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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Creating a Culture of Execution,JFK Speech to Congress,“,I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal,before this decade is out,of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.”,JFK AT RICE UNIVERSITY,“,We choose to go to the moon.We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,not because they are easy,but because they are hard,because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills,because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept,one we are unwilling to postpone,and one which we intend to win,I realize that this is,in some measure,an act of faith and vision,for we do not know what benefits await us.,But if I were to say,my fellow citizens,that we shall send to the moon,240,000 miles away from the control station in Houston,a giant rocket more than 300 feet tall,the length of this football field,made of new metal alloys,some of which have not yet been invented,capable of standing heat and stresses several times more than have ever been experienced,fitted together with a precision better than that of the finest watch,carrying all the equipment needed for propulsion,guidance,control,communications,food and survival,on an untried mission,to an unknown celestial body,and then returned it safely to earth,re-entering atmosphere at speeds of over 25,000 miles per hour,causing heat about half that of the temperature of the sun and do all this,and do it right,and do it first before this decade is out,then,we must be bold,.”,-President John F.Kennedy,“,Up is not an easy direction.”,The Challenge:Ability to Execute,“,Leadership without the discipline of execution is incomplete and ineffective.Without the ability to execute,all other attributes of leadership become hollow”,Larry Bossidy Chairman,Honeywell International,THE POWER OF FOCUS,0,12,23,Goals Achieved With Excellence,1120,410,23,Number of Goals,A leader who says“Ive got ten priorities”doesnt know what he is talking about.He doesnt know himself what the most important things are.Youve got to have these few,clearly realistic goals and priorities,Larry Bossidy&Ram Charan,Execution:The Discipline of Getting Things Done,New York:Crown Business,2002,Our Partner,WILDLY IMPORTANT,important,adj.,1:,meaning a great deal;having significance,value,wildly important,adj.,1:,of visionary and strategic import;carrying serious economic consequence;potential for unbelievable satisfaction of key stakeholders;causing intense excitement and enthusiasm,Wildly Important Goals=,The,BIG,WIGS,Why WIGS?,Harris,Interactive,SM,McKinsey&Company,Ram Charan,Synergy,Focus,8,Standards of Execution,Clarity,Commitment,Translation,Discipline,Enabling,Collaboration,Trust,Accountability,Synergy,Focus,Do people know what to do?,8,Standards of Execution,Lack of Clarity,Clarity,Commitment,Translation,Discipline,Enabling,Collaboration,Trust,Accountability,Synergy,Focus,8,Standards of Execution,Do people know what to do?,2.,Do they want to do it?,3.,Do they know how to do it?,4.,Do they sustain the course?,5.,Do they work together?,Clarity,52,Commitment,52,Translation,43,Discipline,65,Enabling,32,Collaboration,49,Trust,59,Accountability,57,Synergy,49,Focus,53,X,Q,51,(,National Averages,),2,xQ Results:Individuals in Typical Organizations,I clearly understand my organizations most important goals,Can name their organizations most important goals,Percent of time spent on organizations most important goals,The goals of my work group are translated into my individual work goals,My individual work goals are translated into daily tasks and/or performance standards,44%,15%,49%,25%,32%,xQ:Teams in Typical Organizations,My organizations most important goals are translated to the goals of my work group,Individual tasks are reviewed at least monthly with my manager,We work in an atmosphere of trust where people can express differences of opinion freely,We hold each other accountable for doing what we commit to do,27%,12%,56%,46%,xQ:Typical Organizations,My organization has decided what its most important goals are,My organization has clearly communicated its most important goals,People get recognized and rewarded for doing things that support key goals,My organization consistently achieves its most important goals,52%,43%,33%,21%,Four Disciplines of Execution,Focus on the“wildly important”not the merely important.,Build measures that motivate.,Translate 30,000 foot goals into new front line behaviors.,Win as a team.,My manager.,Ranking,Is a hard worker,1,Prioritizes work so our time is spent on the most important issues,74,Sets clear expectations when assigning tasks,75,Plans ahead to reduce having to work in a crisis mode,76,Provides feedback on our groups performance,77,MANAGERS WORK HARD BUT,FAIL TO PROVIDE FOCUS AND DIRECTION,More than 2.5 million workers were asked to rank their managers


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