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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Where would you like to visit?,Section A(1a-2c),Unit 7,白北关初中 刘瑞霞,学习目标:,1.Be able to talk about how to express(,表达,)wishes for something with the structures“would like to”or“hope to do”and the target language.,2.Be able to understand the listening conversations and finish the exercises.,In our country,there are many famous and beautiful places,where,people like to go on vacation.Watch this video and enjoy it.,What do you think of the place?,tiring,累人的,thrilling,令人激动的,What do you think of the place?,peaceful,宁静的,,平静的,fascinating,迷人的,有较大吸引力的,What do you think of the place?,educational,有教育意义的,thrilling,令人震颤的,In the world,there are also many,famous places,like the Amazon Jungle,a,Florida Beach,Niagara Falls,Hawaii,Mexico and so on.Now Sam and Gina,are talking about the vacations.Look at,the pictures.,travel posters,Planning,Your,vacation,Sam,Gina,旅行,长途跋涉,through,Listen and fill in the conversation.,Sam:Look at those travel poster.Id love to go,on a _.,Gina:Where would you like to go,Sam?,Sam:Id love to go _ in the Amazon,jungle in Brazil.,Gina:You would?,Sam:Sure.I like _ vacations.,Gina:Wouldnt that be _?,Sam:No,not really.How about you,Gina?,Where would you like to go?,Gina:Oh,Im stressed out.Id just like,to_,on a _-You know,a _,beach in Florida.,Sam:That sounds peaceful.,vacation,trekking,exciting,dangerous,relax,beach,beautiful,Sam would like to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.,learn from it,Gina would love to,relax on a beautiful beach in Florida,.,Sam would like to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.Because Sam would like to go,somewhere exciting.,Gina would love to go,somewhere peaceful.,Gina would love to relax on a beautiful beach in Florida.Beacause,Niagara Falls,Florida,Beach,Pair work:talk about your vacation plan.,-Where would you like to visit?Why?,-I,d like,/,love,to visit because,2a,_ I love places,where,the people are really friendly.,_ I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.,_ I like places,where,the weather is always warm.,_ I hope to visit Hawaii one day.,3,4,2,1,2b,b,a,c,a,.We dont know the language.,b,.Its too touristy.,c,.Theres not much to do there.,_ 1.Hawaii,_ 2.Mexico,_ 3.Niagara Falls,Reason not to visit the place,Place,Love our hometown from doing little things.What would you like to do to beautify her?,1.We would like to eat no gum.,2.We would like to plant more trees and protect them.,3.When we see the litter on the ground,we should pick it up.,4.If nobody is in,we should turn off the light.,5.When you go shopping,you should take your own bags.,Remember,From little things ,Big things grow .,Thanks for listening!,Explanation,1.I like places,where,the weather is always warm.,我喜欢天气总是温和的地方。,本句是含有关系副词,where,的定语从句。关系副词,where,指地点,只能跟在表示地点的名词后面,如:,place,village,town,city,home,等。在从句中作地点状语。,e.g.,That is the place,where,I grew up.,那里就是我成长的地方。,She has gone home,where,she will stay for aweek.,她回家了,她将在家里呆一个星期。,2.I,hope,to see Niagara Falls some day.,我希望有一天能去看看尼亚加拉瀑布。,hope,表示“希望”,“愿望”。,hope,后面可接动词不定式或宾语从句。但是不能用,hope sb to do sth,句型,e.g.,My uncle,hopes,to buy a new house next year.,我叔叔希望明年能买一套新房子。,I,hope,that I can be a teacher like my mother.,我希望能像母亲一样做一位教师。,through,与,across,二者都可译为“穿过”,但,through,常指从事物(氛围)内部穿过。,across,是指从某一事物的表面的一边到另一边,常可译为“横过”,“横穿”,例如:,1.If you study for more than one hour,you can stand up and look up far away _ the window.,2.We walked _ the bridge and soon come to a tree.,3.Dont run _ the road.,through,across,across,Grammar,Would like,would like,名词(或代词),意为“想要某物,”,。,would like,to do,,意为“想做某事”。,would like sb to do,意为“想让某人做某事”,.,


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