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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 7 My past life,Unit 2 I was born in Quincy,1.Where,were,you,born,?,2. When,were,you,born,?,3. What,was,the name of your first school,?,4. What,was,the name of your first teacher,?,5. What,was,he (she) like,?,6. Who,was,your first friend,?,7.What,was,he(she) like,?,8.,Were,you friendly to your friends in the primary school,?,9.,Were,you naughty or well-behaved in the primary school,?,用,be,动词的适当形式填空,1.He _ born in 1997.,2. His first school _ No.2 Primary School and now he _ in No.1 Middle School.,3. My first Chinese teacher _ Mrs. Wang. And Mr. Li _ my Chinese teacher now.,4.We _ in Beijing in 2000, but now we _ in Jiaxing now.,5.Who _ your first friend,?,6. Who _ your first friends,?,7. Jim and I _ good friends in the primary school. But now Daming and I _ good friends.,was,was,is,was,is,were,are,was,were,were,are,He is a student.(用 in 1997改写句子),2. They were good friends.(一般疑问句,并肯定答复),3.He was born in a small village.(划线提问),4. My first teacher was Mrs. Li.(划线提问),5 She was friendly and nice.(同上),He,was,a student in 1997.,Were,they good friends,?,Yes, they,were,.,Where,was,he born,?,Who,was,your first teacher,?,What,was,she,like,?,How was she,?,6.Were you born in 1994?(肯定否认答复),Yes, I was. No , I wasnt.,7.Tony was born in China.(改为否认句),Tony wasnt born in China.,8.Were Tom and Peter naughty at school?(否认答复),No, they werent.,9. My first teacher was strict.(用friendly改选择疑问句).,Was your first teacher strict or friendly?,出生,2. 的名字,3. 一个小村庄,4.英国的一个小城市,5.你的第一任教师,6.严厉但友善,7.在校表现好,8.像(性格),be born,the name of,a small village,a small city in England,your first teacher,strict but nice,well-behaved at school,be like,garden,tree,pond,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen,My dream house,Activity 2,Match these words with their meanings.,bedroom garden kitchen living room,movie theater pond store tree,1 somewhere you relax at home_,2 somewhere you sleep_,3 somewhere you cook _,4 somewhere you see films _,5 somewhere you buy things _,6 somewhere with water for fish _,7 something you see in the forest _,8 somewhere in front of and behind a house_,living room,bedroom,kitchen,movie theater,store,pond,tree,garden,By Betty King,My life in Quincy,Who was born in Quincy,A. Betty King.,B. John Adams.,2. Where is the town,A. on the west coast of USA.,B. on the east coast of USA.,3. Were there lots of things to do there,A. Yes, there were.,B. No, there werent.,4. Was there a basketball team,A. No, there wasnt.,B. Yes, there was.,Per-reading,5 What was Bettys house like,A. It was small. B. It was big.,6 When was the last time Betty was there,A. Betty was there in 2021.,B. Betty was there in 2021.,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1 Where was Betty born,2 Who were John Adams and John Quincy Adams,3 When was the last time Betty was in Quincy,She was born in Quincy.,They were two presidents of the USA.,It was in 2021.,John Adams,John Quincy Adams,two presidents,were born in Quincy,visit old .,2,3,big,living room,with,a kitchen, three,on, posters,movie stars.,a big garden,with lots of trees,a pond,with fish in it,It was great to play there.,4,lots of children, friends,looking forward to coming,last home,last time,in 2021.,one day,go back,5,my primary school,My life in,The name of my primary school was,There was in my classroom,There was not ,There were,There were not,Homework,熟读课文,尽量复述。,2.,写作分层:,A,完成课上作文。,B,采访你的好朋友,,描写他,/,她过去的学校的生活。,重点词语:,1. a big living room,2. on my bedroom walls,3. a big garden with lots of trees,4. a pond with fish in it,5. go back,6. last time,补充词语:,1. last time,上次,2. anyone,任何人,词语,1. There were lots of things to do in Quincy.,2. There was a big living room with a TV,a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms.,3. It was great to play there.,复习句型,:,One day Ill go back.,句型,Writing,Now join these sentences with “with.,Eg. There were lots of things to do in Quincy.,There were many stores ,There were lots of things to do in Quincy,with many stores ,1 There was a big living room. There was a TV.,2 There was a big garden. There were lots of trees.,3 There was a pond . There were fish in it.,There was a big living room with a TV.,There was a big garden with lots of trees.,There was a pond with fish in it.,Fill in the blanks:,friendly naughty unfriendly well-behaved strict,1.He does what the teacher tells him. He is_.,2.She doesnt speak to me. Shes _.,3.They are very _. They dont listen to the teacher.,4. Our teacher talks to us and asks us about our lives. Shes_.,5. I was quite _ in the primary school, my brother was much _.,6. Tonys parents were very _ with him, so he was the _ of us.,well-behaved,unfriendly,naughty,friendly,most well-behaved,naughty,more naughty,strict,Fill in the blank with the right form of verb be.,I _ born on a warm Sunday morning.,My uncle _ very naughty when he _ a little boy.,There _ three pencils in my pencil-case this morning. But there _ any pencils in it now.,4. _ the wind strong when you _ at the top of the mountain that day,5. No one _ at home this morning because we _ at the Art Museum at that time.,was,was,was,were,arent,Was,were,was,were,6 Answer the questions.,1 Where were you born,2 When were you born,3 Who was your first teacher,4 What was the name of your first school,5 Who were you best friends,I was born in Jiaxing.,I was born in 1977.,My first teacher was Mr. Lu.,It was XXX Primary School.,They were Tony, Jim, Mary and Kate.,


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