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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Disasters of Nature,Module Three,tornado,A rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.,龙卷风:一种纵向的气旋,伴随有倒漏斗形的积雨云,涡流直径达几百码,以每小时八百公里的速度移动,具有极大的毁坏性,What is a tornado,typhoon,台风:,A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans.,发生在西太平洋或印度洋的热带暴风,A violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain.,飓风:一种猛烈的热带风暴,形成于大西洋或加勒比海赤道地区,从形成地向北、西北或东北移动,常携有大量雨水,hurricane,the difference among,Typhoon, Hurricane and Tornado,earthquake,tidal wave / tsunami,An earthquake originating under the sea floor.,海震/海啸:发自海底的地震,lightning,闪电:,the bright flashes of light that you see in the sky during a storm.,天空中云层放电时所产生的闪光。,thunderstorm,雷暴:,a violent storm of thunder and lightning, often accompanied by rain and sometimes hail.,短暂且有时很猛烈的雷和闪电的风暴,通常伴有雨且有时下冰雹,flood :a large amount of water that covers an area which was dry before.正常情况下枯燥为陆地地区的水泛滥,Volcanic eruption,flood,hurricane,lightning,thunderstorm,sandstorm,tornado,earthquake,typhoon,tidal wave,volcanic eruption,洪水,飓风,闪电,雷暴,沙尘暴,龙卷风,地震,台风,海啸,火山喷发,Disasters of Nature,experience,vt. 经历,Our country has experienced great changes in the past thirty years.,n. (生活、工作)经历、技巧 (不可数),经历,经历过的事(可数),Please tell us of your experiences while in Africa.,You dont need any experience to work here.,experienced adj. 有经历的,Mr. Li is quite an experienced teacher.,have experience in/at,be experienced in/at,Mexico,Gulf Stream,stream 河流, 水流,current 水流,电流,气流,longitude,latitude,经度:地球外表的成角距离,从英国格林尼治的本初子午线向东或向西至经过某一点的子午线计量,以度或小时、分和秒表示,纬度:,地球赤道北或南的角距离,例如在地图或地球仪上沿着子午线用度数测量,Fill in the blanks with proper or phrase.,Ash and lava,_ (,倾泻,),the mountain, _ (,放火烧了,),hundreds of houses,.,Hundreds of housed _ (,着火了,) when the lava reached them.,We _ (,设法使得,) get half the population to another island.,We _. (,把火都扑灭了,),When Mr. Smith got the message that his house _ (,正被大火烧着,) , he rushed home as quickly as he could.,poured down,setting fire to,caught fire,managed to,put all the fires out,was on fire,Stomboli _ in Italy has erupted. The _ occurred on Saturday and thankfully, no one was killed. The eruption blew the top off the volcano and sent _ and steam into the air. _ and rock from the eruption caused a huge _ when it reached the sea. This turned over boats in the port and caused a _ in the village of Ginostra.,ash eruption flood lavatidal wave volcano,volcano,eruption,ash,Lava,tidal wave,flood,1. What is a volcano,3. What may come out of a volcano when it erupts,2. Can you tell me the three types of volcanoes,It is an opening in the ground that reaches into the Earth.,There are dead, sleeping and active volcanoes.,Ash, steam, lava.,


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