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Click to edit master title style,Bullet one,Bullet two,Bullet three,Bullet four,33, 2016 ANSYS, Inc.,October 3, 2024,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,*,ANSYS Topology Optimization ACT Extension,ANSYS Inc.,17.0 Release,ANSYS Topology Optimization AC,ANSYS Topology Optimization - Overview,ACT Application name: ANSYS Topology Optimization,ACT Application version: R17.0,Target application: WB Mechanical,ANSYS compatible version: R17.0,Description:,E,xposes Topology Optimization capabilities in Workbench Mechanical. The optimized model can then be exported and edited in SpaceClaim to perform subsequent validation analysis, optionally import into a CAD system, and/or be sent to a 3D printer for manufacture.,ANSYS Topology Optimization -,Information,Please,pay attention to paragraph 9 of the CLICKWRAP SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR ACS EXTENSIONS regarding TECHNICAL ENHANCEMENTS AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT (TECS): “TECS is not included with the Program(s,)”,Report any,issue or provide,feedback related to,this,app please contact:,Steve.Pilz,InformationPlease pay attentio,Binary App Installation (1),Installing,from,the ACT Start Page:,From the project page, select the“,ACT Start Page,”,option,Click on “Extension Manager”,Press “+” symbol in the top right corner,It,will open a file dialog to select,theappropriate “,*.wbex,” binary file,The extension is installed,Loading,the extension,:,From the Extension Manager,click on your extension and chooseLoad Extension,The extension is loaded,Notes:,The extension to be installed will be stored in the following location: %AppData%Ansysv170ACTextensions,The installation will create a folder in this location, in addition to the .wbex file,Binary App Installation (1)Ins,Binary App Installation (2),Once the binary extension is installed at default location, one can,move the *.wbex and the folder,to any other location,Default path:,%AppData%Ansysv170ACTextensions,New path: Any location on your machine, shared drive etc.,All users interested in using the extension need to include that path in their Workbench Options,In the,“Tools”,menu, select the,“Options”,Select,“Extensions”,in the pop up panel,Add the path under,“Additional Extensions Folder ”,Define additional folders in which ACT will search for extensions in order to expose them in the Extension Manager,1,2,3,Notes:,During the scan of the available extensions, the folders will be analyzed according to the following order:,The,application data,folder(e.g.,%AppData%,Ansysv170ACTextensions),The additional folders defined in the “Additional Extension Folders” property,The installation folder,The,“extensions”,folder,part of the,current Workbench project (if,the project was previously saved with the extension),If an extension is available in more than one of these locations, the 1,st,one according to the scan order is used,Binary App Installation (2)Onc,User Documentation Contents,Overview,User Guide,Design Optimization,Validation Analysis,User Documentation ContentsOve,ANSYS Topology Optimization ACT Extension,Summary of capabilities:,This,ACT App installs a Topology Optimization System in the Workbench Project Schematic,The ACT App exposes Topology Optimization capabilities in Workbench Mechanical,Various optimization objective and constraint response types are available for optimizing Static Structural designs,The shape of the optimized design can be viewed and saved in the form of an STL file,SpaceClaim can be used to clean up, modify and convert the STL file into a solid model,The design can be verified by importing the solid model into a downstream Static Structural System and performing validation analysis,The STL file of the optimized model can be sent to a 3D printer for manufacture,ANSYS Topology Optimization AC,Capabilities Overview: Topology Optimization,Objective Functions,Single and Multi Compliance,Local Degree of Freedom,Local Displacement,Reaction Force,Volume, Mass,Constraint Functions,Local Degree of Freedom,Reaction Force,Volume, Mass,Local Stress,Global Stress,Manufacturing Constraints,Maximum Member Size,Minimum Member Size,Symmetry,Extrusion,Mechanical Physics,Linear Stress,Steady State,Linear Bonded Contact,Solid Bodies (2D and 3D),Capabilities Overview: Topolog,Capabilities Overview: Exposure and Workflow (1),Static Structural Problem Setup,Set up in Static Structural System,Optionally Solve to obtain reference solution,Optimize Design,Link to downstream Topology,Optimization System (ACT Extension),Define Design Objectives, Design and Manufacturing Constraints,Solve to obtain optimized model,Visualize, inspect and “extract” shape of optimized model,Export/Save STL file of optimized model,Capabilities Overview: Exposur,Capabilities Overview: Exposure and Workflow (2),Validate Design,Edit STL model in SpaceClaim and convert to solid geometry,Create downstream Static Structural System to validate optimized design,Import model,into,downstream Static Structural,System, remesh and reapply problem setup,Perform validation analysis,Capabilities Overview: Exposur,User Guide: Static Structural Problem Setup,User Guide: Static Structural,Static Structural Problem Setup for Optimization,Create “Design Space”,Create geometry from scratch, or,Import part or assembly to be optimized,Apply loads, supports, material props, etc.,Guidelines for meshing design space,Set Physics Preference to Mechanical,Use quadrilateral elements (Mid Side Nodes Kept),P,referred elements are Hexs followed by Wedges, followed by Tets,Where possible use a constant element size,Static Structural Problem Setu,User Guide: Design Optimization,User Guide: Design Optimizatio,Topology Optimization App Installation,Installing,from,the ACT Start Page:,From the project page, select the“,ACT Start Page,”,option,Click on “Extension Manager”,Press “+” symbol in the top right corner,It,will open a file dialog to select,thedownloaded “,TopologyOptimization,.wbex,” binary file,The extension is installed,Loading,the extension,:,From the Extension Manager,click on your extension and chooseLoad Extension,The extension is loaded,Notes:,The extension to be installed will be stored in the following location: %AppData%Ansysv170ACTextensions,The installation will create a folder in this location, in addition to the .wbex file,Topology Optimization App Inst,Accessing the Topology Optimization System,Linking the Topology Optimization System to the Static Structural System introduces the “Ansys Topology Optimization” folder in the Workbench Mechanical Project Outline,Topology Optimization controls can be “Inserted” using this folder,These controls are also available on the Workbench Mechanical Toolbar,Analysis Settings exposes various solver settings and controls,Default settings are appropriate for most cases,Note:,Topology Optimization solution must converge before results can be viewed.,Tip:,A rough and quick solution can be obtained by relaxing the Convergence Tolerance to 1%,Accessing the Topology Optimiz,Specify Areas of the Model to be Optimized and Areas to be Excluded,Insert the “Design Region” control and scope to areas to be optimized,May be an entire assembly, a sub-assembly, or a multi- or single-body part,Insert the “Exclusion,”,control,to identify areas of the Design Region where material should not be removed,May be any Geometry Selection or Named Selection,Note:,Exclusions may also be applied to selective areas of the mesh. Use the Worksheet Scoping Method of the Named Selections control to select the target mesh region.,Specify Areas of the Model to,Specify Design Optimization Objectives,Insert the “Objective” control and select desired Objective Response Type and corresponding Goal. Following Response Types are supported in R17.0,Single and Multiple Compliance,Local Degree of Freedom,Local Displacement,Reaction Force,Volume,Mass,Note:,Only one Objective can be used per analysis,Note:,Multiple load cases may be used per analysis. Each load case should represent a single step in the Static Structural problem set up. E.g., three load steps will require the Number of Steps under the Analysis Settings Control to be set to 3,Specify Design Optimization Ob,Specify Design Optimization Constraints,Insert the “Constraint” control and select desired Constraint Response Type and corresponding settings. Following Response Types are supported in R17.0,Local Degree of,Freedom,Reaction,Force,Volume,Mass,Local Stress,Global Stress,Note,:,In R17.0 Local Degree of Freedom and Reaction Force Constraints can be scoped to a single mesh node only, and the Local Stress Constraint can be scoped to a single mesh element only.,Important Note:,T,he problem definition will be incomplete if a single Constraint is used that has the same Response Type as that selected in the Objective - e.g., a single Volume (or Mass) Constraint in combination with Volume (or Mass) Objective. If the goal is to obtain the stiffest possible structure at a given fraction of the Design Space Volume (or Mass), use the Single or Multiple Compliance Objective in combination with a Volume (or Mass) Constraint.,Important Note:,Special care should be taken when applying Local Degree of Freedom, Reaction Force, Local Stress and Global Stress Constraints to ensure the design optimization problem statement is well-defined. It is strongly recommended that the corresponding Structural Static problem be solved first on the Design Space (i.e., un-optimized model) to develop a “feel” for appropriate lower and/or upper bounds for setting these constraints. E.g., setting an Upper Bound value for the Global Stress Constraint that is significantly lower than the Maximum Stress encountered in solving the un-optimized model is not a realistic constraint and will likely lead to a Solver Error.,Specify Design Optimization Co,Specify,Manufacturing Constraints,Following manufacturing constraints are supported in R17.0,Minimum Member Size,Maximum Member Size,Extrusion,Symmetry,Note:,To ensure proper numerical resolution, it is recommended that a Minimum Member Size Constraint always be applied and its value to be set to at least 2.5 times the typical mesh element size,Note:,The application of the Extrusion or Symmetry Constraints requires that the mesh reflect the extruded or symmetry characteristics of the constraint. E.g., when applying an Extrusion Constraint in the X-direction, the mesh should be generated in such a way that it also extrudes in the X-direction. Typically in such cases one will use the Sweep or MultiZone mesh methods.,Note:,The Symmetry and Extrusion Constraints cannot be combined in a given simulation,Note:,A suite of examples are available in the ACT extension package that demonstrate the setup of Optimization Objectives and Constraints for a range of,problems,Specify Manufacturing Constrai,Launch Topology Optimizer, Monitor Solution Convergence,To launch the optimizer, right-click on the Solution folder under the Ansys Topology Optimization folder and select “Solve”,Note,:,Shared,memory,parallel,(SMP) processing,is supported and up to the maximum number of the,physical CPUs,can be used,There are three ways to monitor solution convergence,Solver output in Solution Information Worksheet view,Iteration progress text window launches automatically,Solution Convergence Graphs,Note,:,The progressing solution can be stopped, but not interrupted,Note,: Solution must converge before the results can be retrieved,Tip,:,The Solution Convergence graph and table do not get automatically refreshed once activated from the Show dropdown command. To update the Solution Convergence graph and table manually, clear the data via the Hide dropdown command, and then reissue the Show command.,Launch Topology Optimizer, Mon,Retrieving Optimizer Results,The Optimizer,returns a 3D,solution field,of pseudo density elemental values that,range,from 0.0 to 1.0.,A value close to 1 indicates material is,experiencing load,and must be retained, a value close to 0 indicates the material is redundant and may be removed.,From the Solution folder, Insert “Values” and/or “Averaged Node Values” to retrieve the solution,“Values” represent the raw pseudo densities defined at element centroids,“Averaged Nodal Values” represent the smoothed pseudo densities mapped to the element nodes,Important Note:,It is strongly recommended that the “Average Node Values” result be used for visualizing the optimizer results, especially for visualizing the shape of the optimized model and extracting it for validation analysis in a downstream Workbench Mechanical System. See Next slide.,Retrieving Optimizer ResultsT,Visualize and Export Optimized Shape,Best way to visualize the 3D shape of the optimized model is to use “Capped Isosurface” contouring command with the “Bottom Capped IsoSurface” option,The slider bar may be used to visualize how the shape of the optimized model changes with different values of pseudo density,Lower values of pseudo density lead to “chunkier” shapes, higher values lead to “slender” shapes.,Important Note:,You should use intuition and engineering judgement to pick the pseudo density value that results in the “best” optimized shape.,Tip,:,It is good practice to err on the side of caution and resist the urge to remove too much material! Typical values of pseudo density range from 0.3 to 0.7.,To export the optimized shape, right click on Average Node Values and select Export ,STL File,Tip,:,To ensure portability of the project, save the STL file,in,the user_files subdirectory of the Workbench Projects *_files directory,Visualize and Export Optimized,User Guide: Validation Analysis,User Guide: Validation Analysi,Edit STL File in SpaceClaim (1),The STL file exported from WB Mechanical is not suitable for performing validation analysis or for sending to a 3D printer,Import the STL file into SpaceClaim to:,Fix intersecting, overlapping facets,M,ake STL surface mesh watertight,Coarsen to reduce the number of facets,Smooth organic surfaces generated by optimizer,Optionally, add more material near bolt holes, areas of contact etc.,Convert back to solid geometry and export to downstream Workbench Mechanical System to perform design validation analysis,Important notes,:,The,Facets capability in SpaceClaim is used to edit STL geometry,A separate license is required to use the Facets capability,Use SpaceClaim Options to activate Facets tab in the GUI,File,SpaceClaim Options,License,Check STL Prep checkbox,Edit STL File in SpaceClaim (1,Edit STL File in SpaceClaim (2),Important notes:,On import, explicitly set STL units to be same as units in the original Design Space Geometry file,Use Measure command to confirm model has correct length units after import,Tip:,It is recommended that the original Design Space also be imported into SpaceClaim. This provides the option of reusing parts from the original geometry to modify the optimized geometry.,Important notes,:,Use the “Check Mesh” command to check the imported raw STL model for errors,It is,strongly,recommended that you use the “Auto Fix” mesh command first to automatically fix all or most of the errors,Other commands under Cleanup, Organize, and Modify can be used to fix any remaining errors and obtain a valid faceted geometry,Edit STL File in SpaceClaim (2,Edit STL File in SpaceClaim (3),After obtaining a valid STL geometry you may proceed to smooth the model and reduce the number of facets in readiness for converting to a solid model,You may use a combination of the “Reduce” and “Smooth” commands under Adjust.,Another powerful option for reducing and smoothing the facets in one step, is the “Shrinkwrap” command under Create.,You may optionally wish to modify the optimized model by adding more material in critical areas, such as those near high stress areas around bolt holes,Note:,SpaceClaim,provides a rich set of tools for editing and manipulating faceted geometry.,Please,refer to SpaceClaim user documentation and videos,to learn more about how best to use these tools for editing your STL models,Coarse STL model using combination of Reduce and Smooth commands,Refined STL model where surfaces from original CAD model have been used to extrude material near bolt holes and merge with bracket. The Shrinkwrap command is used to coarsen and smooth the facets,Edit STL File in SpaceClaim (3,Convert to Solid Geometry,To perform a design validation study on the optimized model, the STL geometry must first be converted to solid geometry,Select the cleaned up STL geometry in the GUI tree, right click and select: Convert to solid,Merge faces,Note:,The “Merge faces” option reduces the number of faces in the converted solid model by merging facets on flat surfaces. This further reduces the number of nurbs faces which in turn helps reduce the size of the solid model file that is generated,Finally, save the solid Geometry file as a native SpaceClaim file for,design validation analysis,Tip:,To ensure portability of the project, save the,file,in the user_files subdirectory of the Workbench Projects *_files directory,Convert to Solid GeometryTo pe,Perform Design Validation (1),Create a “Duplicate” of the Static Structural System (System A in Figure below) and place it downstream of the Ansys Topology Optimization System (System B),The duplicate Static Structural System (System C) contains boundary conditions and other settings that can be reused to perform validation analysis on the optimized model,Right click on the Geometry cell of System C and “Replace Geometry” with the solid geometry of the optimized model exported from SpaceClaim,Edit the Model cell in System C to launch Workbench Mechanical.,Click “Yes” to read the optimized model geometry. On startup, the old Design Space geometry is replaced by the new optimized model geometry in Workbench Mechanical,Perform Design Validation (1)C,Perform Design Validation (2),As a first step, it is recommended to “Generate Virtual Cells” using default settings of “Automatic” Method and “Low” Behavior,Note:,This further reduces the number of faces in the model which leads to higher quality meshes. It also leads to fewer surfaces to select for reapplying loads, supports, etc.,Guidelines,for,re-meshing optimized model,Set Physics Preference to Mechanical,Use quadrilateral elements (Mid Side Nodes Kept),Use default Mechanical “Adaptive” Size Function with a specified element size,Due to the organic nature of the optimized model shape, tetrahedral elements are the preferred choice of element for such geometries,Perform Design Validation (2)A,Perform Design Validation (3),Reapply the Material and related properties to the optimized geometry,Reapply Loads, Supports, and other boundary conditions,Note:,This is a manual process and may be somewhat cumbersome if the surfaces are made up of a large number of faces,Tip,:,Make use of group selection features such as “Extend to Limits” to facilitate selecting boundary surfaces with a large number of faces,Solve and inspect the solution,to determine if design objectives have been met,Perform Design Validation (3)R,Known Issues/Limitations,Linux OS is not supported,Known aborts on Windows 10 when retrieving or regenerating Topology Optimizer results,A maintenance release will be posted soon that will fix the above issue,Multiple feeder systems are not supported,Multiple Topology Optimization Systems in a given analysis are not supported,Long solution times may be encountered on large meshes exceeding a few hundred thousand nodes,Known Issues/LimitationsLinux,References,User Guide PowerPoint,Suite of basic example that demonstrate the range of Topology Optimization capabilities available in R17.0,ReferencesUser Guide PowerPoin,Thank you,ANSYS Inc.,Main contact(s): Steve F. Pilz, Vah Haroutunian,Email address:,Steve.Pilz, Vahe.Haroutunian,Thank youANSYS Inc.,课件部分内容来源于网络,如对内容有异议或侵权的请及时联系删除!,此课件可编辑版,请放心使用,!,ppt课件.,课件部分内容来源


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