人教版英语八年级下册unit4 直接人语period1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 He said I was,hard-working,Section A,Can the girl dance?,What did she say?,She,said,she,could,dance, too.,She,said,“I,can,dance, too.”,What did she say?,She,said,they,would,find it.,She,said,“We,ll,find it.”,直接引语和间接引语的概念:,直接引语:直接引述别人的原话,.,前后有引号,Mary said,“,Im late.,”,间接引语:用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来,Mary said she was late.,初次见面,直接引语变为,间接引语注意:,人称,时态,句式,I,am,Mimi.,人称,What did he say?,直接引语:,He,said ,“,I,am,Mimi,.”,人称,间接引语:,He,said,he,was,Mimi,.,例句:,He said : “I am a student.”,He said,he,was a student.,第一人称和主句的主语一致,1,He,said,“,I am going to have the party.”, He said _ was going to have the party.,2,Tom,said,“I dont like playing basketball.,Tom said _ didnt like playing basketball.,3,She said,“ I go to the park every Sunday.”,She said _ went to the park every Sunday.,4,Mark told,me,“ I will go shopping.”,Mark told me that _ would go shopping.,5,She said, “My mother wants to go shopping with me.”,She said _ mother wanted to go shopping with_.,6,Mary said to,me,“ We are going to have a party.”,Mary told me that _ were going to have a party.,he,he,she,he,her,her,they,例句,:Tom said to her: “ How is your sister now?,Tom said to her how,her,sister was then.,第二人称和主句的宾语一致,。,1,“You must come here on time.” I told him,。,I told him that,_must come here on time.,2,The teacher said to us, “ Hand your papers at once.”,The teacher told us to hand _papers at once.,3,Her mother said to her , “ Dont waster your time.”,Her mother told her not to waster_ time.,4,She said to Tom, “ Can you help me?”,She asked Tom if _ could help _.,5,She said to me: “ You are a good student.”,She told me that _ was a good student.,.,he,our,her,he,her,I,例句:,Mr,Smithsaid, “,Jack,isagoodboy.”,Mr,Smithsaid,Jack,wasagoodboy.,第三人称不改变,1,“ She is mad.” he said.,He said that _ was mad.,2,She said,“,Tom wants to go shopping with me.”,She said _ wanted to go shopping with _.,3, I said,“,Lily can speak three languages.”,I said that _ could speak three languages.,4, Mike said,“,They are my best friend.”,Mike said that _ were _ best friend.,he,Tom,her,Lily,they,his,1,Tom,said,“,I will go to Beijing.”,Tom said _ would go to Beijing.,2,He,said,“My,mother is going to go shopping with me.”,He said _ mother was going to go shopping with _.,3, He said to,Mary,“,Where is your sister?”,He asked Mary where _ sister was?,4,Miss,Gao,said,“,Haohao,is a pretty student.”,Miss,Gao,said _ was a pretty student.,5, “She is crying.” he told me.,He told me that _ was crying.,he,his,him,her,Haohao,she,I,dont,like cleaning the room.,直接引语:,He said, “I,dont,like cleaning the room.,时态,What did he say?,间接引语:,He said he,didnt,like cleaning the room.,直接引语,间接引语,一般现在时,一般,过去,时,一般将来时,过去,将来时,现在进行时,过去,进行时,过去时态,直接引语,间接引语,amis,was,are,were,h,avehas,had,will,would,can,could,do,did,1, She said,“ I can carry the heavy box.”,She said she _ carry the heavy box.,2, Tom,said,“ I have a question to ask.”,Tom said he _ a question to ask.,3,He,said,“,I am watching TV.”,He said he _ watching TV.,4, She,said,“,I am a student. ”,She said (that) she _ a student.,5,Shesaid, Hewillgotoseehisfriend.”,Shesaidhe_gotoseehisfriend,。,6,Tom said, “ I am going to play basketball tomorrow.”,Tom said he_ going to play basketball tomorrow,7, She said ,“they are listening to music.”,She said they _ listening to music.,could,had,was,would,was,were,was,例句:,Theteacher,said,Theearthmovesaroundthesun.”,Theteachertoldmetheearth_aroundthesun.,注意!有种情况时态不发生改变。,moves,直接引语为客观真理,1,Jiangbo said: “ The earth is bigger than the moon.”,Jiangbo,said that the earth _bigger than the moon.,2, He said: “ I was having supper when the bell rang.”,He said _ _having supper when the bell rang.,3,She said : “ My sister was born on June 28, 1987.”,She said _ sister _ born on June 28, 1987.,4,My mother said:” You should finish your homework.”,My mother said _ _ finish _ homework.,5, Petersaid.Youhadbettercomeheretoday.PetersaidI_ bettergotherethatday.,6, Jacksaid.IwasbornonApril2l,1980.Jack saidhe_bornonApril21,1980.,is,he,was,her,was,I,should,my,had,was,比一比,赛一赛,1,Tony said:I can play the,piano,.,”,男孩女孩,看看谁的眼力尖,脑力快,直接引语,变,间接,引语,1.Tony said,he,could,play the,piano,.,2.Mary said:I am studying Japanese.,”,2.Mary said,she,was,studying Japanese.,3, Tom,said:I go shopping every Sunday.,”,3.,Tom,said,she,went,shopping every Sunday.,6,.Linda said :I,want to,go camping,”,.,比一比,赛一赛,4.Tom said:My favorite sport is football.,”,男孩女孩,看看谁的眼力尖,脑力快,直接引语,变,间接,引语,4.Tom said,his,favorite sport,was,football.,5.Mary said :I will go on Friday.,5.Mary said,she,would,go on Friday.,6,.Linda said,she,wanted to go,camping .,Can I use your computer?,句式,What did,he say?,直接引语:,He,said , “,Can I use your computer,.”,句式,间接引语:,He,said,if he could use my computer.,例句:,She said : “ I am good at English.”,She said that she was good at English.,陈述句加,“,that”,1,Mary said : “ I am proud of my class.”,Mary said _ she was proud of her class.,2,Dingxu said : “ I like living here.”,Dingxu,said _ _ _ living there.,3,Ben said, “ I will go to London.”,Ben said _ _ _ go to London.,that,that,he,liked,that,he,would,例句,: “ Can I use your computer?” he asked me,He asked me,if/whether,he could use my computer.,一般疑问句先加,if,或,whether,,,后变陈述句语序,1, Hesaid,Canyouswim,John?“,HeaskedJohn_ hecouldswim.,2,Doyougotoschoolbybus?he asked.,Heaskedme_ Iwenttoschoolbybus.,3,Tom asked me, “ Are you going to the hospital,?,”,Tom asked me _ _ _ going to the hospital.,4,She said: “ Will you go skating with me?”,She asked _ I _ go skating with_.,if,if,if,I,was,if,would,her,例句:,Sheaskedme,Whendotheyhavetheirdinner?”,Sheaskedme,when,they had,theirdinner.,特殊疑问句:先落特殊疑问词,后变陈述语序。,1, Sheaskedme,Whatwas Jack doing when I come in?”,Sheaskedme what Jack _ _ when she came in.,2,He asked me, “ Where do you live?”,He asked me _ I _.,3,Tom asked her : “ Who is your math teacher?”,Tom asked her who _ math teacher _.,was,doing,where,lived,her,was,例句,: “Open the door,please,”saidshe.,She,told,/,asked,himtoopen the door.,祈使句时,said,变,told,/,ask,1, Mary said to me, “ Hand in your papers.”,Mary _/_ me to hand in my papers.,2,Mrs Man said to us, “Dont talk in the class.”,Mrs,Man _/_ us _ to talk in the class.,3,Dontmakeanynoise,he saidtome.,He_/_me _tomakeanynoise.,told,asked,told,asked,told,not,asked,not,1,She said: “ I am going to be a doctor when I grow up.”,She said that _ _ going to be a doctor when _ grew up.,2,He asked me: “ Do you like this book?”,He asked me _ _ _ this book?,3, He asked me : “When do you go to school?”,He asked me _ I _ to school?,4, She asked me : “ What are you doing now?,She asked me what _ _ doing _?,5, “ Keep silent, please” the teacher said to the students.,The teacher _/_ the students to keep silent.,6, “Dont smoke here.” she said to the man.,She _ /_ the man _ to smoke here.,she,was,she,if,I,liked,when,went,I,was,then,told,asked,told,asked,not,.,单项选择,1. He asked _ for the computer.,A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much,C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid,2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. He asked me _.,A. had I seen the film B. have I seen the film,C. if I have seen the film D. whether I had seen the film,3. “Please close the window,” he said to me.,He _ me _ the window.,A. said to; to close B. told to; closing,C. asked ; to close D. said to; please close,4. “I am a teacher,” Jack said. He said _.,A. that I am a teacher B. I was a teacher,C. that he is a teacher D. he was a teacher,5. He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.” He _- very naughty.,A. said his mother that the boy was,B. said to his mother that the boy is,C. told his mother that the boy was,D. spoke to his mother that the boy was,6. “Youve already got well, havent you?” she asked.,She asked _.,A. if I have already got well, hadnt you,B. whether I had already got well,C. have I already got well D. had I already got well.,7. He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a League member?”,He asked me _.,A. am I a Party member or a League member,B. was I a Party member or a League member,C. if I was a Party member or a League member,D. whether was I a Party member or a League member.,8. He asked, “How are you getting along?” He asked _.,A. how am I getting along,B. how are you getting along,C. how I was getting along,D. how was I getting along,9. He asked me _ with me.,A. what the matter is B. what the mater was,C. whats the matter D. what was the matter,10. He said, “Dont do that again.” He _ me _ that again.,A. said to me; not to do B. said to me; dont do,C. told me; dont do D. told me; not to do,“,Young Lives,”,this week,It was an exciting week for the people in the soap opera,“,Young Lives,”,.,First of all, Marcia told Ben she,having a surprise party for Lana, and that Lana,she was going to her house to study. Then Lana,Ben she,mad at Marcia, and that she,going to her house on Friday. So Ben told Lana that Marcia was,to have a party for her. Lana told Ben that she,mad at Marcia anymore, and that she,go to Marcia,s house on Friday night. However, Marcia called everyone and,them that she,going to have the party.,was,thought,told,was,wasnt,going,wasnt,would,told,wasnt,3a,


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