英语九年级人教版 Unit 8 It must belong to CarlaSection A 1a-2d (共42张PPT)

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英语九年级人教版 Unit 8 It must belong to CarlaSection A 1a-2d (共42张PPT)_第1页
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英语九年级人教版 Unit 8 It must belong to CarlaSection A 1a-2d (共42张PPT)_第3页
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Unit 8It must belong to Carla.Li Bin truck 卡车、货车 rabbit 兔子 picnic 野餐at the picnic 在野餐时p57 Whose notebook is this?It belongs to Wang Ming.Because his name is on it.王 明 belong to 属 于= It is Wang Mings. Whose skirt is this?It must belong to cant belong to Jane Mike Whose skirt is this?It might/could belong to must belong to cant belong to Lucy TomLilyI like wearing skirts. Who is he? He cant be _. He could/might be _. He must be _. He cant be _. He could/might be _. He cant be _. He could/might be _. He must be _. What does she do?She could/might be a/an_.Look and say nurse What does she do?She could/might be a/an _. a teacher What does he do?He could/might be a/an _.doctor What is the panda doing?It might /could be_.reading a book What is the bear doing?It might /could be_.playing basketball clothing Fun things Kitchen things magazinehat volleyball platecupsjacketT-shirt CD(Michael Jackson)toy carbook(Harry Potter)1a Look at the picture. Write the things in the correct columns in the chart.baseball cap Person Thing ReasonJanes little brother volleyball J K Rowling is her favorite author.Mary toy truck She loves volleyball.Carla magazine He was the only little kid at the picnic.Deng Wen book She always listens to pop music.Grace CD He loves rabbits.Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.1b A: Whose book is this?B: It must be Marys. J K Rowling is her favorite author. Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations using the information in the chart in 1b.1c 属于某人 是某人的 Sth. _sb. = Sth. _sbs.肯定属于 肯定是去野餐 在野餐时一定、肯定 可能 不可能Review hair band 发带 It _ belong to_.Jane Lindamust Linda Rita TomIt _ belong to_.must Rita It _ belong to_.Lucy Lilymight Lucy or Lily 2a Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.1. _2. _3. _T-shirthair bandtennis balls 1. The person _ go to our school.2. The person _ be a boy.3. It _ be Meis hair band.4. The hair band _ belong to Linda.5. It _ be Lindas schoolbag.mustcantcould mightmust2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks. 参加、出席 v. attend有价值的、贵重的 adj. valuable粉色、粉色的 n./ adj. pink任何人 pron. anybody1.There isnt _ in the classroom.2._ is in the classroom. But I dont know who it is.3._ is in the classroom. Students are having P.E. class. 4.Is _ here? Aswer the questions 1. Who is worried? Why? 2. Did Linda attend a concert yesterday? 3. Are there anything valuable in her schoolbag? What are in the schoolbag? 4. What did Linda do after the concert? 5. Who might have the schoolbag? Mom, Im really _. Role-play the conversation.2d Why? Whats wrong? I _ find my schoolbag.Well, where did you _ put it? I _ remember! I _ a concert yesterday so it _ still _ in the music hall.Do you have _ _ in your schoolbag? No, just my books, my pink hair band _ some tennis balls.So it _ be stolen. Oh, wait! I _ _a picnic after the concert. I remember I had my schoolbag _ me _ the picnic.So _ it still _ at the park? Yes. I left early, before the _ of my _. I think somebody _ have picked _ up. Ill call them now _ check if anybody _ it. 1. This book _ be Carlas. Her name is on the book. A. might B. could C. must D. cant2. Jacks bike is blue, so this yellow one _ be his. A. mustnt B. cant C. couldnt D. mightnt 3. The guitar _ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. A. could B. must C. cant D. can4. - What do you think “upset” mean? - Im not sure. It _ mean sad. Amust Bcan Cmight Dcant 6. This backpack must be _. I saw her carry it yesterday. ALucys BLucy CLucys DLucys 改错:The desk doesnt belong to hers. _hersher 1.Taiwan _(belong) to China forever.2.It must belong to _(I).3.The homework cant be _(she). She wasnt at school today.4._(Who) book is this? 1.这是谁的书?_ _ is this? / _ is this book?2.它一定是玛丽的,J. K. Rowling 是她最喜爱的作家。 It _ _ Marys. J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer.3. 这个足球可能是约翰的。 The soccer ball _ _ _ John.4. 地上有本书,我们把它捡起来吧。 Here is a book on the ground, and lets _ _ _. Homework 1. Memorize the new words and word groups.2.绩优学案第一课时;3. 预习3a


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