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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Cloning,Cloning,Teaching Procedures,Step 1 Lead-in,How did“I”,become“us”?,Teaching ProceduresHow did“I”,外研版英语-选修6-Module-5-Cloning课件,Step 1 Lead-in,By cloning,.,How did“I”become“us”?,Step 1 Lead-in By cloning.H,Three passages related to,human cloning,Teaching Content,Three passages related to Teac,Ability aim,:,To strengthen the students reading skills,Knowledge aim:,To learn some expressions about human cloning,Affective aims:,To know about the development and different,voices on human cloning;,Teaching Aims,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,Ability aim:Teaching Aim,Step 2 Passage 1,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,Step 2 Passage 1外研版英语 选修6 Mo,A.Because he falls behind others in his study.,B.To study science at school.,C.As a seventh grade student,he needs one.,D.Because he wants to improve his grades.,Passage 1,To make up for the grades,Skill:Find the closest information,improve,Reading Tasks,1.Why does Will place an order for a science project?(1),外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,Passage 1To make up for th,2.Put the events below in the order of time _,A.Twoie performs quite well at,school instead of Will.,B.The two scientists mistake,Will as a clone and kidnap him.,C.Will knows that Twoie will die,soon because he is a clone.,D.Will clones himself called Twoie.,E.Will keeps failing his classes.,Passage 1,E D A C B,Try to find the key verbs of each,sentence,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,2.Put the events below in the,Step 3 Passage 2,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,Step 3 Passage 2外研版英语 选修6 M,1.Choose two sentences to fill in the blanks.,Para.1,Para.2,D.Since the dead one would be fondly remembered,would not the parents expect the copy to be the same?,B.What if the copy of Einsteinshows no interest in science?Or the baseball player turns to acting?,Passage 2,SKILL:Pay attention to the context and the main idea of each paragraph,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,1.Choose two sentences to fil,2.The underlined part the difficulty in Paragraph 1 refers to(2),A,cloning a baby is difficultB,its difficult to give birth to a new babyC,the dead child cant come back again,D,the cloned baby cant replace the,lost child,Passage 2,for,SKILL:Do remember to find information from,the sentence where the phrase lies first,.,If not,then the context.,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,2.The underlined part the di,3.Whats,the authors,attitude toward cloning a child for parents?(1),A.Supportive B.Opposed,C.Indifferent D.Objective,SKILL:,Try to find words such as,“I”“my”“we”“our”first.,I suggest reject,Passage 2,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,3.Whats the authors attitud,Step 4 Passage 3,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,Step 4 Passage 3外研版英语 选修6 M,Reading Tasks,Passage 3,1.Whats the main idea of the passage?,A.The success of the cloning humans,B.The opposition to cloning humans,C.Failure of cloning humans,D.First cloned humans,react with strong opposition to,They are opposed to;harm,SKILL:the first paragraph,or the last paragraph,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,Reading TasksPassage 31.Whats,Passage 3,2.Why is Dr.Antinori mentioned by the newspaper?(1),A.Because his patient is pregnant.,B.Because he is a specialist on cloning.,C.Because he is on the way of cloning the,first human baby.,D.Because he is rejected strongly by the,doctors worldwide.,SKILL:Find the key words in the passage,as soon as possible.,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,Passage 32.Why is Dr.Antinor,3.Summary(,2,),Passage 3,The first human baby is,_,the way of being cloned,_ causes a debate worldwide.Some are in favor of human cloning,thinking it can not only bring hope and,_,(enjoy)to the couples,_,(able)to have children,but also help to be used to create drugs for some treatments of diseases.,_,many doctors argue that there are more disadvantages than _(benefit)in human cloning.Firstly,it can make moral relations in chaos.Whats worse,so far all cloned animals,_,(suffer)from serious disorders,thus,_,(die)soon.Therefore,they are _human cloning _.(strong),on,enjoyment,unable,However,benefits,have suffered,dying,strongly,which,against,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,3.Summary(2)Passage 3 The fi,Advantages,Disadvantages,1.Bringing hope and,enjoyment for,2.Using it to create,drugs,3.Cloning organs to,replace the damaged,ones,4.Saving endangered,animals,5.Increasing the,production of crops,1.Making moral relations,in chaos,2.Being taken advantage,of to commit crimes,3.Suffering from serious,disorders and dying,early,4.Low success rates,thus wasting money,5.Making the whole,world out of control,Step 5 Discussion,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,外研版英语 选修,6 Module 5 Cloning,AdvantagesDisadvantages1.Brin,Step 6 Writing,Try to make a short passage about human clon


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