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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,theBaiethnicgroup白族公开课PPT课件,theBaiethnicgroup白族公开课PPT课件,guess?,第2页/共26页,guess?第2页/共26页,guess?,第3页/共26页,guess?第3页/共26页,?,第4页/共26页,?第4页/共26页,The Bai Ethnic Group,第5页/共26页,The Bai Ethnic Group第5页/共26页,Tips:,Read the text quickly and loudly .,Pay attention to the,key words in,each paragraph.,Fast reading,第6页/共26页,Tips: Fast reading第6页/共2,festival music population architecture region agriculture costume,Para 1:,Para 2:,Para 3:,population,region,agriculture,architecture,costume,music,festival,Pick up the key words in each paragraph,第7页/共26页,festival music population,Detailed reading,Tips:,Read the text,careful,ly,and finish the exercises on your own.,Pay attention to the detailed information.,第8页/共26页,Detailed readingTips: 第8,Task 1: Choose the correct answers.,1. How many the Bai people live in Yunnan?,A.2,000,000,000,B.2,000,000,C.1,800,000,000,D.1,800,000,Reading comprehension,第9页/共26页,Task 1: Choose the correct ans,2. The underlined word “,dialect,” probably means “_”.,A. culture B. costume C. language D. custom,3. According to the second paragraph, which of the following is,NOT TRUE,?,A. The Bai eat nothing but pork, rice and wheat.B. Bai houses resemble traditional Chinese architecture.C. The Bai people meet in Yunhe halls.D. The Bai grow rice, wheat, beans and cotton.,第10页/共26页,2. The underlined word “dialec,4,. This passage is most likely,excerpted from(摘自),a _.,A. newspaper,B. guide book,C. fashion magazine,D. tourist map,5. According to the passage, we can,NOT,infer that _.,A. The Bai like to wear white and red.,B. The minorities are all fond of dancing and singing.,C. Young mothers walk round the torch tree in order to have good luck.,D. During the Bai tea ceremony, tea is served three times.,第11页/共26页,4. This passage is most likely,around two million,Native region,dialect (that resembles Chinese),agricultural economy,rice, wheat, beans and cotton,Staple foods,traditional Chinese architecture,white and red costumes,white shirts,long white trousers,the Bai tea ceremony, the Torch Festival,opera,第12页/共26页,around two million Native regi,the architecture of the Bai,第13页/共26页,the architecture of the Bai第13,costume,第14页/共26页,costume第14页/共26页,Music,Opera which combines both music and dance,第15页/共26页,Music Opera which combines bot,The Bai tea ceremony,Served three times,第16页/共26页,The Bai tea ceremonyServed thr,The Bai Torch Festival,第17页/共26页,The Bai Torch Festival第17页/共26,Task 3: Discussion,Discuss in groups about how to write an ethnic group.,第18页/共26页,Task 3: DiscussionDiscuss in,第19页/共26页,第19页/共26页,The Jinuo Sun-drum Dance,第20页/共26页,The Jinuo Sun-drum Dance第20页/共,基诺族的基本情况,人口:约,18,,,000,人,居住地:云南景洪地区,语言:汉藏结合的语言(,Chinese-Tibetan language,),没有书面文字(,written script,),今天主要讲汉语,生产:以农业耕种和捕鱼为生,主要作物:种植稻米、玉米和茶叶,主食:稻米、玉米以及大豆;一日三餐:早餐和晚餐在家里吃,午餐在农田里吃,住房:住在山坡上的竹制或木制的大房子里,大约二三十户同姓住在同一所房子;房子上层居住,底层饲养动物,服装:女人,艳丽的上衣和黑短裙,男人,白色短上衣、蓝或白裤,音乐:以唱歌跳舞而闻名,鼓是很重要的乐器,节日:,12,月的打铁节,(Forge Iron Festival),有传统的太阳鼓舞(,Sun-drum dance,),这是老人敲的特殊的鼓,其他人围鼓而舞。,Write a composition to introduce,the Jinuo Ethnic Group:,第21页/共26页,基诺族的基本情况Write a composition to,China is a unified multi-ethnic country. 56 nationalities have created the colorful, broad and profound Chinese culture together. The national minority culture is an important component of Chinese culture.,中国是统一的多民族的国家。,56,个民族共同创造了多姿多彩、博大精深的中华文化。少数民族文化是中华文化的重要组成部分。,第22页/共26页,China is a unified multi-,Love our big family, and build our big family!,第23页/共26页,Love our big family, and build,Thank you !,第24页/共26页,Thank you !第24页/共26页,The Jinuo Ethnic Group,is made up of,around 18,000 people who live in the Jinghong area of Yunnan.,Their language is,a Chinese-Tibetan language with no written script, but they mostly speak Chinese today.,They,live by,farming and fishing,and they grow,mainly rice, maize and tea. Rice and maize, along with beans, are their,staple foods.,They eat three meals a day, with lunch being taken on their farmland.,They live in houses made of,bamboo or wood on mountain slopes. About 20 or 30 families live on the upper floor of the same house, keeping their animals on the ground floor.,The women wear,colourful jackets and short black skirts,while the men wear,short white jackets and white or blue trousers.,They are known as,good singers and dancers,and the drum is a very important instrument for them.,In December they have a,Forge Iron,Festival,with a special Sun-drum Dance. When older people play the drum and others dance round drum.,第25页/共26页,The Jinuo Ethnic Group,谢谢您的观看!,第26页/共26页,谢谢您的观看!第26页/共26页,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,


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