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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 9,Was I a good girl back then?,Unit 9,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,When I was a baby, I was very soft(,柔软,) and,lived in the water,. I had,one long tail and no legs,.,I looked like a comma,(,逗号,).,Now I am a strong adult,I can jump very fast with my four strong legs , I like croaking at night.,When I was a baby, I was very,use simple past,过去时,tense.,When I,a baby, I very soft and in the water.,I,one long tail and no legs.,I like a comma (逗号).,was,(am, was),(was, am),was,(lived, live),lived,(had, have ),had,(looked, look),looked,use simple past 过去时 tense. Whe,Now I a strong adult, I jump very fast with my four strong legs , I croaking at night.,can,like,(,am, was,),(,can, could,),(,liked, like,),use simple present tense,用现在时,am,Now I,Who am I,a duck,Who am I a duck,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,Before he was years old,he in the playground.,seven,liked,But now he is years old, he in the playground.,football,eighteen,likes,playing,playing,basketball,Before he was ye,When he was year old,he,But now he,five,liked,watching,TV.,likes,surfing,the,Internet.,When he was year,Before, she,But now she,liked,watching,cartoons.,likes,drawing,cartoons.,Before, she But now,Before he,liked,playing with,toys.,But now he,likes,reading books.,Before he liked pl,Before,But now,he,liked eating candy.,he,likes eating vegetables.,Before,But now liked eating ca,Before she,often cried.,But now she,always smiles.,Before she often cried.But now,Homework,Homework,戒 烟,(巴西,),贝利,戒 烟(巴西)贝利,本文主要叙述了贝利的父亲,成功的教育,贝利戒烟的故事,。,一、回顾主要内容:,本文主要叙述了贝利的父亲成功的教育贝利戒烟的故事。一、回顾,二、新课学习,1,、,“,吸烟有害健康,”,是众所周知的常识,你觉得贝利知道吗?(用,单曲线,画出,1-3,段中描写贝利的语句后说说你的看法。),从贝利的言行中你能揣摩出他当时的心理状态吗?,二、新课学习1、“吸烟有害健康”是众所周知的常识,你觉得贝利,2,、,贝利回家后,父亲都教育了他什么?是以怎样的态度和做法教育的?透过这些,你看到了一位怎样的父亲?结合课文中对父亲言行的描写进行说明。,(要求:用,横线画出,相关的词语或句子,并且,进行批注,),2、贝利回家后,父亲都教育了他什么?是以怎样的态度和做法教育,3,、在父亲的循循善诱之下,贝利的心理发生怎样的变化?请你结合全文认真揣摩分析。,你觉得贝利是一个怎样的少年?,(,用,单曲线,画出相关依据并,批注,。),3、在父亲的循循善诱之下,贝利的心理发生怎样的变化?请你结合,三、探究主题,这无疑是一次成,功的教育,你认为贝,利能成功戒烟的,原因,有哪些?,三、探究主题 这无疑是一次成,四、拓展延伸,作为中学生的我们,时时刻刻都在接受着教育。我们既然认识到了一次成功的教育既源于教育者也源于被教育者,那么就请你从自己的角度谈一谈,自己应该怎样做才能使所受的教育更加成功,。,四、拓展延伸 作为中学生的我,五、小结祝愿:,英国作家赫胥黎,曾说过:“宇宙中只,有一个角落是你一定,能够改善的,那就是,你自己。”,希望同学们在接,受师长教育的同时,,一定,像贝利一样,学会教育你自己,。,五、小结祝愿: 英国作家赫胥黎,六、作业,语文书,77,页,“,探究和练习,”,三、,,六、作业,星期,一,二,三,四,五,六,日,最低温度,(,0,C),-1,-3,-2,-1,-2,-3,-2,沈阳这一周最低气温的平均值是多少?,大家好!,随着季节的变化,沈阳这一周的最低气温如下:,星期一二三四五六日最低温度(0C)-1-3-2-1-2-3-,(,8,),(,2,),=,请直接写出下列各式的结果:,(,10,),5=,9,(,3,),=,0,(,12,),=,观察上面的算式及计算结果,你发现了什么?,63=,2,4,-3,-2,0,与同组同学交流,请再举一些例子验证你们的发现。,(8)(2)=请直接写出下列各式的结果:(10)5,原数,-14,-1.25,-1,1,0,倒数,你能说出下列各数的倒数吗,-1,1,没有,原数-14 -1.25 -110倒数你能说出下列各数的倒数,(,-3,),(,-,(,-3,),),计算:,(,-3,),=,(-3)(-(-3)计算:(-3)=,课堂小结,本节课你学习了什么?,发现了什么,?,有什么收获?,还有什么问题?,课堂小结本节课你学习了什么?发现了什么?有什么收获?,布置作业,课本,57,页,2,、,3,、,4,题,布置作业课本57页2、3、4题,第三章,整式及其加减,第三章,课,前,热,身,随,堂,演,练,2,代数式,课随2,基础训练,课前热身,(5,分钟,),基础训练课前热身 (5分钟),广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,基础训练,随堂演练,(10,分钟,),基础训练随堂演练(10分钟),广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,谢谢观赏!,Thanks!,谢谢观赏!, 中小学课件站,中华民族的,最强音, 中小学课件站中华民族, 中小学课件站,中华人民共和国国歌,起来!,不愿做奴隶的人们!,把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城!,中华民族到了最危险的时候,,每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。,起来!起来!起来!,我们万众一心,,冒着敌人的炮火,前进!,冒着敌人的炮火,前进!,前进!前进!进!,义勇军进行曲, 中小学课件站中华人民, 中小学课件站,奴隶 剧本 谱曲 自豪感,气概 魔爪 压迫 侵占,弹,琴,尤其,歌词,嫉,妒,油然而生,万众一心,振奋人心,催人奋进,勇往直前,警钟长鸣,豁然开朗,居安思危 繁荣富强,检查预习, 中小学课件站奴隶, 中小学课件站,默读第三自然段,完成填空,1、“中华民族的最强音”,指的是( ),2、义勇军进行曲诞生在( )年。,3、义勇军进行曲的词作者是( ),曲作者是( ),4、义勇军进行曲最初是电影( )的主题曲。,5、课文里的“敌人”指的是( ), 中小学课件站默读第三, 中小学课件站,日本帝国主义在我们的土地上胡作非为,烧毁房屋,抢走财产,最可恨的是成千上万无辜的老百姓被残杀,他们所到之处尸横遍野、血流成河。人民颠沛流离,流离失所。, 中小学课件站, 中小学课件站,聂耳看到这振奋人心的歌词,激发起极大的创作热情,立即动手谱曲。他把自己关在简陋的住房里,一会儿弹琴,一会儿高唱,一会儿按着节拍走动。他把对祖国和人民的爱,对敌人的恨,都倾注到每一个音符中。这首歌高昂激越,催人奋进,尤其是结尾句:“我们万众一心,冒着敌人的炮火,前进!前进!前进!进!”坚定有力,反映了中国人民在反侵略战争中万众一心、勇往直前、誓死保卫祖国的伟大精神,唱出了中华民族的最强音。, 中小学课件站, 中小学课件站,同学们,在战争年代国歌体现了中华民族万众一心、勇往直前、誓死保卫祖国的最强音。在现今,当我们国家取得巨大荣誉和成就的时刻,中华儿女又应该用自己怎样的方式奏响了中华民族的最强音呢?,大家能举一些典型例子吗?,说一说, 中小学课件站同学们,, 中小学课件站,5,月,12,日汶川大地震,中华儿女众志成城、抗震救灾,奏响了中华民族的最强音“中国加油!四川加油”!,2008,年奥运会,中国健儿奋力拼搏,夺得金牌,51,枚,会场里一次又一次地奏响国歌,运动员流下激动的眼泪。,神舟七号载人航天,实现了我国在太空的行走。这一步跨越,独步寰宇,这一刻历史,铭刻辉煌,这一刻奏响了中华民族的最强音。, 中小学课件站5月12,Unit 2 A country life,is,a healthy life,广州市黄埔区文船小学 钟子刚,Unit 2 A country life is a hea,Look and say,count country,a country life,like life ride,ill still,re,d f,re,sh,make take,air hair,clean air,hea,d,hea,lthy,grand grandparent fresh food,a.m. =morning p.m. = evening,milk the cows,ride my bike,help,my parents,with,other housework,still,much work,to do,a healthy life,plenty of exercise plenty of fresh milk,Look and say,Where does Li Wei live?,He lives,on the farm,.,He love living,in the country,.,Is he usually busy ?,Yes . He is usually,very busy,.,Where does Li Wei live?,When,does Li Wei wake up every moring?,He,wakes,up,at 5 a.m,.,What,does,Li Wei do every morning?,He,helps,his father,milks,the cows,.,milk the cow,When does Li Wei wake up ever,How many pupils are there in Li Weis school?,There are 48 pupils .,How many pupils are there in L,What does he have for breakfast?,He has plenty of,fresh milk,for breakfast.,What does he have for breakf,How,does,Li Wei go to school every day?,He,goes,to school,by bike,.,He,rides his bike,to school.,Li Wei,How does Li Wei go to school e,What does Li Wei do after school?,He,gets,home and,does,still much work to do,after school.,What does Li Wei do after sc,Why doesnt Li Wei feel tired?,Because he,has plenty of exercise,clean air,and,fresh food,every day.,Why doesnt Li Wei feel tired?,广州版英语六上:unit-9was-i-a-good-girl-back-thenppt课件,Unit 3,School Life,Unit 3School Life,Lesson 18Teaching in China,Lesson 18Teaching in China,New Words,New Words,teach v.,教;讲授,quite adv.,非常;十分,nervous adj.,紧张的;不安的,comfortable adj.,舒服的,relaxed adj.,轻松的;放松的,helpful adj.,有用的;有帮助的,Vocabulary,teach v. 教;讲授V,Listening,Listening,1. Listen and write true (T) or false (F).,1. Jane arrived in China last week. ( ),2. Everyone is friendly and nice to Jane. ( ),3. Canadian students dont move to different classrooms for their classes. ( ),Listen and answer,4. Janes students teach her about their culture. ( ),1. Listen and write true (T) o,1. Listen and write true (T) or false (F).,1. Jane arrived in China last week. ( ),2. Everyone is friendly and nice to Jane. ( ),3. Canadian students dont move to different classrooms for their classes. ( ),4. Janes students teach her about their culture. ( ),Check the answers,F,T,F,T,1. Listen and write true (T) o,Hello, everyone!,How are you? Im doing well. Life in China is great! I arrived two months ago. I was quite nervous then. But everyone here is so friendly and nice. Now I feel quite comfortable and relaxed. My students are wonderful and the other teachers are always helpful.,Jane is from Canada. She is teaching English in China. She is writing an e-mail to her family and friends back home.,Hello, everyone!Jane is from C,My school is very big. I have many students in my class. In Canada, there are usually only 35 students in a class. And they move from classroom to classroom for their classes. But in China, the teachers move!,Chinese students work very hard. They usually start school at 8:00 a.m. and finish at 5:00 p.m. Chinese teachers work very hard, too.,My school is very big. I have,Im so happy to be in China. I am learning so much here. My students often teach me Chinese. They also teach me about their culture. Its so interesting!,I visited the Great Wall last month. Look at my picture.,Wo ai Zhongguo!,I miss you all!,Jane,Im so happy to be in China. I,Making a difference means making a good change. You can make a difference in your own life and in others lives too. Do you know anyone who makes a difference? How can you make a difference?,Dig In,Making a difference means maki,Are schools in China an Canada the same? Read the lesson and list some differences between Chinese and Canadian schools.,2,China,Canada,Teachers moved from classroom to classroom for their class.,Students moved from classroom to classroom for their class.,Are schools in China an Canada,Fill in the blanks with words in the box.,3,nervous friendly relaxed wonderful teach,I didnt know anyone at the party. But everyone was very _.,Spring is nice and warm. It is a _ season.,Li Ming is going to give a talk. He is quite _.,Im a teacher. I _ music at a middle school.,After a busy day, I like to sit and drink a cup of tea. It makes me feel _.,wonderful,friendly,nervous,teach,relaxed,Fill in the blanks with words,Work in groups. Interview your classmates and fill in the table.,4,Example:,A: Do you do your homework?,B: Yes. I always do my homework.,A: Do you help out at home,B: Yes. I sometimes wash the dishes.,Work in groups. Interview your,Name,Do your homework,Help out at home,Walk to school,Play spots,always often usually sometimes never,NameDo your homeworkHelp out a,Language,points,Language,My students often teach me Chinese.,【,解析,】,句式teach somebody something意为“教某人某事”。,e.g.,【,解析,】,表示“教某人做某事”用句式teach somebody to do something。,Who taught you English last year?,去年谁教你们英语?,e.g.,Li Ming, can you teach me to play basketball?,李明,你能教我打篮球吗?,My students often teach me Ch,Exercises!,Exercises!,1. I felt n_ and didnt know what to do.,2. After a good rest, he felt relaxed and c_.,3. This dictionary is h_ to our English study.,4. Mr. Liu is a good teacher. He t_ us English last term.,5. Classes b_ at eight in the morning every day.,I. 根据句意和所给的首字母用适当的词语填空。,ervous,omfortable,elpful,aught,egins,1. I felt n_ and didnt k,1,. _ is everything going?,Very well.,2,. _ did you go to the Great Wall?,Last week.,3,. _ didnt he come to the meeting?,Because he missed the bus.,4,. _ did you learn in class this morning?,To make model planes.,5,. _ did you visit last month?,The Palace Museum.,II. 根据上下句意用适当的疑问词填空。,How,When,Why,What,Where,1. _ is everything going,Unit 4,After-School Activities,Unit 4After-School Activitie,Lesson 21 What Is Your Club Type,Lesson 21 What Is Your Club,New Words,New Words,type n.,类型;种类,following adj.,接着的;下述的,which adj.&pron.,哪一个,circle v.&n.,圈出;圆,add v.,增加;添加,score n.,得分,relax v.,放松;休息,Vocabulary,type n.类型,free adj.,空闲的;自由的,mind n.,头脑;思想,active adj.,积极的;活跃的,quietly adv.,安静地;平静地,must v.aux.,必须;应当,without prep.,没有;不用,bored adj.,无聊的;无趣的,example n.,例如;范例,Vocabulary,free adj,Listening,Listening,1. Listen to the statements and number the pictures.,Listen and answer,1. Listen to the statements an,Check the answers,1. Listen to the statements and number the pictures.,Check the answers1. Listen to,What club is right for you? Read the following questions. Which answer describes you best? Circle it. Then add up your score and find out your club type!,Do you get enough exercise?,a. Always! I love playing sports.,b. Not really. I like to listen to music and relax.,c. Not really. I usually draw and paint in my,free time.,d. Never. I like to read books and exercise my,mind.,What club is right for you? Re,2. What is your favourite school subject?,a. P.E. I like to be active.,b. Music. I like to play an instrument.,c. Art. I love to draw and paint.,d. English and Chinese. I enjoy,reading and writing.,2. What is your favourite scho,3. What do you do on a cold and snowy day?,a. I cant sit quietly. I must do something,active inside.,b. I stay in my room and listen to music,or play an instrument.,c. I paint or draw a picture.,d. I read a book or write a story.,3. What do you do on a cold an,4. You are going on a trip. But you can only take one thing with you. What do you take?,a. Running shoes. I cant go anywhere,without them.,b. A music player. I cant live without music.,c. Some paper and a pencil. I can draw a,picture on the way.,d. A good book. I will be bored without a book.,4. You are going on a trip. Bu,Not look at your answers!,3 or more “a” Sports,3 or more “b” Music,3 or more “c” Art,3 or more “d” Reading,Or maybe you are in the middle!,Foe example: 2”a”+ 2”b” Sports and Music,Not look at your answers!,Sometimes, very old people cant take care of themselves. So they go to an Old Age Home. They can get help there and meet new friends.,Learning Tip,Sometimes, very old people can,Read the lesson and find out your club type. Then write about it.,2,My club type is _.,I like _,_,_,_,Read the lesson and find out y,Work in groups. Whats your club type? Interview your classmates and fill in the form.,3,Example:,Name: Jack,What is your club type? Music,What do you like to do? I like o play the guitar.,Are you in a club now? Yes No,If “No”, do you want to join a club? Yes.,What club do you want to join? I want to join a music club.,If “Yes”, what club are you in? _,Work in groups. Whats your cl,Language,points,Language,1. What do you do on a cold and snowy day?,【,解析,】,表示“在样的日子/上午/下午/晚上”时,介词用on。,e.g.,We had a club meeting on sunny morning.,我们在一个晴朗的上午召开了俱乐部会议。,1. What do you do on a cold an,2. I cant go anywhere without them.,【,解析,】,without prep. “没有;不用”, 后面接名词、动名词或人称代词的宾格形式。常位于句尾,位于句首时,常用逗号与主句隔开。,e.g.,Danny hurried off without having breakfast.,丹尼没有吃早饭就匆匆的走了。,Without your help,,,I couldnt finish my project.,没有你们的帮助我是完不成我的项目的。,2. I cant go anywhere without,Exercises!,Exercises!,1. He drew two _,(圆),on the paper.,2. I will be _,(空闲的),this weekend.,3. Nothing can live _,(没有),air or water.,4. The teacher gave us two _,(范例),in class.,5. All of them were _,(积极的),when cleaning the classroom.,I. 根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。,circles,free,without,examples,active,1. He drew two _ (圆) on t,1,. _ is your favourite subject?,English, of course.,2,. _ did you go to Tokyo?,By ship.,3,. _,_,_ are you in this club?,For half a year.,4,. _ are you going to spend your holiday?,In Qingdao.,5,. _ blouse do you like better, the red one or the purple one?,The purple one.,II. 根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。,What,How,How long,Where,Which,1. _ is your favourite s,Homework,Choose a club type and make an advertisement for it.,Example:,Art Club,Do you like to draw or paint? Join the Art Club!,Drawing and painting is fun for everyone.,Join us after school and have a great time!,HomeworkChoose a club type,义务教育课程标准实验教科书鲁教版数学六年级上册,用字母表示数,义务教育课程标准实验教科书鲁教版数学六年级上册用字母表示数,练一练,4.,小聪的家离学校,s,千米,小聪骑车上学,若每时行,10,千,米,则需,小时,若每小时行,v,千米,则需,时,.,5,.a(a,0),的倒数是,a,的相反数是,.,6,.,乘法分配律用字母的式子表示,.,-a,1.,比,x,少,25,的数是,.,2.,n,的,5,倍与,m,的差是,.,3,.,原价,a,元的产品打八折的价钱是,元。,x-25,5n-m,0.8a,(a+b)c=ac+bc,练一练 4.小聪的家离学校s千米,小聪骑车上学,若每时行10,小明周末跟妈妈从家出发,走了,200,米,到了报亭买了一份报纸,花了,x,元,又走了,m,米,来到菜市场买菜。妈妈购买了,2,千克白菜,,1,千克芹菜,,1.5,千克豆角,已知白菜的单价是,a,元,/,千克,芹菜的单价是,b,元,/,千克,豆角的单价是芹菜的,2,倍,小明便想出这样几个式子,(,1,),200+m,(,2,),b-a,(,3,),2b,你知道小明所想的这几个式子表示什么意思吗?,你还能根据题意提出哪些数学问题?然后用含有字母的式子表示出来,想一想,说一说,做一做,小明周末跟妈妈从家出发,走了200米,到了报亭买了一,根据图形,你能提出哪些问题?并用含有字母的式子表示出来,a,b,b,思考题,根据图形,你能提出哪些问题?并用含有字母的式子表示出来abb,1,个正方形用,4,根火柴棒,2,个正方形用,_,火柴棒,3,个正方形用 火柴棒,.,探 索,如图:按下列格式用火柴棒搭建正方形,7,根,10,根,X,个正方形用,_,火柴棒,1个正方形用4根火柴棒探 索如图:按下列格式用火柴棒搭建正方,第一个正方形用,4,根火柴,以后每增加一个正方形就增加根火柴,搭建,x,个正方形需要火柴,根。,4+3(x,1),解析,:方法一,第一个正方形用4根火柴,以后每增加一个正方形就增加根火柴,,上面一行和下面一行各用了,x,根,竖方向用(,x+1),根,共用了,根,x+x+(x +1),解析,:方法二,上面一行和下面一行各用了x根,竖方向用(x+1)根,共用了,解析,:方法三,先摆一根火柴,然后开始每摆一个正方形增加根火柴,搭建,x,个正方形需要火柴,根,1+3x,解析:方法三先摆一根火柴,然后开始每摆一个正方形增加根火柴,解析,:方法四,每摆一个正方形用,4,根火柴,,搭建,x,个正方形,重复用了,根火柴,实际需要火柴,根。,X-1,X-1+4x,解析:方法四每摆一个正方形用4根火柴,搭建x个正方形重复用了,1.,本节课我学到了,2.,我还想提的问题是,3.,我没弄懂的地方有,.,4.,学过这节课后我的感想是,学习反思训练卡,1.本节课我学到了学习反思训练卡,?,你知道最早有意识地系统使用,字母来表示数的人是谁吗?他就,是法国数学家韦达。韦达一生致,力于对数学的研究,做出了很多,重要贡献,成为那个时代最伟大的数学家。,自从韦达系统使用字母表示数后,引出了,大量的数学发现,解决了很多古代的复杂,问题。,你知道吗,? 你知道最早有意识地系统使用你知道吗,检测反馈,4.,篮球每个,68,元,足球每个,45,元。某个学校买了,a,个篮球,,b,个足球,.,那么,68 a,表示,( ),,,a,b,表示,( ),,, 买篮球和足球一共花了,( ),元。,1.,一件衬衫,a,元,一件毛衣的价格比它的,2,倍还多,6,元,毛衣的价格是,元。,2.,小英家本月的用水量是,20,立方米,交水费,c,元,那么每立方米水费是,_,元。,3.,一辆公共汽车上原来有,35,人,到新街车站下去,人,又上来,y,人。现在车上有,人。,检测反馈4.篮球每个68元,足球每个45元。某个学校买了a个,A=X+Y+Z,A,表示成功,X,表示艰苦的劳动,Y,表示正确的方法,Z,表示少说空话,爱因斯坦的成功秘决,A=X+Y+ZA表示成功 X表示艰苦的劳动,第二章固体、液体和气体,第九节饱和蒸汽空气的湿度,高中物理,选修,3-3,粤教版,第二章固体、液体和气体 高中物理选修3-3粤教版,目标定位,1.,知道饱和蒸汽、未饱和蒸汽和饱和汽压的概念,2.,了解相对湿度的概念和含义,认识空气的相对湿度对人的生活和植物生长的影响,目标定位,一、饱和蒸汽,1,饱和蒸汽的形成:,飞出液体的分子和回到液体的分子数目达到,,就形成了饱和蒸汽,2,动态平衡:,从液体中飞出的分子数目与返回液体的分子数目,,液体不会再,,蒸汽的密度也不会再,,达到一种动态平衡,3,饱和蒸汽与未饱和汽,(1),饱和蒸汽:与液体处于,的蒸汽,(2),未饱和汽:没有达到,的蒸汽,预习导学,相同,相等,减少,改变,动态平衡,饱和状态,一、饱和蒸汽预习导学相同 相等 减少 改变 动态平衡 饱和状,二、饱和汽压,1,定义:,液体的饱和蒸汽所具有的,2,相关因素,(1),与液体种类有关,挥发性,强,的液体饱和汽压大一些,(2),与,有关,温度越高,饱和汽压,,而且与饱和蒸汽的体积,预习导学,压强,温度,越大,无关,二、饱和汽压预习导学压强 温度 越大 无关,三、空气的湿度,1,绝对湿度概念:,空气中所含水蒸气的,2,相对湿度概念:,空气中水蒸气的压强与同一温度时水的,之比,预习导学,压强,饱和汽压,三、空气的湿度预习导学压强 饱和汽压,一、对饱和汽和饱和汽压的理解,1,饱和汽概念:,与液体处于动态平衡的蒸气,2,动态平衡,(1),实质:密闭容器中的液体,单位时间逸出液面的分子数和返回液面的分子数相等,即处于动态平衡,并非分子运动的停止,(2),特点:动态平衡是有条件的,外界条件变化时,原来的动态平衡状态被破坏,经过一段时间才能达到新的平衡,课堂讲义,一、对饱和汽和饱和汽压的理解课堂讲义,课堂讲义,3,饱和汽压的决定因素,(1),饱和汽压跟液体的种类有关,实验表明,在相同的温度下,不同液体的饱和汽压一般是不同的挥发性大的液体,饱和汽压大,(2),饱和汽压跟温度有关,饱和汽压随温度的升高而增大这是因为温度升高时,液体里能量较大的分子增多,单位时间内从液面飞出的分子也增多,致使饱和汽的密度增大,同时汽分子热运动的平均动能也增大,这也导致饱和汽压增大,(3),饱和汽压跟体积无关,在温度不变的情况下,饱和汽的压强不随体积而变化,课堂讲义3饱和汽压的决定因素,课堂讲义,例,1,如图,2,9,1,所示,一个有活塞的密闭容器内盛有饱和水汽与少量的水,则可能发生的现象是,(,),图,2,9,1,课堂讲义例1如图291所示,一个有活塞的密闭容器内盛有,课堂讲义,答案,B,课堂讲义答案B,课堂讲义,解析,慢慢推进活塞和慢慢拉出活塞,密闭容器内体积发生变化,而温度保持不变饱和汽的压强只和温度有关,与体积无关故,A,错,,B,正确;温度不变,则饱和汽压不变,饱和汽密度不变,但由于体积增大,饱和汽分子数增加,,C,错;不移动活塞而将容器放入沸水中,容器内饱和汽温度升高,故压强应发生变化,,D,错误;故选,B.,课堂讲义解析慢慢推进活塞和慢慢拉出活塞,密闭容器内体积发生,课堂讲义,借题发挥,(1),饱和汽压随温度的升高而增大饱和汽压与蒸汽所占的体积无关,也和此气体中有无其他气体无关,(2),液体沸腾的条件就是饱和汽压和外部压强相等沸点就是饱和汽压等于外部压强时的温度因饱和汽压必须增大到和外部压强相等时才能沸腾,所以沸点随外部压强的增大而升高,课堂讲义借题发挥(1)饱和汽压随温度的升高而增大饱和汽压,课堂讲义,针对训练,(,双选,),将未饱和汽转化成饱和汽,下列方法可行的是,


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