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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Lesson 12 Terrorized by “War on Terror,Word supplement,scandal n丑闻scoop vt.“抢(新闻) n独家新闻sensational a耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的sex scandal 桃色新闻sidebar n花絮新闻slant n主观报道;片面报道slink ink “爬格子soft news 软新闻,source n新闻来源;消息灵通人士spike vt退弃(稿件);“枪毙(稿件)stone vt拼版story n消息;稿件;文章stringer n特约记者;通讯员subhead n小标题;副标题supplement n号外;副刊;增刊suspended interest 悬念thumbnail n“豆腐干(文章),timeliness n时效性;时新性tip n内幕新闻;秘密消息trim n. 删改(稿件)update n更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性)watchdog n.&vt.舆论监视weekly n周报wire service n通讯社,USs Solutions to Terrorism,Brief Introduction,After the affair of 9.11,the Government of United State has taken the lessons from the greatly loss because of the defaults suffered from the inefficiency, inability and without cooperation among the state supervision and information system and made a heavy reformation to it through the Patriot Act.,Former Efforts By G.W. Bush,Surrounded by officials who have spent the last six weeks neck-deep in the war on terrorism, President Bush signed an extensive anti-terrorism bill into law on Oct.26 2001. The law, which provides police and law enforcement agencies with broad new powers of tracking and observation, was approved 99-1 in the Senate, and passed handily in the House.,The new law provides for:,Nationwide enforcement of search warrants and surveillance orders, which may now intercept or monitor e-mail messages and Internet usage,Roving wiretaps, which allow tracking of a person (and any phone they use) rather than of just one particular phone,Broader definition of terrorism and harsher penalties for perpetrators and those who aid and abet them,Strict monitoring of cash flow to stem money-laundering enterprises designed to aid terrorists,US Take Active Part in Anti-Terrorism Military Maneuver,On Jan. 9, 2021.,U.S. special operations forces are expanding their training of the Yemeni military as the Obama administration broadens its program to counter terrorism in countries reluctant to harbor a visible American military presence.,Obamas Anti-Terrorism Policy Under Scanner,What Republican critics have got to say about the Barack Obamas anti-terrorism policies?,According to a claim by a senior lawyer coming from the Bush administrations Department of Justice, the number of terrorists being executed has significantly went up in Obamas rule.,QUIZ,Hint: The death of terrorist increased or decreased during Obamas tenure,Members of the Yemeni counter-terrorism force,In Jan.2021, an UN anti-terrorism conference in Saudi Capital Riyadh has discussed ways to counter the threats of terrorism.,The conference attended by senior officials and experts from around the world focused on ways to use the internet to counter the extremist groups.,Opening the conference the Chairman of UN Anti-terrorism working group Richard Barrett stressed the need for properly delivering the message against violence and terrorism.,Anti-terrorism Squad,International Efforts of Anti-Terrorism,Anti-Terrorism Comics,Anti Terrorism Toiletry,POOR PETS.,SOMETIMES ANTI-TERRORISM IS JUST AN EXCUSE.,Text analysis,mantra:1.a word or phrase repeated by Buddhists and Hindus when they meditate, or to help them feel calm. (佛教和印度教中的)曼特罗,祷文,符咒 2. a statement or a principle that people repeat very often because they think it is true, especially when you think that it not true or is only part of the truth. 尤指认为并不正确或只是局部正确的准那么,原那么,圭臬,Undermine(1): 1. make sth. less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts. 常指逐渐或反复削弱,损害情感、体制等2. make sb.s authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods 常指间接地削弱,损害,动摇某人的地位或权威,elevate v.,give a promotion to or assign to a higher position;,提拔,;,提升;提高,的地位,raise from a lower to a higher position;,举起,;,抬起,;,使升高,elevation n.,pernicious: exceedingly harmful很有害的,恶性的,致命的,险恶的; 引起巨大伤害的; 消灭性的,psyche: mind and deepest feelings and attitudes灵魂,心灵; 心智,精神; 希腊神塞姬爱神丘比特所爱的美女,confront:,oppose, as in hostility or a competition; deal with (something unpleasant) head on;,面对; 使面对面,使对质; 碰到,遇到,N. confrontation,fanatic:,n. a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause),狂热者,入迷者,enthusiast,adj. (=fanatical)marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea,狂热入迷的,perpetrate(2): perform an act, usually with a negative connotation犯罪;做错事;干坏事n. perpetration perpetrator,intimidate v. make timid or fearful恫吓;恫吓;威胁n. intimidation,Paraphrase,The “war on terror has created a culture of fear in America. ( Par. 1),The “war on terror has frightened the Americans, and this fear is shown in everything they do, in their attitude, belief and behavior.,Translation,Terrorism is not an enemy but a technique of warfare-political intimidation through the killing of unarmed non-combatants. (Par. 2),恐惧主义不是敌人,它是一种通过杀害手无寸铁的平民而进展的,用战争威胁以实现政治目的的手段。,Translation,Such fear-mongering, reinforced by security entrepreneurs, the mass media and the entertainment, generates its own momentum. (Par. 7),这种兜售恐惧的做法愈演愈烈,保安公司老板,媒体和娱乐业使其势头更猛。,Translation,Someday Americans will be as ashamed prompting intolerance against the few. (Par. 14),总有一天,美国人会为目前这种做法感到惭愧,就像他们现在为从前的事情感到惭愧一样。在美国历史上,曾经发生过由于多数人的恐慌而引发对少数人的过激行为的先例。,Question 1,What is the three-word mantra in the authors opinion What is his attitude to this mantra Can you explain it in your own words,The three-word mantra is war on terror. The authors attitude toward it is basically negative. He says that the mantra has had a very bad impact on America, causing a mentality of fear in the US civilians, spoiling US s standing in the world, and greatly undermining USs strength against terrorism actually.,Question 2,Whats the Bush Administration s main objective of referring to war on terror constantly,The major objective for the Bush Administration to refer to war on terror constantly, according to the author, is to create a culture of fear, so that the public could be misled to follow the policies the politicians want to pursue, esp. to vote for them.,Question 3,What phenomena can show that America has become insecure and more paranoid,One thing showing America has become insecure and more paranoid is the endless increase of the sites as potentially important national targets for would-be terrorists, from 160 sites in 2003 to 300,000 at the time the author wrote the article. Another phenomenon is the security check in office buildings and so on.,Question 4,Why does the author say that the war on terror has encouraged legal and political harassment of Arab Americans,The discrimination against Arabs, such as drivers in turbans taken as suspicious terrorists, films produced with evil characters with recognizable Arab features, and animus towards Muslim travelers, has stimulated a strong Islamophobia. This atmosphere has encouraged legal and political harassment of Arab Americans.,Question 5,What is the reason for the authors view that the war on terror has gravely damaged the United States internationally,The rough treatment of Iraqi civilians by the U. S. military has prompted a widespread sense of hostility toward the United States in general. The victimization of Arab civilians angers Muslims watching the news on television. And the resentment is not limited to Muslims. A BBC poll in 27 countries resulted in the United States being rated as a country with the most negative influence on the world. ,Words to know,Undermine, culture, elevation, standing, confront, self-inflicted, perpetrator, intimidation, non-combatant, postulate, pervasive, imprecise, channel, craft, prophecy, al-Qaeda, wage, susceptible, brainwashing, muted, lest, momentum, paranoia, paranoid, would-be, lobbyist, journalistic, suicide bomber, siege mentality, villain, highlight, unleash, harassment, emulate, animus,dilute, incarcerate, hard, prompt, victimization, resentment, extirpate, spawn,


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