教育专题:module9unit1 (3)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 9,A trip to the zoo,Lets sing a song!,Where is it?,New words for today.,camel,camels,elephant,elephants,giraffe,giraffes,kangaroo,kangaroos,lion,monkey,polar bear,snake,tiger,wolf,wolves,panda,pandas,Look at the pictures.,Which animals can you see?,Listen and check.,-Thats a panda,-Yes,and there are some giraffes.,Now work in pairs and say what you can see.,Listen and read.,Guide:,Welcome to,Beijing Zoo.Sixteen thousand people,visit,it every day.The zoo has five thousand animals-kangaroos,polar bears,zebras,pandas,and many more,.The kangaroo,comes from,Australia,the polar bear from the,Arcitc,and the wolf from Europe.Lets go and see a tiger.,Daming,:Does the tiger come from Europe?,Guide:No,it doesnt.It comes from Asia.The tiger eats meat.,Lingling,:Does the polar bear eat meat?,Guide:Yes,it does.It eats meat and it likes to swim.,Daming,:Is there a panda?The panda is my,favourite,animal.,Guide:Its my,favourite,animal,too.Would you like to see,Lingling,?,Lingling,:Im here!,Guide:No,Lingling,the panda!,Look,there she is.,She,lives in,China and she eats bamboo.,Check(,)the true sentences.,There are 7,000 animals in the zoo.,The kangaroo lives in Europe.,The polar bear lives in the Arctic.,The polar bear comes from China.,The tiger eats meat.,The tiger comes from Asia.,The panda comes from China.,The panda doesnt eat bamboo.,Pronunciation and speaking,h,ere,b,ear,th,ere,Listen and repeat.,Listen and repeat the questions and answers.,-,Does,the panda,eat,bamboo?,-,Yes,it does,.It eats bamboo.,-,Does,the tiger,come,from Europe?,-,No,it doesnt,.It comes from Asia.,Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.,Does the polar bear like to swim?,Does the tiger eat meat?,Does the panda eat bamboo?,Does the tiger like to swim?,Does the polar bear eat bamboo?,Does the polar bear come from China?,Yes,it does.,Yes,it does.,Yes,it does.,No,it doesnt.,No,it doesnt.,No,it doesnt.,Exercises,1.,我们有不同的习惯,.,We have different habits.,2.,他从来没有去过日本吗,?,Does he never go to Japan?,3.,她通常走路去上班吗,?,Does she usually go to work on foot?,4.,我们上课从来不迟到,.,We are never late for class.,5.,请选择正确的答案,.,Please choose the right/correct answer.,6.,他经常穿着一对运动鞋,.,He often wears a pair of trainers.,Key points,wolf,的复数形式,wolves,披着羊皮的豺狼,a wolf in sheeps clothing,Welcome to Beijing Zoo.,欢迎你来到中国,.Welcome you to China.,欢迎回来,.Welcome back.,


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