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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson Five,Letters(II):General Letters,English Practical Writing,Letters are important means of communication.,Generally speaking,there are two types of letters,business letters and personal letters.By business we do not mean buying,selling,or exchanging goods with people or companies but important matters we have to discuss or deal with.Business letters,may be a recommendation,a job/school application,an inquiry,an answer,a complaint,etc.In other words,all letters which are not personal are business letters.,I.Form,A letter has six parts:,1)Heading;,2)Inside address,3)Salutation,4)Body,5)Complimentary close,and,6)Signature.,7)Enclosure(,附件,),8)Postscript(,附言,),The heading,The heading gives the full address of:the writer and the date of the letter.It is usually written or typed in the upper right-hand corner of the first page.It may be either blocked(,并列式,)or indented,(,斜列式,),.It may or may not have end punctuation.,The British may put a comma after each line in the heading and end the address with a period,but the Americans do not:,Eg,:,British American,Ms.Jennifer Stone,Ms.Jennifer Stone,20 Fairview Drive,20 Fairview Drive,Eastbourne,BN18 2BU,Eastbourne,BN18 2BU,England.England,May 27,2007 May 27,2007,Block Form and Indented Form,76 Brooklyn Avenue CFL Section,Class A0511,New York 9,N.Y.,U.S.A.College of Culture&Communication,May 27,1999 Jiujiang University,Jiujiang,Jiangxi,CN,美国纽约第,9,号邮区,17th March 2008,布鲁克林大街,76,号,1999,年,5,月,27,日 中国江西九江,九江学院文传学院,对外汉语专业,A0511,班,2008,年,3,月,17,日,CFL=,Chinese as a foreign language professional,Clear Date,10/1/93?,To Americans:Oct.1,1993,To British and,most Europeans:Jan.10,1993,October 1,1993 =1(st)October(,)1993,=1 Oct.93,Abbreviation Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.,Aug.,Sept.,Oct.Nov.Dec.,May June July,Inside address,The inside address,which is often omitted in personal letters,gives the name and full address of the addressee.It goes above the salutation.As in the heading,the use or nonuse of end punctuation depends on the preference of the writer.,Salutation,The salutation is a greeting to the addressee.It is written flush with the left margin two spaces below the inside address.The British tend to use a comma after the salutation and the Americans,a colon,especially in a business letter.The first name(Christian name)may be used in friendly personal letters.But in the salutation of a business letter,the surname of the addressee is used,as in the following examples:,Dear Professor/Prof.Smith:/,Dear Mr./Dr.Stein:/,Dear Ms.Santos:/,(or Dear Miss Santos:/,),Dear Ms.Singh:/,(or Dear Mrs.Singh:/,),Salutation,Ms.-when the marital status of a woman,addressee is not known or when she,(married or not)prefers the Ms.,Mmes.-is the plural of Mrs.=Mesdames F,Messrs.-is the plural of Mr.=Messieurs F,Salutation,In letters to organizations,or to persons whose names you do not know,the following greetings are used:,Dear Sir:,(or Dear Madam:or Dear Sir or Madam:,if you do not know the sex of your addressee),To whom it may concern:,(only for t,estimonials,(证明书,/,介绍信,/,推荐信),and things of that kind),Dear colleague;,(to a person who is of the same profession as the,writer,and usually used when you are sending a,circular,(通知,/,广告),to many people),Body,In the body of the letter,all paragraphs should begin flush with the left margin(the block style)or begin with an equal indention(the indented style),and the letter is usually single-spaced within the paragraph and doubled-,spaced between paragraphs.,Complimentary close,The closing of a business letter consists of three parts:,Complimentary close,Signature,Typed name,In the complimentary close,only the first word is capitalized.The close is followed by a comma.The conventional complimentary closes in business letters are:,Yours truly,Yours Sincerely,Sincerely yours,”Sincerely,Cordially yours Yours cordially.,Complimentary close,The close of a personal letter is of a more free choice.,Affectionately,Fondly,Yours with love,With best wishes,”“,Love,”“,Yours,”“,As ever,”etc.,can be used apart from Yours,sincerely,Yours truly,etc.;which one of these you use depends on your exact relationship with the addressee.,The closing can be put either on the right-hand side or left-hand side of the page.Some writers even prefer to have it in the middle one or two spaces below the last line of the letter.,Signature,In a business letter the handwritten signature is placed between the complimentary close and the typed name of the writer,and the writers,official capacity,(官职),is indicated after the typed name.,In a personal letter,you may sign your full name,your first name,or even a nickname in accordance with your relationship with the addressee.,If you send along with your letter such things as a resume,a check,a receipt,etc.,write Enclosure(s)or remind the addressee that besides the letter,there is another material in the envelope.,Signature,If you happen to have something additional to say after you have finished the letter,y


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