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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Five,I. Views for discussion,i.,“,The more I think of it, the more it appears to me that dress is the foundation of society.,”,(,Thomas Carlyle,),a. Dress is a reflection of popular fashion, fad, taste and ideologies.,b. Dress mirrors the development of science and technology.,c. Dress reflects economic stratification of society.,d. Dress embodies personalities.,ii.,Mark twain,iii.,Thorstein Veblen,iv.,Charles Reich,Consciousness III,v.,C.S. Lewis,Thomas Carlyle,(Dec. 4, 1795,Feb. 5, 1881) was a Scottish essayist and historian, whose work was hugely influential during the Victorian era.,He was born in Ecclefechan, Dumfries and Galloway, and was educated at Annan Academy. Coming from a strictly Calvinist family, Carlyle was expected by his father to become a preacher. However, while at Edinburgh University he lost his Christian faith. Nevertheless Calvinist values remained with him throughout his life. This combination of a religious temperament with loss of faith in orthodox Christianity made Carlyle,s work appealing to many Victorians who were grappling with scientific and political changes that threatened the traditional social order.,Works:,Signs of the Times,(1829),Sartor Resartus,(1831),The French Revolution, A History,(1837),On Heroes And Hero Worship And The Heroic In History,(1841),Past and Present,(1843),Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell,(1845),An Occasional,Discourse on the Nigger Question Online text,(1849),Latter-Day Pamphlets,(1850),The Life Of John Sterling,(1851),History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia,(1858),Mark Twain,(l835-1910) is of local colorism, based on the Mississippi.,Mark Twain is called,“,the Lincoln of American literature,”,(,毫威尔斯,) and,“,Father of the American Novel,”,.,“,开创了美国当代小说,美国的民族文学是从马克,吐温开始的。,”,(,海明威,),Works:,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,(,哈克,费恩历险记,): a masterpiece of humor, characterization and realism, has been considered the first modern American novel.,美国第一部现代小说。,The,Gilded,Age,(,镀金岁月,),The,Adventures,of,Tom,Sawyer,(,汤姆,索娅历险记,),The,Prince,and,the,Pauper,(,王子和贫儿,),Life on the Mississippi,(,密西西比河上,/(,密西西比河上的生活,),The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Caraveras County,(,卡拉韦拉斯县著名的跳蛙,),:成名之作,Thorstein B. Veblen,(July 30, 1857 - August 3, 1929) was a Norwegian-American economist and sociologist. Educated at Carleton College, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University and Yale University, his most famous work,The Theory of the Leisure Class,(1899), written while he taught at the University of Chicago, is a satiric look at American society.,Works:,Why is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science,The Limitations of Marginal Utility,The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx - Part 1,The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx - Part 2,The Preconceptions of Economic Science - Part 1,The Preconceptions of Economic Science - Part 2,The Preconceptions of Economic Science - Part 3,B,hm-Bawerks Definition of Capital,Fishers Capital and Income,Fishers Rate of Interest,Theory of Business Enterprise,The Theory of the Leisure Class,The Vested Interests and the Common Man,The Barbarian Status of Women,The Beginnings of Ownership,Higher Education in America,Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution,(1915),The Irksomeness of Labor,The Engineers and the Price System,Reich,: The former Yale Law School professor and founding board member of the Natural Resources Defense Council will continue to pursue that goal by offering a series of four lectures at the Law School in October.,Reich graduated from Oberlin College in 1949, and received his LL.B. from Yale Law School in 1952. After graduation, he was a clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black.,He became an associate professor of law at Yale in 1960, and from 1964 to 1974, he was professor of law at the University, where he taught a variety of subjects, including property. From 1991 to 1995, he was a visiting professor at Yale, teaching a course entitled,“,The Individual Sector.,”,Since 1974, Reich has written widely on topics relating to the environment, government power, public welfare and individual wellbeing. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of San Francisco Law School, and the University of California at Santa Barbara.,Clive Staples Lewis,(1898-1963),:,one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. He was a Fellow and Tutor in English literature at Oxford University until 1954 when he was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement.,克里夫,斯坦普斯,刘易斯,:,literary criticism, children,s literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology.,英国著名学者、文学家,毕生研究文学、哲学、神学,尤其对中古及文艺复兴时期的英国文学造诣尤深,堪称为英国乃至世界文学的巨擘,一生的著作包括了诗集、小说、童话、文学批评,以及阐明基督教精义的作品不下五十多本,他二十六岁开始在牛津担任助教,后来被当代誉为,“,最伟大的牛津人,”,,,“,20,世纪的基督教骑士,”,,也是二十世纪最具领导地位的作家兼思想家。,纳尼亚传奇,(,The Chronicles of Narnia,):包括七本,魔法师的外甥,(,The Magician,s Nephew,,,1955,)、,狮王、妖婆和大衣柜,(,The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe,,,1950,)、,能言马和王子,(,The Horse and His Boy,,,1954,)、,凯斯宾王子,(,Prince Caspian,,,1951,)、,“,黎明踏浪者,”,号远航,(,The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,,,1952,)、,银椅,(,The,Silver,Chair,,,1953,)、,最后之战,(,The,Last,Battle,,,1956,)(,“,纳尼亚之父,”,),“,空间三部曲,”,:,来自寂静的星球,(,Out of the Silent Planet,,,1938,)、,皮尔兰德拉,(,Perelandra,,一译,漫游金星,,,1943,)和,骇人的力量,(,That Hideous Strength,,一译,那股邪恶的力量,,,1945,)。故事讲述了英国语言学家兰森(,Ransom,)的遭遇。,The Four Loves,(,四种爱,),The Screwtape Letters,(,地狱来鸿,),Mere Christianity,(,美哉基督信仰,),梦幻巴士,(,The Great Divorce,,,1945,年),A brief summary of views,Thomas Carlyle,: Dress is the foundation of society.,Mark Twain,: The clothes are very important to us, for they are the heaven,s kindliest gift to man. Clothes can command the respect of the whole world.,Thorstein Veblen,: People spend a lot of money buying dress to have respectable appearance because the need of dress is often a spiritual one.,Charles Reich,: The modern trend to dress usually reflects loss of oneness of self or individual wholeness.,C. S. Lewis,: People should be dressed up on formal occasions.,Questions for discussion,(P71),1. Do you agree with Carlyle that,“,dress is the foundation of society?,”,a. Dress is a reflection of popular fashion, fad, taste and ideologies.,b. Dress mirrors the development of science and technology.,c. Dress reflects economic stratification of society.,d. Dress embodies personalities.,2. Do you agree with Mark Twain that the power of human beings lies in his apparel and titles? Did he himself believe so?,a. Consider the story of,Emperor,s New Clothes,. Does the story support Mark Twain,s argument?,b. Consider the story of,Prince and Pauper,. Does this story also lend credence to Mark Twain,s argument?,c. Consider the popular wisdom: it is his personality and character that empower a human being.,3. Do you think Mark Twain would agree with Thomas Carlyle that dress is the foundation of society? Why or why not?,a. Probably yes. Carlyle believes that society functions on the role of human beings dressed properly.,b. Mark Twain believes that men without clothes are beasts and powerless.,4. Find examples in life that either support or disapprove Veblein,s statement would go ill clad in order to be well dressed in inclement weather.,Different lifestyles: urban lifestyles, rural lifestyles, lifestyles for the young people, especially playboy, debutante and dilettante types, and older generations in their 40s or 50s etc. They differ in their views on the value of dress.,5. What are the differences in views about the roles and functions of dress among Reich, Lewis and Veblen?,Reich,: Uniformity and rigid rules for dressing up are an encumbrance to modern people who emphasize individualism in dress.,Lewis,: People should wear formal dress on formal occasions.,Veblen,: people spend a lot of money on dress to look respectable in appearance as the need of dress is spiritual and social rather than physical or biological.,Navigating through difficult sentences,(p72),1. They can move a nation to fall on its knees,of the inconsequential,Titles and clothes are so important that they can make a whole nation kneel down and sincerely show their deep respect to an emperor. Without the sign of power - title and clothes, the emperor will be the same as a cobbler, and will become less important and forgot by people.,2. Is the human race a joke? Was it devised and,for itself?,Is the human race not holy? Is it created by the God when has nothing to do?,3. No one finds difficulty in,for the protection of the person.,For common people, it,s easy to agree why all classes of people spend much money on clothing is to want to have a good looking and receive respect from others, but not to protect themselves from cold.,4. The commercial value of,the person of the wearer.,To a large extent the commercial value of clothes in any society lies in their fashionableness and reputation rather than the durability that embodies the personality of the wearer.,Passage B,Barbie Dolls and US Fashion Culture,“,We Girls Can Do Anything - Right, Barbie!,”,A Survey of Barbie Doll Fashions,1. Teaching purpose,Gain some knowledge of Barbie dolls,2. Emphases in teaching,a. the success for Barbie dolls,b. the social and cultural meanings of Barbie dolls,3. Difficulties in teaching,the social and cultural meanings of Barbie dolls,4. Form and means of teaching,Explanation of language points in the text; discussion on some topics relating to Barbie dolls; pictures show involved in Barbie dolls,5.,Requirements,Look up some information on Barbie dolls before class, and do some exercises after class,Pre-reading discussion,One of the five symbols of American culture,1. How much do you know about Barbie dolls?,a. Two Barbie dolls are sold in the world per a second.,b. The representative color of Barbie dolls is pink.,c. The best seller among various Barbie dolls is the one with long hair.,d. The full name of Barbie doll is,“,Barbie Millicent Roberts,”,(芭比,米利森特,罗伯特),e. The most expensive Barbie doll in a dress with 881 diamonds costs 7,700,000 dollars.,f. The annual productive value of Barbie dolls is 1,500,000,000 yuan.,g. Since,1959, 1,000,000,000 dresses have been made for Barbie dolls, and 105,000,000 pieces of clothing for Barbie dolls. As a result, Mattel,(,麦特儿公司,),has become one of the biggest dress factory in the world.,h. The founder of Barbie dolls is,Ruth Handler,(,鲁思,汉得勒,), also one of the founders of,Mattel,. She named Barbie dolls after her daughter,s name,Barbara,(,芭芭拉,),.,i. Customers can order and buy Barbie dolls in internet, i.e.,www.,b,arbie.,c,om,(2) What does the titled slogan,“,We girls can do anything - Right, Barbie!,”,suggest to you?,a. Girls can do anything like men in this society.,b. Girls can explore the way they would like to be in life by playing with the dolls.,II. Analysis of the text,1. Questions,2. Language points for study,phenomenal,:,very unusual and impressive,The Nation,国家,杂志(美国),尼可罗,马基雅维利,(,Niccol Machiavelli,,,1469.5.23,1527.6.22,)意大利文艺复兴时期的政治思想家、历史学家、哲学家、音乐家、诗人、浪漫喜剧剧作家、政治理论家。,马基雅维利,是意大利新兴资产阶级的代表,主张结束意大利在政治上的分裂状态,建立强大的中央集权国家。他在其代表作,君主论,(,The Prince, 1513,)中认为共和政体是最好的国家形式,但又认为共和制度无力消除意大利四分五裂的局面,只有建立拥有无限权力的君主政体才能使臣民服从,抵御强敌入侵。他强调为达目的不择手段的权术政治、残暴、狡诈、伪善、谎言和背信弃义等,只要有助于君主统治就都是正当的。这一思想被后人称为,“,马基雅维利主义,”,。他还著有,论战争艺术,(,The Art of War,,,1520,)和,佛罗伦萨史,(,The History of Florence,,,1525,)等。,Marilyn Monroe,(1926.6.1-1962.8.5),Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous American motion-picture actors of all time, although she made only a small number of films. Her early comedies include,How to Marry a Millionaire,(,如何嫁给一个百万富翁,1953) and,The Seven Year Itch,(,七年之痒,1955). Monroe also played more serious roles in such films as,Bus Stop,(,巴士站,,,1956) and,The Misfits,(,乱点鸳鸯谱,,,1961), the latter written by the playwright Arthur Miller, Monroe,s third husband. Monroe has become a lasting symbol of 1950s America.,愿嫁金龟婿,Let,s Make Love (1960),热情如火,Some Like It Hot (1959),游龙戏凤,The Prince and the Showgirl (1957),大江东去,River of No Return (1954),娱乐世界,There,s No Business Like Show Business (1954),绅士爱美人,Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953),如何嫁给一个百万富翁,How to Marry a Millionaire (1953),飞瀑欲潮,Niagara (1953),琼宵禁梦,Clash by Night (1952),Don,t Bother to Knock (1952),妙药春情,Monkey Business (1952),绵绣人生,O. Henry,s Full House (1952),未婚伉俪,We,re Not Married! (1952),爱巢,Love Nest (1951),Love Happy (1950),彗星美人,All About Eve (1950),夜阑人未静,The Asphalt Jungle (1950),铁臂金刚,Right Cross (1950),热女郎,Ladies of the Chorus (1948),The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947),Bridgitte Bardot,(,碧姬,巴度,),: French famous movie star,Questions for discussion,(P81),1. What according to the author are the major reasons for the success of Barbie dolls?,a. play value,b. affordability,c. fashion image,d. sex appeal,e. popular fad,2. Is the Barbie doll more than a symbol? And why?,It,s different things to different people.,a. Barbie doll is a symbol of American ideals of glamour and affluence.,b. It is also a role model for some in fashion consciousness.,c. It is a toy that provides vicarious pleasure in playing.,d. It is a window where children view the adult world.,e. It is a miniature real world where children find the true meanings of the adult world.,3. Why does the writer mention how many people participated in the survey, how many responded, and who they were in this article?,The information serves as background for the reader to understand the research.,This information will help the reader decide if the findings are reliable or valid.,The number of participants, their social and economical background, their job or profession and the number of respondents will make a big difference in interpreting the results of the survey.,4. How were Barbie dolls invented?,It originated from a German doll called Lille.,Ruth Handler introduces it to the Americans and renamed it after her daughter Barbara.,5. What kind of social and cultural changes did the 1967 dolls reflect?,The 1967 dolls were more innocent looking, reflecting an emphasis on fun and play. They also reflected a relaxed moral standard and youth culture. For example, the women did not wear gloves, and they were called,“,women,”,instead of,“,ladies.,”,6. What were the influences on the girls who played with Barbie dolls? What did they learn from playing with these dolls?,Different people learned different things and were influenced differently.,a. memory of a happy time,b. fashion consciousness,c. nothing learned,d. a new attitude in face of the fact that society views women as sex objects,7. Explain,“,Children seldom follow adult formulas for having fun.,”,a. Children are creative in playing with toys.,b. Children want to find meanings in toys by themselves.,c. Adults tend to impose their ideas on children.,d. Their formulas vary with different parents, adults and toy designers.,8. What are the cultural meanings of Barbie dolls?,a. attitude toward females,b. ideals of glamour and affluence,c. guides of conduct for teenage girls, or young women,d. pursuit for good life,9. Discuss what social and cultural changes the history of Barbie dolls reflects?,a. changes in attitude toward young women,b. changes in young women,s attitude toward life,c. changes in ideas of beauty, a good life, civil rights, and women,s social standing,Work out the meanings of the following words by going back to check their context in the reading passage.,(P82),a.,vicarious pleasure,: pleasure found in imagination,The clue in the context: Girls, as well as mothers and collectors, all like her because she wears such luxurious gowns.,b.,fantasies,: dreams, imaginations,The clue in the context: typical play situations such as dating, fashion modeling, wedding,.,c.,lambaste,: criticize,The clue in the context: Critics alleged that Barbie,over-emphasized beauty,The Nation stated,“,She is a Machiavellian do-gooder, a social climber and a tedious narcissist.,”,d.,projected onto,(Barbie dolls): transferred onto the dolls,The clue in the context: Barbie replicates the human body, and therefore human characteristics,e.,sculpt,: create,The clue in the context: Her full bosom,Barbie,s figure,She managed to embody the sex appeal and glamour of,f.,allowance,: money,The clue in the context:,to buy the genuine Mattel Barbie wedding dress, a costly investment of $3.5.,g.,revert,: retreat, go back,The clue in the context: If bored with weddings,to the single life,to be a working woman,h.,predecessor,: the dolls before the new line of products,The clue in the context: The Barbie doll of 1967 had a new face. She was younger and more innocent looking than,i.,virtue,: good point,The clue in the context: Inherent play value,The doll,s greatest,her blandness.,j.,ambivalent,: not clear, maybe confusing, containing two sides,The clue in the context: Girls should learn to be alluring, but not vulgar; intelligent, but not so much as to threaten men; and to be polite and thoughtful without sharing the limelight.,k.,loathe,: detest, hate,The clue in the context: While feminists generally,girls adore her.,Picture section,Word for study,Lurex,(,卢勒克斯,),:,a trademark used for a yarn made of plastic-coated aluminum filaments,1.,金银丝(织物):将铝箔夹于两层聚酯薄膜问制成的丝或织物,2.,商标(卢勒克斯),feminist movement,(feminism):,女权(主义)运动,:早在,18,世纪,女权思想就在西方资产阶级民主思想的基础上孕育并发展起来,并爆发了大规模的妇女运动。这场妇女运动到,20,世纪初形成高潮,即女权主义运动的第一个高潮。到,20,世纪,60,年代,女权主义运动再度形成第二次高潮。这时的,“,feminism,”,已远远超出了前期,“,女权主义(运动),”,所指的政治运动的范畴,进入了对构成社会整体的文化加以批判的女性主义批评时期。因此这一阶段被称之为,“,女性主义,”,时期。,女性主义凭借这次运动高潮,在诸如文学、历史、社会学和心理学等领域展开了声势浩大的性别清算,如清算文学作品中的女性描写以及倡议女性写作、重写没有女性身影的历史、探讨人类社会进程,中女性扮演的角色等等,与此相关而诞生了女性主义研究的各个支流学派,如女性主义文学、女性主义历史学、女性主义社会学等。,Titles,Features or embodied ideas,Tennis Anyone, Winter Holiday, Ski Queen,Dating,After 5, Enchanted Evening, Oscar de la Renta collector, Series IX,Reflecting Parisian haute couture,Career Girl, Ballerina, Candy Stripper Volunteer, Busy Gal,Careers,Western Barbie, Black Beauty Secrets Barbie, Kissing Barbie, Fashion Photo Barbie,Barbie as a celebrity, fun, youth culture,Day-to-Nite Barbie, Fashion Jeans Barbie,Pursuing your ideals,Expressions of clothes / dress on different occasions,:,Dress for class,: school uniform, t-shirt, sports shirt, nylon shirt, jeans, close-fitting pants, skirt, pleated skirt, slacks, pants, trousers, ordinary dress, everyday clothes, informal dress, pullover, jacket, coat, light overcoat,Dress for sports,: middle dress, sportswear, gym coat, tracksuit, string vest, sleeveless vest, summer blouse, summer slacks, swim trunks, swimsuit, sports shirt, body building clothes jersey,Dress for school meetings,: formal dress, dress suit, rich dress, western-style dress, costume skirt,suit dress, full dress, ceremonial robe,Dress for parties,: evening dress, evening gown, fancy dress, formal dress, low dress, bare-shouldered gown, fur coat, morning dress / gown, dinner jacket, tuxedo,Dress for dinners,: cocktail dress, tea gown, dinner dress, dinner jacket, morning gown / dress,Dress for traveling,: ordinary dress, straight skirt, jacket, overcoat, zipper front clothes, anorak, knickerbockers, jacket for spring and autumn wear, spring clothing, terrycloth shirt, ski pantalets, ski-wear,Other accouterments:,Pins for girls / boys,: bobby pin, hairpin, hair fastener, claps, hair clip, barrette, tiepin, stickpin, brooch, fibula, ouch, badge, stud, sorority pin, fraternity pin, school pin,Piercing for boys and girls,: earrings,Hair-dye for boys and girls,: coloring agent,Jewelry for boys and girls,: tiara, cross, locket, brooch, watch chain, pendent, bracelet, anklet, armlet necklace, ring, pin, choker, e


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