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2014中考专题复习 名 词 名词 专有名词(如:Tom、China、 the Great Wall)) 可数名词普通名词 物质名词(如: water水) 抽象名词(如:happiness) 个体名词(如:teacher教师) 集体名词(如:police警察)不可数名词名词的定义:表示人、事物、地方、现象及其他抽象概念名称的词。 一、专有名词1.表示人名 如:Jim Kate Li Lei Miss Gao2.表示地名:如: China USA England Beijing3.表示星期、月份等时间概念的名称,如: Sunday Monday Tuesday January February4.表示中外节日: 国际性节日:New Year May Day Childrens Day Womens Day Teachers Day 中国节日: Spring Festival Mid-autumn Day National Day 西方节日: Christmas Day Easter(复活节)Fathers Day Mothers Day Saint Valentines Day(情人节)5. 机构或一些社会团体的名称,它们往往缩写,如: CCTV UN WTO 二、不可数名词 通过改变量词形式的方法来表示不可数名词的量 a bottle of water-two bottles of water a piece of bread-three pieces of bread表示不可数名词量的相关词语还有:some,a lot of , much, a little , little, lots of巩固练习: (1 )一茶杯茶 (2)一块冰 (3)五瓶橘汁 二、既可做不可数名词,又可做可数名词的: 不可数名词 可数名词 paper 纸 a paper glass 玻璃 a glass iron 铁 a iron room 空间 a room chicken 鸡肉 a chicken beauty 美 a beauty一张报纸一个玻璃杯一个熨斗一个房间一只小鸡一个美人 cap-caps desk-desks 三、可数名词的复数形式 规 则 变 化A.绝大多数名词的复数形式在单数形式后加-SB.以字母x、s 、ch、 sh 结尾的名词在其后加-esbus-buses box-boxesC.(1)以辅音字母+ y结尾的名词需把y 变为i再加-es storystories (2)以元音字母+ y结尾的名词在后面直接加-s daydays D.以e结尾的名词加-SPage-pagesRose-rosesPrize-prizes PK time Itask- watch-dish-star-boy-stomach-class- taskswatchesdishesstarsboysstomachesclasses PK time Ibaby house-countrypartytoy-exercise-mouth- babies housescountriespartiestoys exercisesmouths E.以-f 或-fe结尾的可数名词,先将 f 或fe 变成 v 再加-es妻子 拿刀 去宰狼wife knife wolfwives knives wolves小偷吓得发了慌躲在架子上 来保(自己 的)命半片树叶遮目光 thief-thievesshelf-shelves life-livesself-selveshalf-halves leaf-leaves F.(1)以元音字母+o结尾的名词,以及某些以 o结尾的 外来词,变为复数时只加-S radioradios( 2)以辅音字母+o结尾的名词变为复数时多数加-es potato-potatoes hero-heroes tomatotomatoes 黑人 、英雄 爱吃土豆 、西红柿Negro hero potato tomato PK time zoo thief piano leaf zero roof tomato hero zoos thieves pianos leaves zeros roofs tomatoes heroes 不规则变化1.特殊变化:2.单复同形 man policeman woman foot tooth mouse child ox sheep sheep fish fish deer deer (口诀:中国人日本人喜欢绵羊,鹿子和鱼)Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanesemen policemenwomen feet teethmice children oxen 3. 表示“某国人”的名词,其变化有三种情况 a. a Japanese five Japanese ( e.g Chinese )b. a Frenchman two Frenchmen ( e.g Englishman Englishwoman Frenchwoman )c. a German five Germans ( e.g Russian American Indian Italian Korean )4. 常以复数形式出现的名词trousers glasses clothes woods thanksnews goods socks scissors(剪刀)口诀:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面 5. 复合名词的复数形式a. 将主体名词变为复数e.g a boy student a flower shop an apple tree b. 当名词的第一个构成部分为man, woman时,将2个构成部分均变为复数e.g a woman teacher a man nurse boy studentsflower shops apple trees Two women teachersFour men nurses 四、名词的所有格Tom的书怎么表示答?房间的窗户?Toms book.window of the room Mikes bag麦克的包男孩的小刀教师节儿童节妇女节有生命名词(所有格+ s ;以 s结尾的+ )the boys knifeTeachers DayChildrens DayWomans Day the legs of the chair椅子腿房间里的桌子北京最好的公园今天的作业中国的城市2小时步行路程无生命名词(所有格用of , 时间、国家、距离、城市除外)Beijings best parktodays homeworkChinas citiesthe tables of the roomtwo hours walk 四、名词的所有格有生命的名词单数名词后加s复数名词以s结尾的名词只加不以s结尾的仍加s无生命的名词用of时间、国家、距离除外有生命+ s ;以s结尾的+ 无生命用of 时间、国家、距离、城市除外 四、名词的所有格1. 各自所有都加s; 多者共有则在最后面的名词 后加se.g 珍妮和海伦的房间 珍妮的房间和海伦的房间Jenny and Helens roomJennys and Helens rooms 2. 表示某人的家、店铺、诊所时,常省略所有格 后面的名词e.g: at my uncles = at my uncles home at the butchers=at the butchers shop3.双重所有格我父亲的朋友中的一个a friend of my fathers my teachers office1 我老师的办公室2 学生们的练习本3 今天的报纸4 十五分钟的路程5 到汤姆家去Practice to Toms15 minutes walktodays newspaperstudents exercise books 2011年曲靖中考名词1.()(第37题)In any healthy friendship there should be some _ and takes. gives B. giving C. gave D. to give2. (第76题)Look at _ sports collection! So cool !(Jim)3.(第77题)Robert is a basketball _. He practices a lot very day.(play)4.(第78题)A good book may be one of your best _. (friend)Jims player friends .5.(第81题)Whos that woman with long blonde hair ? Shes my _. (历史老师)6.(第82题)I think _ is good for our health. (西红柿汤)7.(第83题)Now _ has found its new home in China. (欧式家具)8.(第84题)I just heard from the school news that Class Two was the champion in the school sports meeting this year. ( )9.(第85题)Today noise pollution is becoming a serious problem, even in some small cities. ( ) history teachertomato soup European furniture学校/校园新闻/消息声音/噪音污染 ( )1.(11大理、楚雄等联考)Jenny, whats your favorite_? I like bananas best. A. vegetable B. fruit C. meat D. drink( )2. (11十堰)In order to stay fit, people pay more attention to their_. A. diet B. experience C. thoughts D. awards( )3.(11曲靖模拟)Mum, Ive got an “A” in the English exam today! Great ! And you are sure to win a second time because this is a good_. A. report B. result C. start D. skill( )4. (11荆州)What _ do you like? I run every morning, and I often play tennis at weekends. A. sports B. music C. art D. subject( )5.(11江西)The doctor told me to eat more_ because its good for my health. A. orange B. vegetables C. ice cream D. beef ( )6.(11昭通)How many _ are there in the International school? A. Chinese B. Russian C. American D. Australian( )7.(11绍兴)Excuse me ,may I know your_ ? Sure. Its No.3 Bridge Street. A. house B. address C. way D. place( )8.( 11大理模拟)Dont send short _ on the mobile phone in class. Its bad for your study. A. information B. messages C. advice D. news BACAB ABB Homework:Please finish the test paper of Noun 师生共勉No pains,no gains.不劳无获


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