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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3,Unit Three,Practice: Convert the following sentences into passive voice orally.,Someone says Professor,Bao,will come to see Liu and Zhen in their dorm this afternoon.,Their room looks a bit dirty and untidy.,They will give the room a good clean in the morning.,They have to throw away the old newspapers and put everything in order.,Besides, they have to take down the old posters from the wall and put up some new ones.,They will make their room neat and tidy and leave a good impression on the professor.,Practice:,Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them( ) taken in the past.,Was not B. were not C. were not being D. being not,2. The patient looks as is she,( ).,A.,had recovered,B. had been recovered,C. Recovered D. recovers,3.,Economic,uncertainty, of course, is,precisely,why commodity,A B C,futures,market,is existed,.,D,Practice:,4. Gone,the Chinese people were in great lack of food, money, comfort and enough housing.,A.The,days when B. are the days when,C. have the days when D. the days have when,5. All the machines,by the end of the following week.,A. Will be repaired B. were repaired,C. Will have been repaired D. would be repaired,6. I dont remember,a chance to try this method.,having been given B. to have been given,C. having given D. to have given,Practice:,7. They found the lecture hard,.,A. To be understand B. to understand,C. For understanding D. to have been understood,8. He,with Prof. Smith at least four times in the past few years.,A. has been seen met B. was seen to meet,C. had seen meeting D. has been seen meeting,9. She was,made,wait,for over an hour in the rain,because of,the,A B C,delay,of the train.,D,1.,conscientious,careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do,A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.,a conscientious and hard-working student,conscientiously adverb,conscientiousness noun,e.g. his conscientiousness and loyalty to the company,A: (Poor Tom! Lots of people make fun of him.),B: Why do they do that?,A: (Because he walks with a limp.),B: well, I dont think anybody should be made fun of because of his physical handicap.,Practice 3-A,: Expressing sympathy & disagreement,Language,Structure,physical,handicap,turn down,turn sb. Down: To reject sb.,拒绝某人,e.g. We politely turned down the invitation.,3. hoarse,voice,a low rough voice,4. shabby,clothes,clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time,a modern,sewerage,system,sewer,下水道,排水沟;缝纫机,缝纫者。,sewerage,排水设备,2.,renovate,the stadium,to repair a building or old furniture so that it is in good condition again,e.g. The hotel has been renovated and redecorated.,NOUN,renovation,Farewell to Rude Manners,Dialogue,I,When someone treats you rudely, what is your response?,What do you choose, to be a completely civil person or just be polite when it is needed?,Think it,Dialogue,I,According to A and B, what usually happens when the bus is late? Is it very crowded?,Does what A and B describe in the dialogue often happen in the city where you are?,What kind of,behaviour,is considered as uncivil? Can you list some other examples?,Questions,Browse through the text, try to answer following questions.,Farewell to Rude Manners,Dialogue,I,Please read the dialogue loudly with feeling and expression.,Read,Farewell to Rude Manners,Dialogue,I,Try to retell the content of the dialogue, following cues may help you.,A and B are commenting on some unpleasant daily occurrences in pubic places.,1. A tells B about his personal experience at a bus stop .,2. B in turn tells A about what he saw on the bus .,3. A and B talk about what young people should do and should not do.,Retell,Farewell to Rude Manners,Language Points,Youre not,bother,ed by rude people with their,rough,behaviour,Bother,1.,WORRY,e.g. Being in a crowd really bothers me. It was very noisy, but that didnt bother me.,It really bothered me that hed forgotten my birthday.,2.,DISTURB OR ANGER,e.g. Sorry to bother you, but Mr. Grey is on the line.,Cliff didnt want to bother himself with masses of detail.,Danny, dont bother Ellen while shes reading.,Would it bother you if I put on some music?,3.CAUSE PAIN,e.g. My backs been bothering me.,4.FRIGHTEN,e.g. Dont worry, my dog wont bother you. If he starts bothering you, let me know.,1,Dialogue I,Language Points,Youre not,bother,ed by rude people with their,rough,behaviour,rough,粗糙的,粗略的,大致的,粗野的,粗暴的,粗略叙述的,1.NOT SMOOTH,opposite,smooth,e.g. Her hands were rough from hard work.,2.NOT EXACT,synonym,approximate,e.g. Could you give me a rough idea what time youll be home?,a rough estimate of the cost,3. DIFFICULT,synonym,tough,e.g. The first year was rough, but things have gotten better.,My boyfriend and I were going through a rough time.,4. NOT GENTLE,opposite,gentle,e.g. Rugby is a very rough sport.,Dont be too rough - shes only little.,1,Dialogue I,Language Points,With no order, and in a near-,riot,.,violent outburst of lawlessness by the people in a district,e.g. The police put down a riot by force during the election.,police in bullet-proof vests and carrying riot shields,2. An unrestrained outbreak, as of laughter or passions.,e.g. a riot of emotion,3.,a riot of,colour,something with many different bright,colours,e.g. The garden is a riot of,colour,in spring.,2,Dialogue I,Language Points,You have to,fight,your way,in,and,fight,your way,out,when.,Phrase expansion:,the families of those who,fought in,the war,rebel forces,fighting against,the Russians,They,fought for,control of the islands.,He had to,fight,several other applicants,for,the job.,She,fought her way back,into the first team.,Two guys were,fighting with,each other in the street.,They were,fighting over,a girl.,Theyre,fighting about,who should do the dishes.,We,fought,our way,through,the crowd.,Hes rich now, but he had to,fight tooth and nail,for it.,She looked away,fighting back her tears,We left them to,fight it out,.,3,Dialogue I,Language Points,At the,bus terminal,there was a big crowd.,n.,公共汽车终点站,Please wait for me at the,bus terminal,.,请在公共汽车终点站等我。,Ill keep with you to the,bus terminal,.,我陪你到公共汽车终点站。,station,stop,terminal,这些名词均可表示“站”之意。,station,:,普通用词,一般指火车站或汽车站。,stop,:,多指公共汽车站,尤指中途停车站。,terminal,:,指火车、公共汽车或飞机的终点,(,总,),站。,4,Dialogue I,Language Points,The waiting crowd,turned into,a,charging mob,.,Turn into,1.Caterpillars,turn into,butterflies.,毛毛虫可以变成蝴蝶。,2.Out of work for almost a year now, Mrs. Johnson is one of the thousands of unemployed in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut who have seen weeks,turn into,months with still no job on the horizon.,约翰逊太太失业已近一年。而她不过是纽约、新泽西、康涅狄格州成千上万失业者之一。他们眼见一周周、一月月地过去,工作仍渺无踪影。,3.A flicker of interest soon,turn into,the burning flames of desire.,一丝情趣的星星之火未几演成了乾柴烈火。,5,Dialogue I,Language Points,The waiting crowd turned into a,charging mob,.,mob,1. a large noisy crowd, especially one that is angry and violent,e.g. a mob of a few hundred demonstrators,They were immediately surrounded by the mob.,2. informal a group of people of the same type,synonym gang,mob of,e.g. The usual mob of teenagers were standing on the corner.,charge :,To attack violently,e.g. The troops charged the enemy line.,the wounded lion suddenly charged at me.,6,Dialogue I,Language Points,fell down in this mad,scramble,.,7,Dialogue I,noun,an unceremonious (rude,impolite,uncivilized)scuffle,or struggle.,e.g. There was a scramble for the best seats.,verb,To struggle or contend frantically in order to get something:,e.g. scrambled for the best seats.,the players scrambled for / to get possession of the ball.,Children scrambled for the coins that were thrown to them.,Language Points,Next to the seats,reserved,for the old and weak,8,Dialogue I,1.He still,reserved,his opinion on some points.,在一些问题上,他仍然保留自己的意见。,2.Please,reserve,a seat for me.,请为我预定一个座位。,3.As I require money quickly I must draw on my,reserve,.,由于我急于用钱,我必须取出存款。,4.The ultimate,reserve,was a source of his fascination and his power.,最大限度的克制是他获得魅力和力量的一个源泉。,5.He spoke with,reserve,.,他说话谨慎。,Language Points,Next to the seats,reserved,for the old and weak,8,Dialogue I,keep,retain,reserve,preserve,conserve,withhold,这些动词均有“保持,保存”之意。,keep,:,最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。,retain,:,指继续保持。,reserve,:,正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。,preserve,:,主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。,conserve,:,一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。,withhold,:,指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。,Language Points,The seats were occupied by two,robust,young men who totally,ignored,her presence.,9,Robust:,a robust person is strong and healthy,e.g. a robust man of six feet four,ignore,e.g. You cant ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison.,The phone rang, but she ignored it.,Sam rudely ignored the question.,noun,ignorance,lack of knowledge or information about something,Excuse my ignorance, but how does it actually work?,Dialogue I,Language Points,Those young men were too,preoccupied,with themselves.,10,thinking about something a lot, with the result that you do not pay attention to other things,e.g. Whats wrong with Cindy? She seems a little preoccupied.,preoccupied with,Hes completely preoccupied with all the wedding preparations at the moment.,Dialogue I,Language Points,Its time we,bade farewell to,all rude manners.,11,Bid,1. to offer to pay a particular price for goods, especially in an auction,e.g. She bid 100 for a Victorian chair.,The two men ended up,bidding against,each other at the auction.,2.,to offer to do work or provide services for a specific price, in competition with other offers,Three firms,bid for,the contract on the new buildings.,3.,Bid farewell = say goodbye to,also say farewell to sb./,sth,Dialogue I,Language Points,Socialist moral standards ought to be,passed down,from ,12,Phrase expand,Ill,pass,the information,on,to our sales department.,Theyve,passed,the enquiry,over,to the police. (Give information),She,passed with flying,colours,(=got very high marks) .,Im afraid Ill have to,pass on,that offer of coffee. (not accept an invitation),One catches the virus and they,pass,it,on,to the rest.,Any increase in our costs will have to be,passed on,to the consumer.,This is the second time Ive been,passed over,for promotion (=someone else has been given a higher job instead of me) .,I dont think you should,pass up,the opportunity to go to university.( to not make use of a chance),Dialogue I,Dialogue,I,The root of rude manners in our country,Discussion,Farewell to Rude Manners,Dictation,Two,millionA,American women enter the work force every year. The new workers include all ages and backgrounds: teenagers, college graduates, young housewives, society women and older women who have lost their husbands. Altogether, more than half the eighty-four million women in the United States are now employed or seeking employment. Although most of them are still holding tightly to the womanly jobs such as nursing, teaching, and office work, a growing number of pioneers are venturing into other fields. They run business; they manage farms; they become astronauts, carpenters, layers, truck or taxi-drivers, coal miners, or politicians. They join the army or the navy. So far no woman has become president of the country; but that might happen, as indeed it has happened in other nations.,Dialogue,I,A Retired Teachers Impressions,Role-play,Farewell to Rude Manners,Language Points,In China while some people are,imbued with,.,be imbued with,Imbue:,v.,灌输,使感染,He managed to,imbue,his employees with team spirit.,他成功激发起雇员的团队精神。,使充满,You should,imbue,your children with ambition to succeed,你应该使你的孩子充满希望成功的雄心。,be imbued with,His work is imbued with the evolutionary spirit.,他的作品中充满了进化论的思想。,He is imbued with the self-criticism.,他富有自我批评的精神。,Role-play,1,Language Points,taken out sightseeing,once in a while,.,Once in a while: now and then; occasionally,偶尔,;,有时,;,时不时,1.Once in a while, if a late story is so important it cannot be passed up, an attempt is made to insert it during the broadcast.,有时如果一条晚到的新闻很重要,不容忽略,那就要设法在播送节目时安插进去。,2.,We went to see our English teacher once in a while.,我们偶尔去看我们的英语老师。,Role-play,2,Language Points,He,cites,to him some examples of peoples good service ,Cite:,vt.1.,引用,The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument.,律师引用了以前的案例来支持他的论点。,Its no use,citing,the Bible to somebody who doesnt believe in God.,对不信上帝的人引用圣经的话是没用的。,Role-play,3,Language Points,He,cites,to him some examples of peoples good service ,2.,传讯,He was,cited,for contempt of court.,他因蔑视法庭而被传讯。,3.,表扬,The soldier was,cited,by the king for his bravery.,这士兵由于英勇而受到国王的褒扬。,4.,举,(,例,)To,illstrate,the theory in question, we can,cite,many examples.,为了说明我们讨论的这一理论,我们可以举一些例子。,Role-play,3,spelling,1.announce 2. sufficient 3. definition,4.immediate 5.appreciate 6.academic,7.accuracy 8. separate 9.existence,10.mental 11. various 12. challenge,Dictation,Travelling by air can be enjoyable, but it is often frightening and strange the first time. I took my little boy, Douglas, for his first flight last month. When we arrived at the airport, he wanted to know why the official weighed the luggage. Then he wondered why he needed a passport. He didnt understand what the security check was for. Then he asked where the air stewardess was. When he saw the plane, he couldnt understand how it could fly in the air. Of course, he wanted to see how the captain worked and where he sat. he soon got bored and started asking when the plane would land. What a lot of questions! I was very pleased when we finally landed.,Using uncertain expressions, work in pairs, take in turns to inquire and respond to the following topics. (Textbook Page 30.),Uncertainty,Dialogue,II,Practice,When he tries to,elucidate,further but finds that he cant do it,ilu:sideit,ilu:s.deit, (clarify, explain, illuminate),1.,阐明,There is no need for him to,elucidate,.,他没有必要去详细阐明。,I will try to,elucidate,what I think the problems are.,我将尽力阐明我认为问题的所在。,2.,说明,Please,elucidate,the reasons for your action.,请说明你采取行动的理由。,I cant make out what is,crawl,ing there on the floor.,1.,crawl along/across etc,The baby crawled across the floor.,2. if an insect crawls, it moves using its legs,crawl over/up etc,Theres a bug crawling up your leg.,3.,crawl into/out of bed,to get into or out of bed slowly because you are very tired,We crawled into bed at 2 am.,4.,if a vehicle crawls, it moves forward very slowly,crawl by/along etc,The traffic was crawling along.,This is part of the,interrogation,.,intergeit,inter.geit, ( questioning, inquiry/enquiry),v.,质问,讯问,审问,I decide to,interrogate,the abductors.,我决定去质问那帮绑架犯。,The windowpanes are,opaque,. ,upeik,adj.,antonym: transparent,1.,不透明的,: not transparent This is an,opaque,cup.,这是一个不透明的杯子。,The window is made of,opaque,glass.,这扇窗是用不透明的玻璃做的。,2.,难懂的,:obscure, incomprehensive,The report was written in long,opaque,sentences.,报告中的句子又长又难懂。,Their intentions remained,opaque,.,他们的意图仍然令人费解。,I might,overlooked,some corners.,.,uvluk,vt.,俯瞰,1.,俯瞰湖泊的房子要价高些。,Houses which,overlook,the lake cost more.,2.,我们找到了可俯瞰山谷的优美地点。,We find a beautiful situation that can,overlook,the valley.,Vt.,没注意到,忽视,1.,不应忽视困难。,We should not,overlook,the difficulties.,2.,我不能忽视这样的罪行。,I cant afford to,overlook,such a crime.,Call on sb.,1.,拜访 昨天有个人来拜访过你。,A certain person called on you yesterday.,2.,号召他号召工人为争取自己的权利而斗争。,He called on the workers to fight for their rights.,Have you ever been misunderstood by others?,What would you do if you are treated badly just because you are misunderstood?,What else you can do if all the explanations seem useless?,Reading,I,Think it,A Shoppers Nightmare,Reading,I,1. Where was the birthday gift bought?,2. What was the problem with the jumper?,3. Why did the author go to London with her friends?,4. What happened when the author left the store?,5. What was the author accused of?,6. How did the author prove that she was innocent?,7. What would have happened to the author had it no been a clear-cut case?,8. What was it that the author was most unhappy about this store?,Questions,A Shoppers Nightmare,Reading,I,Cause, process result,Retell,A Shoppers Nightmare,Language Points,It would be,sensible,to,dash into,the large department store, sensible,1.reasonable, practical, and showing good judgment,e.g. She seems very sensible.,Its sensible to keep a note of your passport number.,2.suitable for a particular purpose, and practical rather than fashionable,e.g. Eat a sensible diet and exercise daily.,an old woman in sensible shoes and a neat skirt,3. formal noticeable,e.g. a sensible increase in temperature,4.,be sensible of something,literary to know or realize that something exists or is true,e.g. He was very sensible of the difficult situation she was in.,1,Dialogue I,Language Points,It would be,sensible,to,dash into,the large department store,dash into,to go or run somewhere very quickly,e.g. Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag, and ran out again.,1,Reading I,Language Points,My arms were,grabbed viciously,by a,stern, bearded,man., grab,1. to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement,synonym snatch,e.g. I grabbed my bag and ran off.,I managed to grab the gun from Bowen.,2. to get some food or sleep quickly because you are busy,e.g. Why dont you go and grab some sleep?,Lets grab a bite to eat before we go.,3. to take an opportunity, accept an invitation etc immediately,e.g. I think you should grab your chance to travel while youre young.,She grabbed the opportunity to go to America.,2,Reading 1,Language Points,My arms were,grabbed viciously,by a,stern, bearded,man., viciously,1.violent and cruel in a way that hurts someone physically,e.g. a vicious murder a vicious killer,Keep away from that dog, he can be vicious.,2.very unkind in a way that is intended to hurt someones feelings or make their character seem bad,e.g. Sarah can be quite vicious at times.,She was shocked by the vicious tone in his voice.,3. unpleasantly strong or severe,synonym violent,viciously adverb,e.g. He twisted her arm viciously.,viciousness noun,2,reading I,spelling,1.Artificial 2. textile 3.application,4. nuclear technology,5. Scientist 6. device 7.harvest,8.achievement 9.hydrogen 10.radiation,11. cold-resistant 12.radioactive,Dictation,Museums are buildings where objects of particular interest are stored and arranged for public display. A museum may be concerned with almost any subject in history, science, or the arts. Some museums deal with the lives of famous people. These are often located in the buildings that used to be their homes. The rooms may be arranged just as they were in their lifetime. Other museums have models of streets and houses from different periods in history. Sometimes articles of special value or interest are loaned by one museum to another for a special exhibition. Thus, people can see the masterpieces of different countries without having to travel great distances.,Language Points,My arms were,grabbed viciously,by a,stern, bearded,man.,stern,serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someones,behaviour,e.


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