she/they,go,on vacation?,B:I/He/She/They,1,C,PAIRWORK:,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,Make conversations about the people in the picture.,6,7,A:Where did you/he/she/they,Grace,Kevin,Julie,Where did the people go on vacation?,Complete the chant.,People,Grace,Kevin,Julie,Places,New York City,Central park,beach,at home,2a,Grace Kevin Julie Where did th,Listen again.Check()Yes,I did or No,I,didnt for each question.,Did you,Yes,I did,No,I didnt,Grace,Kevin,Julie,go with anyone?,go to Central park,?,buy anything special?,play volleyball?,swim?,meet anyone interesting?,do anything interesting?,study for tests?,go out with anyone?,Did Grace go with anyone?,Yes,she did.,ask and answer,2b,Listen again.Check()Yes,Ask:,Where did you go on vacation?,What did you do there?How was your vacation?,Do a survey,(Group work),Ask your classmates about their vacation.,Report like this:,My friend Mary went to Hong Kong on her,vacation.She Went to the beaches.The weather there was,Sunny and warm.she felt very interested and excited.,Ask:Where did you go on va,What have you learned from this class?,Summary,What have you learned from thi,Conversation 3,Boy:Where did you go on your vacation,Julie?,Julie:I _.,B:Oh.So,did you do anything interesting?,J:No,I didnt.,B:Did you _?,J:Yes,I did.,B:Did you go out with anyone?,J:No._was here.,Everyone was on vacation.,stayed at home,study for your tests,No one,形容词,修饰不定代词,,形容词,要放在这些不定代词的,后面,,如,anything interesting,,,something special,。,2,.,不定代词做,主语,,其后谓语动词用,单数,。如:,Someone was angry,.,不定代词,Conversation 3Boy:Where did y,Exercise,1.Did he go out with _ (,任何人,)?,2.They didnt buy _,(,特殊的东西,)there,yesterday.,3.Tell us _ _ (,有趣的事情,)about your vacation,Jenny.,4.-Excuse me,is there _ in todays newspaper?-No,nothing.,A.something new B.new something C.anything new,5.,Someone,angry.,A.were B.,was,C.are,anyone,something interesting,anything special,C,B,Exercise1.Did he go out with,The world is so beautiful,lets enjoy our lives.,The world is so beautiful,Homework,Make a,report,about what you,and your family,d,id,last week,end,.,Master the words in this,class,and preview next part.,Homework Make a report about w,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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