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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Long-Term,Benefits,参加健身运动长期效果,Decreases Risk of Heart Disease.Inactive people are twice more likely to develop coronary artery disease(the arteries surrounding the heart)then active people.,降低心脏病的发生率,不参加健身的人群患心脏病的比率是参加健身运动者的两倍。,Decreases Blood Pressure.High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease,stroke and kidney disease.Inactive people are twice more likely to develop high blood pressure then active people.,降低高血压的发生率。血压的增高是心脏病、肾脏病和脑中风的产生机率增加。不参加健身运动的人患高血压的风险是经常参加健身运动人的两倍。,Decreases Body Fat.Regular physical activity helps maintain optimal body weight and composition.,降低身体脂肪的含量。有规律地参加健身活动可以保持身体最佳的体重状态及比例。,Long term benefits,Decreases Cholesterol Level.A high blood cholesterol level increases the risk of heart disease.Regular exercise raises the level of good HDL cholesterol and lowers the level of the bad LDL cholesterol.,降低体内胆固醇含量水平。高胆固醇会增加心脏病的危险。有规律地参加健身活动可以提高对身体有益的胆固醇的水平并且降低对身体有害的胆固醇的水平。,Decreases Risk of Diabetes or help controlling this condition.Physical activity lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and increases glucose uptake for those who already have diabetes.Fit persons have diabetes 66%less often than unfit persons.,降低糖尿病的发生率。健身运动可以减少患二型糖尿病的机率并且有助于提高糖尿病人胰岛素的功能。进行健身运动的健康女性患糖尿病的可能性比不健身的女性少,66%,。,Decreases Risk of Cancer.Physical activity lowers the risk of colon and breast cancer.,降低患癌症的危险。健身运动可以降低结肠癌和乳房癌的发生率。,Long term benefits,Increases the life span.The physically active people live longer then their counterparts and benefit from a better quality of life,增强生命力,延长生命。锻炼人群的寿命要比非锻炼人群的寿命长。,Decreases Risk of Osteoporosis.Regular exercise delays bone loss and promote bone formation.,降低患骨质疏松的机率。定期锻炼可以延缓骨质损失并增强骨质密度。,Decreases Arthritis Symptoms.Regular exercise helps keep joints flexible and helps build muscle to support the joint.,减轻关节疾病的症状。有规律地参加健身运动可以帮助保持关节柔韧度和关节腔的结构处于最佳状态。,Decreases Number of Sick Days.Exercisers feel sick almost 30%less often than non-exercisers.,缩短患病日期。参加健身运动的人群患病机率比不参加的人群少,30%,。,Long term benefits,Decreases Chance of Premature Death.Fit people live longer than unfit people.,减少英年早逝的机率,,参加健身运动的人群比不参加的人群长寿。,Increases the overall physical capacity(muscular strength,muscular power,muscular endurance,cardiovascular endurance,joints flexibility,motor skills)therefore your working capacity,Maintains a desirable physical condition throughout your life,Improves body posture and body shape over your whole life span,Short-Term Benefits,参加健身运动的短期效果,Relaxes and Revitalizes.Physical activity reduces mental and muscular tension,and at the same time,increases concentration and energy level.,使身心放松并恢复体力。健身运动可以降低身心的紧张程度,能提高我们的精力、增加我们的注意力。,A Break From Daily Routine and Worries.Physical activity is like mini-vacationyoure allowed to have fun.,可以调节并减轻我们繁重的生活和工作的压力。健身运动像参加一个小型假日,我们总是会从中得到乐趣。,Helps You Feel Good About Yourself.Physical activity increases your self-esteem and self-confidence.,使我们自我感觉良好。健身运动可以使我们得到自尊、增强我们的自信心。,Short term benefits,Improves the quality of your sleep,While many people start a physical activity program because of long-term benefits,its the short-term benefits that keep them motivated to continue the habit.,有很多人进行健身运动是为了得到长期效果,短期锻炼的效果可激励人们继续保持锻炼的习惯。,Benefits of Aerobic Exercise:,有氧锻炼的益处:,Muscular endurance increases.,Basically this means that you can do more physical activity for a longer length of time.,肌肉耐力的提高。,基本上指能够在较长的时间里完成较多的运动。,VO2 maximal(maximal oxygen consumption)increases.,The VO2 max is the most important factor which determines the cardiovascular endurance,The functional capacity of the lungs increases,The heart actually becomes functionally larger.,The size of the left ventricle or the pumping size of the heart increases.,增强心脏功能。,可增加左心室容积和心脏射血功能。,Aerobic exercise benefits,The stroke volume of the heart increases.,More fluid is pumped per heartbeat at work or at rest.,增加心脏的射血量。,能增加心脏单位时间内的射血量。,The cardiac ejection fraction improves,出血分数,The heart at rest will beat slower.,One of the beneficial side affects of exercise is that your heart rate is lower at rest.Even though your heart rate increases during exercise,the resultant beats saved at rest result in less total work by the heart.The amount of beats saved during the 23 hours when you are not exercising are far greater than the extra beats used during exercising.This means that if you are training regularly when you reach the age of 60 you could have a 40 years old heart,减缓心率。,运动的效果之一就是减慢在休息状态下的心率水平。即使在锻炼的时候心率会相应的增高,由于在休息的时候心脏的跳动的次数减少,心脏每天工作的总负荷也会减少。,Aerobic exercise benefits,The body uses oxygen more efficiently.,This is true not only at a physical level but also a biological or cellular level.Your body will be able to perform its vital tasks easier.,帮助身体更有效地利用氧气。,这不仅仅是在物理变化的水平上,而且是一种生理微观细胞的变化,你的身体将更加胜任更高难度的运动。,The hemoglobin concentration in blood increases,The lactic acid tolerance and buffering capacity improves.This means that you will be able to perform a more strenuous effort for longer time than before,Increase in the number of capillaries.,You can tr


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