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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,2024/10/2,Three Times Beating the Monster,PPT Template,It is a story about a Buddhist monk and a bunch of animals with human characteristic.The animals themselves are celestial being in mortal forms and they have magical powers that protect themselves from the goblins and the evil spirits.The drama mainly talks about the plots of“Three Times Beating the White Bones”.In addition,the play adds funny color and modern entertainment such as playing landlords,selling check out and so on.,2024/10/2,唐僧:肖敏,悟空:陈嘉欣,八戒:苏畅,沙僧:陈俊丽,老板、哪咤:温嘉佩,白骨精、美女、老妇、老头:伍淑娟,Character,Character,2024/10/2,沙僧,:,Wow,With green mountains around us and bright river along the mountains.What a lovely day!,(喔,山清水秀。这是多么美好的一天啊!),唐僧,:,Emitofo,Wu,k,ong,where are we now?,(阿弥陀佛,悟空,我们现在到哪儿了?,),悟空,:,Ba Jie,map.,(八戒,地图。,),Now and then,Ba jie brings a picture with many beautiful girls to Wu kong by mistake.,这时八戒误拿出一张美女图,给了悟空。,悟空,:,Oh,Shifu,look!,(哦,师父,你看啊!,),唐僧,:,Oh,Ba,j,ie,how many times I have told you?Dont always take these pictures.,(哦,八戒,我告诉你多少次啦,不要老是带美女图啦!,),SCENE ONE,2024/10/2,八戒,:,Oh,Shifu,forgive me.,It wont happen again.,(,噢,师父,原谅我吧,!不会再有下一次,.,),沙僧,:,Brother Pig.We are monk.We are not supposed to get close to women.,(,二师兄,我们是和尚,我们是不应该贪近女色的。,),唐僧,:,Ill keep it for you until we reach the west.,(,我先暂时保管,直到我们到达西天取得真经。,),八戒,:,But.I really need it,at nights,Shifu!,You know?,(但是,我,深夜的时候,真的很需要它啊,师父!,你可知道的呀!,),唐僧,:,Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing!Map?,(阿弥陀佛,八戒,色即是空,空即是色呀!地图呢?,),沙僧,:,Here.Er.We have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!,(这里,额,你看,我们已经来到了白虎山!,),八戒,:,Oh,Shifu,I am so hungry now and I can not move anymore.,(噢,师父,我肚子饿扁了,我再也走不动了。,),悟空,:,Fat pig.,(肥猪。,),沙僧,:,Hold on,brother pig.,(坚持啊,二师兄,),2024/10/2,八戒:,Monkey,if you say these two words once more,I will,I will.,(死猴子,如果你再敢说这两个字,我就我就),悟空:,You will,you will what?,(你就,你就干嘛?),沙僧:,Calm down please,my brother.,(冷静啊!我的猴兄。),八戒:,I will help you catch louses.,(嘿嘿,我就帮你抓虱子啊!),唐僧:,Wu Kong,I am hungry.Would you bring us some food?,(悟空,我饿了,你能帮我们去带点吃的回来吗?),沙僧:,But Shifu,if the devil comes while brother monkey is away,what can we do?,(但是师父,如果有妖精来了,而大师兄又不在的话,该怎么办啊!),唐僧:,Well,thats a good question.Wu Kong,do you have any idea?,(是的诶,这倒是个问题。悟空,你有什么主意啊?),2024/10/2,悟空:,No problem,Shifu.Watch me.,(师父,不用担心啦!看老孙的。),Wu kong waves his magic wand and circles them.,悟空拿着金箍棒绕着他们跑了一圈,八戒:,This is.what?,(这是啥呀?),悟空:,Electric net.I have learned it from a scientific book.Now,no creature can approach you if you stay at here.,(这是我织的电网,只要你们呆在里面,没有妖精能进来。),唐僧:,Oh.I see.Wu Kong,you are becoming more and more intelligent!Emitofo,knowledge is power!,(哦,原来如此!悟空,你真是越来越聪明哦。阿弥陀佛,知识就是力量啊,沙僧:,Oh my brother monkey,you are amazing.I think I may be falling in love with you.,(我的猴兄啊,你实在太厉害了。再这么下去我想我可能会爱上你的。),插入背景音乐,悟空,:,Er.Dont love me.You and I,are,never gonna happen in that way.Well,I am going to find some food for my lovely Shifu,bye!,(额,不要爱上我,我和你是不会有结果的。好的,我去街 市买些食物给我可爱的师傅吃,再见!,),2024/10/2,悟空:,Im starving!Can I get something to eat?Oh,here!,(我饿死了!有什么好吃的吗?噢,这里!),老板:,What can I do for you,master monkey?,(你想吃什么呀?猴大人?),悟空:,Id like a piece of this.cake?,(我想要一块这种蛋糕?),老板:,This is not cake you fool!This is the most precious food in the world,ok?,(那不是蛋糕你这个笨蛋!这是世界上最珍贵的食物,好吗?),悟空:,But what is this?,(那这究竟是什么?),老板:,Check Out.,(切糕。),悟空:,What?,(什么?),老板:,Check Out!,(切糕!),悟空:,Check it out?,(你要我结账?),SCENE TWO,2024/10/2,老板:,Not check it out you fool!Check.Out!,(不是叫你结账啊笨蛋!是切糕!),悟空,:,Whatever,give me one piece,just one piece.I dont have too much money in my pocket.,(,不论是什么,给我一块吧!我口袋里没什么钱了。,),老板,:,There you go.Its 7 billion.,(,给你,一共是,70,亿。,),悟空,:,7 billion?Who are you?What are these?,(70,亿?你究竟是谁啊?这究竟是什么东东啊?,),老板,:,Just ordinary Check Out.,(,就只是普普通通的切糕而已啊。,),悟空,:,You know me?Im popular male star in the world and you ask me to pay you 7 billion for this cake?,(,你知道我吗?我可是全世界最火爆的男星,你竟然敢叫我付,70,亿,就为了这块烂蛋糕?,),老板,:,This is not cake!,(,这不是蛋糕!,),老板一副斩钉截铁的样子。,悟空,:,Ok,Check Out.I wont pay for that,I will make you pay for what youve done!,(,切糕,是吧?我告诉你,我不会给钱的,我会让你付出代价的。,),Wu kong angrily knocks him down and takes all the Check Out away.,老孙一棍打晕了老板,然后把一整车切糕拿走。,2024/10/2,唐僧,:,I am little bored.Lets play cards.,(,我有点闷了,我们打牌吧。,),They begin to play Landlords.,师徒三人开始斗地主。,插入背景音乐,斗地主,SCENE THREE,猪八戒,唐僧,沙僧,2024/10/2,At the meantime,the White Bones shows up at the spot.,这时,白骨精现身。,白骨精:,Seriously?Electric net?Thats just a piece of cake.Hahaha!,(看玩笑吧?电网?小菜一碟嘛。哈哈哈哈哈!),The White Bones changes herself into a beautiful young lady.,白骨精变成美女出来,美女:,Can I join you,handsome boys?,(能加我一个吗,美男们?),唐僧:,Im sorry,lady.We are playing landlords now,and three people are enough.,(不好意思啊,女士,我们现在在斗地主呢,三个人已经够了。),2024/10/2,Ba jie raises his head and looks at that young beautiful lady.Immediately,He finds he falls in love with her at the first sight.,八戒抬起头,眼睛直勾勾地盯着美女看。这一刻,他发现他陷入爱里面了。,八戒:,Hey!Beautiful sunshine.,(嘿!美女。),美女:,Oba,can I sit beside you?,(Oba,我可以坐在你旁边吗?),八戒:Well,of course.,(当然可以啊。),美女,:,But you sit inside the net.You know?The furthest distance in the world is not be


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