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*,*,Unit 5 The power of nature,Warming up & Reading,Human beings power,Have you ever considered how weak humans are,compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?,Can you list some natural disasters?,natural disasters,sandstorm,typhoon,flood,hurricane,tornado,earthquake,tsunami,landslide,snowstorm,drought,tsunami,earthquake,snowstorm,flood,typhoon,sandstorm,drought,hurricane,cyclone,tornado,landslide,Have you ever,seen a volcano?,volcano-eruption,Vesuvius volcano,Pompeii,公元,79,年维苏威火山的,爆发掩埋了一座城市!,虽然地球史上每一次火山,爆发无不令地貌沧海桑田,但公元,79,年维苏威火山的,爆发却的却令一座城市,获得了永生,-,庞贝无法,躲过火山的劫难,但它被,掩埋封存在渐渐冷却、,凝固、变硬的火山灰中,最终竟躲过了上千年岁月,的侵蚀。,Pompeii,an extinct volcano (,死火山,),an active volcano,types of volcanoes,a dormant volcano,(,休眠火山,),Where is most possible for a volcano to erupt?,Near the oceans.,What do you know about volcano?,Do you know how a volcano erupts?,How is a volcano formed?,The rocks under the earth become hotter and,hotter and erupt from the mountain.,Boiling rock erupts from the crater(,火山口,);,the lava(,熔岩,) flows slowly down the mountain.,gas,liquid,solid,lava (,熔岩,),vapour,carbon dioxide, nitrogen (,氮,),sulphur (,硫磺,),bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc.,Who will climb into a live volcano to take the temperature of the boiling rock inside?,Imagine,Would you like to be a volcanologist,to observe and study volcanoes?,Do you want to be a volcanologist ?,Quiz,Are you suitable for being a volcanologist ?,Questions,Yes,No,1 Do you like working outside,as well as,inside?,2 Do you,enjoy travelling,to unusual places?,3 Do you enjoy,taking risks,?,4 Do you dislike doing,the same thing,every day?,5 Do you like adventure in your life?,6 Are you interested in studying rocks and other things that,make up,the surface of the earth?,An Exciting Job,What does a volcanologist do?,Is the work important?,His job is to,collect,the information about the volcano and predict where lava will flow and how fast so that the people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their house.,Skimming,Get the main idea of each paragraph,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,The writer expresses his love for his job and why he loves it.,The writer describes his job and its importance.,The writer describes his first sight of a volcano eruption.,The writer describes his first closer look,at a volcano eruption.,The writer states again his love for his work and volcanoes.,The main idea of the passage,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,(Para 1-2),(Para 3-4),(Para 5),What the writers job is and the importance of his job.,The writers experience of watching the volcano eruption.,The reasons why the writer is enthusiastic about his job.,Part one (Para. 1- Para. 2),Why is a volcanologists job important?,2) Where is Mount Kilauea?,3)What does the word “alive” mean ?,A. Living or not dead. B. Active or lively.,C. Continuing. D. Healthy.,It can warn people when the volcano is going to erupt and save many lives.,In Hawaii.,Careful reading,Part two (Para. 3- Para. 4),Why is the,lava,that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption?,The lava can cover up or burn villages in its path. The rocks from the volcano usually dont damage anything because no one lives near the crater.,2.What made the author realize that an eruption occurred?,My bed,began shaking,A strange sound,My bed room became,as bright as day,Red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air,An absolutely fantastic sight,3.What did,the scientistsdo,after the eruption?,Put on white protective suits helmets, big boots,Slowly made,our way to the,edge of the crater,Looked,down into,the red, boiling centre,Climbed down,into the crater to collect some lava,Why did the scientists have to get close to,the volcano after it began erupting?,To get some lava for later study.,5. Why was it difficult for the writer to walk,towards the edge of the crater ?,The writer wore special protective suits,that made it difficult to walk.,Part three (Para. 5),What does the writer find,impressive,even after studying volcanoes for more than twenty years?,The author is impressed by the beauty of,the eruption and also by its potential to cause,great damage.,1 The writer doesnt mind the occasional danger of,his job because _.,A. He travels to unusual places and meets interesting people from all over the world.,B. He likes the different ways of working.,C. He thinks his job the most important.,D.He is excited about dangers and feels alive.,Choose the best answer:,D,As a result of the volcanologists work, _.,A. other scientists predict the progress of lava from,the volcano.,B. many people have been warned to leave their homes.,C. the eruption causes less damage.,D. the eruption may be prevented breaking out.,A,Why did the vocalnologist run out of the house,into back garden ?,A. Because his bed began shaking.,B.Because his bedroom suddenly became,as bright as day.,C. Because he thought there was an earthquake,in Hawaii.,D. Because he wanted to collect information,about eruption.,B,4. What does the writer mean by using lucky in the sentence I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it?,A. He felt much safer on the top while the other two scientists climbed down into the crater.,B. It was his first sight of an eruption.,C. It was the first time for him to watch the crater.,D. Both B and C.,D,5.,Yet,however weak we are, we are not completely,powerless.,yet,在此是连词, “,但是,然而”,(but, however),I have slept eight full hours, yet Im still sleepy.,我睡了足足,8,个小时了,可还是想睡。,并列连词,but,不可与从属连词,though/ although,同时出现,而,yet,作为副词,可与,though/although,同时出现。,本节内容结束,


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