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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,Breakdowns,故障停工,Set-up and adjustments,架模和调整,Idling and minor stoppages,闲置,(,空转,),和不严重的中断,Speed losses,无法全速运转,Start-up/yield losses (reduced yield between machine start-up and stable production),起动,/,生产损失,(,机器起动到稳定生产之间的产量缩减,),Quality defects and rework,报废和重工,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,Breakdowns,故障停工,The time that is lost for production due to equipment failures.,由于机器故障而损失了生产时间,How many hours a month is lost due to breakdowns?,每个月因机器故障而损失了多少小时,?,Is it normal to fight the breakdown fires?,紧急处理机器故障是属于正常的情况吗,?,How often do we have breakdowns due to incorrect care?,因为不正确的照顾而产生的故障频率有多高,?,Types of Breakdowns,故障的型式,Function Loss(sporadic),Function Reduction (chronic),丧失功能,(,偶发性,),功能降低,(,习惯性,),Sudden Failures,突然失效,Hidden,隐藏的,Random,无规则的,Expected/ignored,预料中的,/,被忽视,Visible,看得见,Minor impact,影响较小,Chronic,Sporadic,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,Set-up and adjustments,架模和调整,Set-up losses are the losses of time due to the physical changing of tooling, fixtures or dies.,架模损失是因为实际更换刀具、型规或模子而产生的时间损失,Adjustment losses are the additional time it takes, usually after a set-up, to “adjust” the equipment to ensure that we have an acceptable part.,调整损失通常是在架模之后,为了确保产出良品而额外耗用的调整设备时间,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,Idling and minor stoppages,空转,和不严重的中断,Are the losses when we have small problems e.g. a part gets stuck in the machine, or other minor problems that dont require a mechanic.,这类损失是起因于小问题,如:零件卡在机器上或是其它不需要修理人员的次要问题,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,Speed losses,无法全速运转,Are the result of not being able to run at design or application speed.,因下列问题造成无法依照设计或规定的速度运转,:,Old worn machine,老旧损耗的机器,Loose drive belts,皮带松动,What is the design/application speed?,设计,/,规定的速度是多少,?,Never tested at the design/application speed,从未测试能否以设计,/,规定运转,Start-up/yield losses,(reduced yield between machine start-up and stable production),起动,/,生产损失,(,机器起动到稳定生产之间的产量缩减,),These types of losses can result for the same reason as adjustment and set-up losses.,这一类的损失可能与调整和架模损失具有相同的起因,The time it takes to correct defects caused by tooling, warm-up, or other start-up issues.,为了改正由于加工、暖机或其它启动原因造成的不良品所耗用的时间,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,Quality defects and rework,报废和重工,In general this is the result of producing defective parts due to an adjustment, fixture, measurement system error.,通常是由于调整、型规、量测系统错误而产出不良品,The Six Big Equipment Losses,设备的六大损失,Overall Equipment Effectiveness,总体设备有效率,Skip Section,Overall Equipment Effectiveness,总体设备有效率,A measure of value-added to production through equipment.,一种对设备加值生产的评量方式,Improving the equipments total availability and productivity.,增进设备的总体可用力和生产力,Reducing defects while stabilizing and improving quality.,当生产稳定时可减少不良品并改善品质,Equipment,設備,Material,材料,加值,$,How Losses Affect Production,损耗如何影响生产,Hours Available per Day = 8.5,每日可用时间,Schedule Work Time = 8 Hrs,排程工作时间,Schedule Time = Scheduled Work Hours * 60 Minutes,排程时间,=,排程工作时间 *,60,分钟,Not scheduled,30 min.,未排程时间,30,分钟,Schedule Time = 8 hours * 60 minutes = 480 minutes,排程时间,= 8,小时 *,60,分钟,= 480,分钟,Availability,可用率,Running Time = Schedule time - Downtime Losses,运转时间,=,排程时间,-,停工损失,Availability,=,Running Time = 480 - 85 = 395,运转时间,= 480 - 85 = 395,Availability,=,Not scheduled,30 min.,未排程时间,30,分钟,Schedule Time,Time the Machine is in a Running Mode,排程时间,机器在运转状态的时间,Down time,Losses 85 min,停工时间,损失,85,分钟,Running Time,Schedule Time,运转时间排程时间,可用率,=,395,480,= 82%,可用率,=,395,480,= 82%,Performance,效能,Not scheduled,30 min,.,未排程時間,30,分鐘,Net Actual Output,淨實際產量產,Down time,Losses 85 min,停工損失,85,分鐘,Performance,Loss 303,效能損失,303,件,Performance,效能,=,实际产量目标产量,Actual Output = Actual Number of Parts Produced,实际产量,=,实际生产数量,Actual Output = 1,277,Target Output = Ideal Cycle Time * Run Time,目标产量,=,理想周期时间 * 运转时间,Target Output = 4 parts/min * 395 = 1,580,Performance Loss,效能损失,= 1,580 1,277 = 303,=,81%,Performance,效能,=,1,277,1,580,Quality Rate,品质良率,Good Output = actual output quality/defects losses,良品产量,=,实际产量,品质损失,Quality rate,品质良率,=,良品产量,实际产量,Good Output = 1,277 20 = 1,257,= 98%,Not scheduled,30 min.,未排程时间,30,分钟,Actual Output,实际产量,Down time,Losses 85 min,停工损失,85,分钟,Performance,Loss 303,效能损失,303,件,Q,Quality rate,品质良率,=,1,277,1,257,Overall Equipment Effectiveness,整体设备有效率,Good Output,良品产量,Total Equipment Efficiency Loss,整体设备效率损失,OEE = Overall Equipment Effectiveness,OEE = Availability Rate x Performance Rate x Quality Rate,可用率 效能比率 品质良率,OEE = 82% x 81% x 98% = 65%,Overall Equipment Effectiveness,整体设备有效率,Appendix A,Sample Forms,附件,A,表格范例,Number,Oil Type,種類,Name,名稱,Supplier,1,Spindle,主轴,Yelocite,#6,Mobil,美孚,2,Hydraulic,液压,NutoH-46,Exxon,埃克森,3,Way,槽,Febris-K68,Exxon,埃克森,4,Cutting,切削,Solene,S2138,Solene,5,30W,SAE Non-Detergent,Boyln,6,Gear,齿轮,7,Grease,润滑油,8,Compressor,压缩机,ATF,Dextron,II,Exxon,埃克森,9,Quench,熄灭,10,Rust Preventive,防锈,11,Air Line Lube,空气管道润滑油,Regal R&O 32,Texico,德士古,12,Collant,Cinbol,3202,Houton,13,Comb,Hyd,&Way,梳齿液压槽,Lubeway,1706,Sun Oil,太阳石油,14,Northfield Chuck,北田卡盘,E-6 Oil,15,Way Lube,槽润滑油,(CNC),Vactra,Oil #2,Mobil,美孚,16,Bar Oil,钎杆油,DTE Heavy,Mobil,美孚,Oil Codes,油料代碼,Progress Measurement Form,进度量测,表,The following page has this form that can be printed,and laminated to be posted on the machine.,下一页也,有这张表格可以复印、分层以粘贴在机器上。,Completed Step Forms,The following page has this forms that can be printed,and laminated to be posted on the machine. Use,velcro,to attach these to the Progress Measurement form. Also,the passed label can be removed if necessary.,下一面也有这,张表格,可以打印、分层,粘贴在机器上。用,velcro,把这些附在,进度量测表,上。而且合格,标签,在必要时可以拿掉。,第一步,检查 和,清洁,合 格,002103,第二步,问题的起因,已改正,合 格,002105,第三步,盲区的检查,和清洁已改正,合 格,002106,第四步,检查、清洁和润,滑的标准已完成,合 格,002108,


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