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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高升专英语专题指导课件:,连词(,Conj,unction,),连 词,(,Conjunction),一、连词定义,:,用来,连接,词、短语或句子,的词。,1. Splendid! The dancers splayed,and,did the splits.,好极了!舞者们张开双臂及劈腿。,2. Do you write with your right hand,or,your left hand?,你用右手写字或左手写字?,3. I always rely on him,when,I am in trouble.,当我有麻烦时,我总是依赖他。,二、,连词分类:,并列连词,从属连词,连词:,and, but, or, so, (for),连词,词组,: eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, bothand, (as well as),that,,,whether, if, unless, while / when, until, because, so that, sothat, though/ although, even if, as,as,等,并列连词,(,连词,),(1) and (,和 ;并且;那么,),例,1.,Being a college student,and,studying at college,are two different things.,当个大学生和在大学求学是两回事。,2. We can,have fresh air,and,enjoy beautiful scenery,.,我们可以呼吸新鲜的空气和享受美丽的风景。,3. Go straight,and,you will see the restaurant,on you right,.,直直走,那么你会看见那家餐厅在你右手边。,(2) but (,但是,),例,1. The little girl fell down,but,didnt cry.,那小女孩跌倒了,但没有哭。,2. My parents agree to let me go out with you,but,they ask me to come home before 12:00.,我爸妈答应让我跟你出去,但是他们要求我必须在,12,点前回家。,连接同词性的词、短语、句子。,(3) or (,或者;否则,),例,1. What would you prefer, coffee,or,tea?,你较喜欢哪一种,咖啡或茶?,2. You can turn coal into diamonds,or,sand into computer chips.,你可将碳转变成钻石或是将沙子转变成计算机芯片。,3. The fair must be held,or,the books wont be sold out in a week.,书展一定要办,否则这些书无法在一周内卖完。,注意:祈使句, and (,那么,)+,主语,+,动词,祈使句, or (,否则,)+,主语,+,动词,例,1. Go to the shop at once, it will be closed.,立刻去那家店,否则它要打烊了。,2. Go to that bookstore, youll find foreign books.,去那家书店,你会找到外文书。,(4) so (,所以,),只能连接两个句子。,例:,1. Some people never think of the future,so,they only use things once and throw them away.,有些人不曾想过未来,所以他们东西只用一次就丢弃。,2. We share this world,so,each of us has to do our part.,我们共享这个世界,所以我们每个人都必须各尽本份。,or,and,连词,词组,:,both and (,和,两者都,),not only but also (,不仅,而且,),either or (,不是,就是,),例,1. She hopes,both,to lose weight,and,shape up by jogging.,她希望借由慢跑减重和塑形。,2. He,not only,broke the machine,but also,put the blame on me.,他不仅弄坏机器,还把过错推到我头上。,3. You can pay,either,in cash,or,by check.,你可用现金或支票付款。,4.,Both,French,and,German,are,spoken in this region.,这个区域说法文和德文。,Not only,I,but also,they,are,angry with you.,不仅我连他们也生你的气。,Either,you,or,I,am,in the right.,不是你就是我对。,Neither,my mother,nor,I,was,listening to the news on TV.,不是我妈也不是我在听电视新闻报道。,Mr. Wang,as well as,the students,was,late for class.,不仅学生就连王老师上课也迟到。,从属连词,引导名词性从句或状语从句。,名词性从句由,that,或,whether / if,引导,在句中当主语,宾语,表语。,例:,I know her name.,我知道她的名字。,I know,that she is Cathy,.,我知道她是凯西。,状语从句由,when, if,等连词引导,和一般的副词一样,表示时间,条件等。,例:,It snows in winter. (,冬天会下雪。,),It snows,when winter comes.,(,冬天来临会下雪。,),主句,现在时,过去时,将来时,状语从句,现在时,过去时,现在时,名词性从句依照时间来表现时态。,例,1. I dont know,if my parents will come back home tomorrow,.,我不知道我爸妈明天会不会回家。,2. If my parents,come,back home, I,will call,you up.,如果我爸妈明天回来,我会打电话给你。,特别注意状语从句的时态表现,当主语,例:,1. She will come. It is almost certain.,That she will come,is almost certain.,It is almost certain,that she will come,.,几乎可确定她会来。,2.,That the worlds climate is getting hotter,is,beyond any doubt.,It is beyond any doubt,that the worlds climate is getting hotter,.,全球气候变暖是毋庸置疑的。,当表语放,be,动词后,当表语, that,不可省略,例:,The trouble,is,that I have no money with me.,麻烦的事是我身上没有钱。,(1),名词性从句,that +,主语,+,动词,当宾语放一般动词后,当宾语, that,可省略,例,l. He says,(that),he is thinking of moving his office from,Wuchang,to,Hankou,.,他说他正考虑将办公室从武昌搬到汉口去。,2. I cant believe,(that),he has made the same mistake three times,.,我真不敢相信他已经犯了三次相同的错误。,若有,and,、,but,等连接两,that,从句时,第,1,个,that,可省略,第,2,个,that,不可以省略。,例:,Mother said,(that),you stayed home and,that,you had to do all housework.,妈妈说你待在家并且说你必须做所有家务。,当同位语,a rumor that + S+V,及,news that +S+V,中的,that,从句和,a rumor / news,为,同位语,。,例:,I heard,the news,that a new student would join our class,.,我听到消息说我们班将有一名新生。,当主语,例:,Whether he will come or not,makes,no difference.,It makes no difference,whether he will come or not.,他是否会来没有差别。,当表语,例:,The question,is,whether I should buy it or rent it.,问题是我应该买它呢还是租用它呢。,当宾语,(,whether+ S+V,当宾语可以,等于,if +S+V,。),例:,He asked me,if / whether it would be fine tomorrow,.,他问我明天是否是好天气。,(2),名词性从句,if/ whether (,是否,)+,主语,+,动词,(3),表示“时间”的状语从句由,after, as, before, since,,,until, till, when, while, as soon as,等引导。,例:,1.,After,I tell you the,answers, please repeat,them,after,me loudly.,在我告诉你们答案之后请大声的跟我复诵一遍。,2. Its a custom to take off the shoes,before,you go into a Chinese mans house.,在进中国人的屋子前先脱掉鞋子是一种习俗。,3. Heat the cookies at 350 degrees,until,they turn light brown,.,以,350,度来加热饼干直到呈现淡棕色。,4,.,When,you take medicine, be sure to follow the doctors directions below.,当你吃药时,务必遵照下述医师的指示。,5.,While,I was sleeping,there was noise outside.,There was noise outside while I was sleeping.,当我正在睡觉时,外面起了一阵噪音。,while,所引导的从句常使用进行式。,(4),表示“地点”的,状语从句,由,where,引导,。,例:,1.,Where,there is a will, there is a way.,有志者事竟成。,2. Put it back,where,it was,.,将它放回原来的地方。,(5),表示“原因;理由”的状语从句由,because, since, as,引导。,语气强弱的顺序为,because since as,。,because,和,so,不可同时出现。,例:,Because,I was exhausted, I didnt go.,因为我累了,所以我没去。,= I didnt go,because,I was exhausted.,= I was exhausted,so,I didnt go.,例:,1. I always like to buy cakes in that bakery,because,they are 20% off after eight oclock in the evening.,我总是喜欢到那家面包店买蛋糕,因为晚上,8,点后打,8,折。,2. We ate lunch in the garden,since,it was nice and cool outside.,因为室外天气宜人凉爽,我们在花园吃午餐。,3. There are few students on the bus,as,it is Sunday today.,因为今天是星期天,公交车上几乎没有学生。,since (,自从,), as (,当,时候;虽然,),下列情况必用,because,。,例:,1.,Why,is he absent?,他为何缺席?,Because,he is ill.,因为他生病。,2. He is absent,not,because,he is busy,but,because,he is ill.,他缺席不因为他忙碌,而是因为他生病。,(6),表示“条件”的,状语从句,if (,如果,),例:,If,you keep eating fast food, youll taste the bitter fruits,before long.,如果你继续吃快餐,不久你将尝到苦果。,(7),表示“让步”的,状语从句,though, although (,虽然,), whether or not (,不论是否,),as(,虽然,),例:,1.,Although,she is a teacher, she isnt patient with children.,Teacher,as,she is, she isnt patient with children.,虽然她是老师,但是对小朋友却没有耐心。,2.,Whether it rains or not, the final games will be played.,不论下雨与否,决赛都将举行。,(8),表示“结果;目的”的,状语从句,so.that (,如此,以致于,) so that (,所以,),例:,1. It was,so,heavy,that,we couldnt move it.,It was,too,heavy for us,to,move.,这个很重我们搬不动。,2. It was,so,cool,a hairstyle,that,I want to imitate it.,It was,such,a cool,hairstyle,that,I want to imitate it.,好酷的发型,我想要模仿。,3. Their house burned down,so (that),they had,nowhere to live.,他们的家烧毁了,所以无处可住。,Thank you,!,


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