七年级英语下 unit10 Where did you go on vacation 课件

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七年级英语下 unit10 Where did you go on vacation 课件_第1页
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七年级英语下 unit10 Where did you go on vacation 课件_第3页
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上海西双版纳三亚 Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?SectionA 1a-2c do my homework study for the testgo shopping clean my room watch TV help mum with houseworkread a book visit a friendWhat did you do last weekend ?How was your weekend ?It was pretty good/great / good/OK/terrible Where did they go on vacation ?They went to New York City . Where did he go on vacation?He went to the beach . Where did they go on vacation ?They stayed at home. summer camp (夏令营)Where did they go on vacation ?They went to summer camp . Where did they go on vacation ?They went to the mountains. They visited museums .Where did they go on vacation ? museums(博物馆) Where did she go on vacation ?She visited her uncle. A:where did heshethey go on vacation?B:Heshethey . bdcafg 1.Tina 2. Brad 3.Sally 4. Xiang Hua 5.TomListen and number the people 1-5 in the people. Where did Brad go on vacation?He visited his uncle. Where did Tom go on vacation?He went to summer camp. Where did Sally go on vacation?She stayed at home. Where did Tina go onvacation?She went to the mountains. Where did Xiang Hua go on vacation? He went to New YorkCity. Guess: What did he do last weekend?You can guess like:Did he play volleyball / watch TV / go swimming.? H e played tennis . Did he ?Yes, he did. / No, he didntt.He watched TV last weekend Did she ?Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.She went shopping Did he ?Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.He went swimming last weekend. Did she ?Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.She read a book. He played basketball .Did he ?Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. What did he do last weekend?He took a shower last weekend. What did he last weekend?He went swimming last weekend. Did she ?Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.She cleaned her room. 2a Listen. Where did Nancy, Kevin, and Julie go on vacation? Match the person with the place. People Places1. Nancy a. the beach2. Kevin b. home3. Julie c. New York Citycab2a a guide Listen again. For each question check () “Yes, I did.” or “ No, I didnt.” as you hear them talk.Did you Yes, I did No, I didntNancy go to Central Park?Kevin play volleyball?swim?Julie go to the movies?study for exams?2b PairworkWork in pairs and make a conversation like this:A:How was your vacation?B:It was great.A:Where _you go _vacation?B:I_ to the beach.A:_ you play beach volleyball?B:Yes,I did.A:Did you swim?B:No,I_.did onwentDiddidnt Task :tell your stories.How was your vacation?Where did you go on vacation? What did you do?Report like this:My vacation was great.I wentto the beach.I played beach volleyball and swam there. Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. 读万卷书不如行万里路


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