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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 2,The Human Development Report,North America,South America,Africa,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Antarctica,Arctic,Pacific,Atlantic,Indian Ocean,North America,South America,Canada,the United States,Mexico,Argentina, Panama, Cuba,Colombia, Haiti, Chile, Brazil,Asia,China,Russia,Japan,India,North Korea,South Korea,Africa,Egypt,Congo,South Africa,Oceania,Australia,New Zealand,INTRODUCTION,developed country developing country disease education hunger income poverty,Match the words with the definitions.,the knowledge that you get at school or college _,when people have very little money _,an illness _,education,poverty,disease,返回,INTRODUCTION,developed country developing country disease education hunger income poverty,Match the words with the definitions.,when you dont have food _,the money that you make _,a country that has a lot of industry _,a country that is poor and does not have much,industry _,hunger,income,developed country,developing country,返回,Poverty,What are the problems that the developing countries face How to solve them,Less education,Bad environment,Diseases,Discussion,Hunger,1)Develop education (make sure everyone can receive education),2)Reduce tax items;,3) Improve the environment;,4)Encourage developed countries to give more,help to the developing countries;,5) The government should encourage people to,improve the present condition to reduce poverty,and hunger,A Short Discussion,What are the two biggest problems for developing countries Why do you think so,hunger, poverty, education, disease,disease,vs.,illness,illness c/u n. 身体或精神上的疾病,disease c/u n. 疾病 (比较严重,通常持续时间久,常影响特定的身体部位),infection cn. 传染病,virus cn. 病毒,Reading,Generally speaking, in what kind of countries can we see these phenomena,Developed countries,Generally, in what kind of countries can we see these phenomena,Developing countries,Which countries are developed /developing countries,India, China, Russia,The US, England, Holland, Germany,Developing countries:,Developed countries:,Why do you think these countries are developed/developing countries,low income, poor, illnesses very often, hungry,higher average income, education easy to receive, ,Developing countries:,Developed countries:,Developed countries are most of the western countries. Mainly included:America, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada and Japan.,亚非拉国家,亚非拉国家,亚非拉国家,亚非拉国家,Developing countries are most of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.,Income:,( larger / smaller),What are the differences between developing and developed countries,Industry and commerce:,(flourishing繁荣的/laggard落后,的),Education:,(good / little),Life expectancy:,(live long/short),Environment:,good/bad(terrible),Discussion,世界各国根据其经济开展水平和贫富状况,通常分为兴旺国家和开展中国家.,兴旺国家(Developed country / Industrialized country)一般指的是:美国、法国、英国、日本、德国、加拿大、意大利、瑞典、芬兰、丹麦、挪威、荷兰、比利时、瑞士、奥地利、土耳其、澳大利亚、新西兰、希腊、冰岛、爱尔兰、卢森堡、葡萄牙、西班牙。其中,美国、日本、德国、法国、英国、意大利、加拿大是7个最大的兴旺国家。,开展中国家Developing country / less developed country) 指政治上已独立,经济上比较贫穷,工业根底比较薄弱,人均国民生产总值较低的国家,绝大多数是第二次世界大战以后新独立的亚非拉国家,也包括一些国家。,中国属于开展中的社会主义国家。,How did the Human Development Report come,How does the Index measure a countrys achievement,What are the most important goals,What development has China achieved,What are the problems with developing countries,What should developed countries do,Read and answer,Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words and phrases.,One of the most important _ of the Human Development Report is the Human _. The Index _ a countrys achievements in three ways: life expectancy, education and _. The list has some _. Norway is _ the list, _ the US is at number 7. The _ ten countries are all African countries.,sections,Index,measures,income,surprises,at the top of,while,bottom,China is _ the list. It is one of the examples of successful _. China increased life expectancy _ 13 years. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people _ poverty. However, a great many people in _ countries are hungry.,in the middle of,development,by,moved out of,developing,Over _ of these are in South Asia or Africa. In developing countries about 115 million children are not being _, and more than 1 billion people do not drink safe water, so the report suggests that we need to _ in the future.,half,educated,make greater efforts,1. 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2021,agree to do sth,agree with,agree to,agree on,D.,与,一致; 气候、事物、口味适合某人,A.就达成一致意见,B.同意的意见/观点,C.同意方案/安排,你做的与你说的不一致。,What you did didnt,agree with,what you said.,这里的气候不适合我。,The climate here doesnt,agree with,me.,I think its a bad idea.,_.,我再同意不过了。,I couldnt agree more,1. We _ _ making an early start.,2. The climate here doesnt _ _him.,3. I dont _ _ _ to make friends with such a man.,4. The manager has _ _ improve,the working condition in the company.,agreed on,agree with,agree with you,agreed to,用agree 有关词组完成句子,2.,From,this agreement,came,the Human Development Report.,倒装句:,完全倒装:将全部谓语置于主语之前,Here comes the bus.,局部倒装,将局部谓语(情态动词、助动词等)放在主语前面,谓语动词仍位于动词之后。,Never have I been here before.,1),表示,地点的介词短语,放于句首,且,主语为名词,时, 完全倒装。,At the foot of the hill,lies a temple,.,Under the table,came a frightening,sound.,2),当句首为,in, out, up, down, off, away 等副词, 且主语为名词时, 全部倒装。,In,came the teacher,and the class began.,3),here, there, now, then开头的句子,当主语是普通名词时,完全倒装;,当主语是代词时无需倒装。,Here,comes the postman!,Here,comes the bus.,Here,we are.,Here,he comes.,Only when you have finished your homework _ go home.,A. can you,B. would you,C. you will,D. you can,4) 以only修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时需要局部倒装。,Only in my house do they feel at home.,Only then did I realize that I was wrong.,Only in this way can you work out the problem.,Seldom _ any mistakes during my past few years of working here.,A. would I make B. did I make,C. I did make D. shall I make,Never,shall,I,forget,it.,Seldom,does,he,go,out.,Seldom,has,he,met,us lately.,Little,do,they,know,about it.,5) 以never, seldom, hardly, neither, nor, little, rarely, scarcelywhen, no more, no soonerthan等否认词开头的句子, 局部倒装。,Not only _ interested in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it .,the teacher himself is,;,all his students are,the teacher himself is,;,are all his students,is the teacher himself,;,are all his students,is the teacher himself,;,all his students are,Not only,did,we,lose,all our money,but,we,also,came,close to losing our lives.,Not only,is he,a scientist,but,he is,also,a boxer.,6),Not only but also 句型中,not only句倒装; but also句无需倒装,Not until I began to work _ how much time I had wasted.A. didnt realize,B. did I realize C. I didnt realize,D. I realized,I did,nt,realize,how much time I had wasted,until,I began to work.,Not until,I began to work,did I realize,how much time I had wasted.,7) so/suchthat从句中,so/such部 分位于句首时,主句进展局部倒装,He speaks so loudly that everyone hears him clearly.,So loudly does he speak that everyone hears him clearly.,3. measure,cn.,措施,v.,测量,衡量,We need stronger measures to improve peoples living standard.,measure sb for sth 给某人量体裁衣,measure sth by sth 用衡量,She is being measured for her wedding dresses.,Education shouldnt be measured purely by the examination results.,4.,expectancy 预期,期望,期望的事物,expect,vt.,期望,盼望,expect to do,expect sb/sth to do,expect that,The soldiers expect that the attack will come soon.,The rent was much more than we had expected to pay.,It is not fair to expect me to do all the housework.,I saw the look of expectancy in the childrens eyes.,A. is expected B. expects,C. expected D. is expecting,According to the art dealer, the painting _ to go for at least a million dollars.,be expected to do 预计,有望,The chairman told the speaker that she _ to speak a little louder so as to make herself _.,A. was expected; heard,B. had expected; hear,C. had hoped; hear,D. was hoped; heard,5. position,n.,位置,方位,;,处境,状况,;,地位,身份,职位,The machine can figure out the,position,of the sun in the sky.,The financial,position,of our company is becoming worse and worse.,The,position,of women in the society today is much higher.,6.,make sure,that all children have education,up to,the age of 11.,make sure,of/about,that,be sure,to do,Its certain that.,up to,1). (数量或水平)可达,到达,Children are forced to work,up to,19 hours a day in the factories.,Dinosaurs were,up to,27 meters long.,2). 直到,Ive been waiting for you here up to now.,3). 从事于,忙于,What is he up to,4). 由.决定,Its up to you.,7. fight,v.,fought,作战, 打仗, 打架, 斗争,fight +,n.,/,pron.,He fought cancer and lived to be 80.,fight against,They are fighting against the enemy.,fight with,和作战,与并肩作战,In such terrible situation, who would like to fight with us.,fight for,为 (事业、自由、权力) 而斗争,They are fighting for freedom.,8. example cn. 例子,典范,example of 方面的例子,He gave several examples of the ways to solve this problem.,set an example 树立一个典范,She arrived at the office early to set an example to the others.,be an example to sb 是某人学习的典范,He is an example to all of us.,9. The report shows that we are,making some progress,but that we need to,make greater efforts,.,effort c/u n. 努力;困难的尝试,make an effort to do 尽力,make every effort 尽一切努力,make great efforts 做出很大的努力,spare no effort to do sth 不遗余力做,without effort 毫不费力地,1. At last we reached a lonely village, _ a beautiful river.,in front of it lay,B. in front of which lay,C. in front of it laid,D. in front of lied,2. With everything she needed _, she hurried home.,to buy B. buying,C. bought D. buy,3. Attention must be paid to _ science and technology.,A. develop B. developing,C. development D. developed,4. Luckily, the bullet narrowly misssed the captain _ an inch.,A. by B. for C. of D. with,5. He slipped and had a leg broken. _, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.,In any case B. After all,C. In this way D. As a result,6. Lily has made _ this term that all her teachers are pleased.,such a great progress,B. such great progress,C. a such great progress,D. so great progress,7. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster _ if a mirror was broken.,was sure of striking,was sure of having struck,was sure to be struck,was sure to strike,8. Great efforts have been _to improve peoples living conditions in China in the past two years.,got B. won C. made D. did,9. I quite understand your opinion, but that doesnt mean I_ it.,agree B. agree to,C. agree with D. agree on,


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