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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,动词不定式,动词不定式,1,不定式的形式:(以动词,do,为例),否定式:,not+to do,1不定式的形式:(以动词do为例)否定式:not+to,To teach English,is my job.,We plan,to pay a visit.,He seems,to know a lot.,The meeting,to be held tomorrow,is put off.,The teacher ordered the work,to be done.,To catch the first bus,he got up early.,(,1,)一般式:所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词动作之后,To teach English is my,The boy pretended,to be working hard.,He seems,to be reading in his room.,(2),进行式:所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生,,(,3,)完成式:表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前,I regretted,to have told,a lie.,I happened,to have seen,the film.,He is pleased,to have met,his friend.,The boy pretended to be work,To finish the work,in ten minutes is very hard.,To lose your heart,means failure.,(,1,)作主语,动词不定式短语作主语时,常用,it,作形式主语,例如上面两句可用如下形式:,It,is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes.,It,means failure to lose your heart.,To finish the work in ten minu,Her job is,to clean,the hall.,He appears,to have caught,a cold.,(,2,)作表语,作表语的不定式带,to,与不带,to,。作表语的不定式通常带,to,,当主语部分含有实义动词,do,,不定式作表语可省,to,。,The only thing I can do is(to)wait.,Her job is to clean the hall.(,如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用,it,作形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语补足语后面,Marx found,it,important to,study the situation in Russia.,(,3,)作宾语:,常与不定式做宾语连用的动词有:,agree,ask,beg,choose,expect,fail,help,hope,learn manage,offer,plan,pretend,promise,prefer,refuse,want,wish,如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用it作形式宾语,I have no choice but,to stay,here.,He did nothing last Sunday but,repair his bike.,There is nothing to do but,wait.,动词不定式也可充当介词宾语,动词不定式与疑问词连用作宾语,He gave us some advice on,how to learn English.,find,feel,consider,think,make +it+adj./n+to do,I find it possible to ask the question,I have no choice but to stay h,(,4,)作宾语补足语:,want,wish,ask,tell,order,beg,permit,help,advise,persuade,allow,prepare,cause,force,call on,wait for,invite.,(4)作宾语补足语:,I saw him,cross the road.,He was seen,to cross the road.,有些动词如,make,let,have,see,find,watch,observe,notice,listen to,hear,feel,与不带,to,的不定式连用,但改为被动语态时,不定式要加,to,get sth/sb.to do,He got the car to start.,I saw him cross the road.有些动词如,(,5,)作定语:,动词不定式作定语,与所修饰名词有如下关系:,I have a meeting,to attend.,动宾关系:,不定式为不及物动词时,应用介词,He found a good house to live,in,.,The child has nothing to worry,about,.,(5)作定语:I have a meeting to att,Have you got anything,to send,?,“Have you got anything,to be sent,?”said the secretary.,如果句子的主语是不定式的执行者,不定式用主动。,如果句子的主语不是不定式的执行者,不定式用被动。,Have you got anything to send?,高一英语动词不定式课件,We have made,a plan to finish the work,.,说明所修饰名词的内容:,He is,the first,to get here.,被修饰名词是不定式逻辑主语:,We have made a plan to finish,He worked day and night,to get the money,.,She sold her hair,to buy the watch chain.,(,6,)作状语:,表目的:,He arrived late,to find the train gone,.,表结果:,I visited him,only to find him out,.,He worked day and night to get,Its,too dark,for us,to see anything,.,The question is,simple,for him,to answer,.,表程度:,To tell you the truth,I dont like the way he talked.,(,7,)作独立成分:,Its too dark for us to see an,remember to do/doing,forget to/doing,regret to do/doing,mean to do/doing,try to do/doing,stop to do/doing,remember to do/doing,高一英语动词不定式课件,1 Do you know when _ (go)to the farm.,2 Please remember _(lock)the door,when you leave the room.,3 Please dont forget _(ask)Mr,Johnson to come tomorrow party.,4 Its good _(help)others when,they are in trouble.,5 I want _(start)work at once.,The man downstairs told the man upstairs,not _(drop)his shoes onto the,floor at midnight any more.,to go,to lock,to ask,to help,to start,to drop,1 Do you know when _ (go,1 You must be hungry.Ill get something _ (eat),2 Uncle Wang told them how _(make)a plane,with wood and metal.,3 The question is how _(get)to the top of the,mountain quickly.,4 She didnt know what _(say)at the meeting the,day before yesterday.,5”Stop _ (talk),please.The film has begun.”,6 Can you tell me when you can finish _(read),these books.,7 I dont know whether she enjoys _(wear)sun,glasses.,8 No _(smoke),please!,to eat,to make,to get,to say,talking,reading,wearing,smoking,1 You must be hungry.Ill get,1 Did you hear her _(sing)in the,next room last light.,2 Keep _(try).You are sure to get,a good result.,3 A fridge is useful for _(keep),vegetables and food cool.,4 He left angrily without _(say)a,word,5 He doesnt like _(dance)at all.,singing,trying,keeping,saying,dancing,1 Did you hear her _(sin,高一英语动词不定式课件,高一英语动词不定式课件,注,:1,主语的不定式常用,it,带代替,不定式放在后,面。例:,It is not easy to learn a foreign language.,It is dangerous to play in the street.,2,不定式的否定。,not+,不定式 例:,Tell him not to be late.,The policeman told the boys not to play,in the street.,3,不定式与凝问词连用,与,what,which,how,where,when,连用,例:,The question is when to start.,I dont know where to go.,He showed me how to use a computer.,Nobody told us what to do.,注:1 主语的不定式常用 it带代替,不定式放在后,


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