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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Topic 3,School & Entertainment and sports,话题三,学校、文娱与体育,外研版,&,人教版与此话题相关的课文单元,话题语言基础,知识归纳,一、学校,单 词,1.,_,n,. 图书馆,2.,_,n,. 大厅,礼堂,3.,_,n,. 教室,4.,_,n,. 实验,5.,_,n,. 操场,6. blackboard,n,.,_,学校场所,library,hall,classroom,lab,playground,黑板,学习科目,单 词,1.,_,n,. 语文,2.,_,n,. 英语,3.,_,n,. 数学,4.,_,n,. 历史,5.,_,n,. 体育,6.,_,n,. 美术,艺术,短 语,1.,_,复习,2.,_,上交,3.,_,因为,由于,4. work out,_,5.,_,只要,6. make an effort 作出努力,Chinese,English,math,history,P. E.,art,go over,hand in,because of,解决,as long as,1.,_,n,. 测试,2.,_,n,. 演讲*,3.,_,n,. 作业,4.,_,n,. 课,教训,5.,_,v,. 学习,6.,_,v,. 不及格,失败* 7.,_,v,. 教,8. classmate,n,.,_,9. review,v,.,_,学校活动,单 词,test/exam,speech,homework,lesson,learn/study,fail,teach,同班同学,复习,短 语,1.,_,参加,2.,_,请求,3.,_,想出,提出,4.,_,各种各样的,5.,_,举起,张贴,6.,_,迟到,7.,_,上课,8.,_,亲自,take part in/join in,ask for,come up with,all kinds of,put up,be late for,have classes,in person,学习用具,单 词,短 语,1.,_,n,. 铅笔,2.,_,n,. 尺子,3.,_,n,. 字典,词典,4.,_,n,. 笔记本,5. schoolbag,n,.,_,6. chalk,n,.,_,1.,_,一套,一副,一组,2. cleanoff 把,擦掉,pencil,ruler,dictionary,notebook,书包,粉笔,a set of,二、文娱与体育,单 词,短 语,电影与戏剧,1. _,n,. 电影,2.,_,n,. 电影院,3.,_,n,. 票,券,4.,_,adj,. 有趣的,5.,_,adj,. 无聊的,6. cartoon,n,.,_,1. _,(广播)播出,2. try out 参加,选拔,试验,movie/film,cinema,ticket,interesting,boring,卡通,漫画,on radio,绘画、音乐与舞蹈,单 词,1. _,n,. 钢琴,2.,_,n,/,v,. 舞蹈;跳舞,3.,_,v,. 唱,4.,_,v,. 绘画,5.,_,n,. 歌曲,6. guitar,n,.,_,piano,dance,sing,paint/draw,song,吉他,体育与赛事,单 词,1. _,n,. 排球,2.,_,n,. 篮球,3.,_,n,. 照片,4.,_,v,/,n,锻炼;练习,5.,_,v,. 游泳,6.,_,v,. 爬,攀登,7.,_,v,. 观看,8.,_,v,. 获胜,赢得,9. challenge,v,.,_,volleyball,basketball,picture/photo,exercise,swim,climb,watch,win,挑战,短 语,1. _,尽某人最大的努力,2.,_,一等奖,3. warm up,_,4. cheeron 为,加油,5. amusement park 游乐园,6. board game 棋类游戏,try ones best,first prize,热身,做准备活动,写作句型仿写,His family,took,him,around,Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. (WY 7BM12),点拨:takearound意为“带领,参观,”,,与showaround意思相近。,仿写:昨天,校长带我们参观了学校。,The headmaster,_,yesterday.,took/showed us around the school,We all arrive as early as we can,so that,we have time to warm up. (WY 8AM3),点拨:so that意为“为了;以便”,表目的。,仿写:为了取得更大的进步,我每天花更多的时间学英语。,I spend more time _ every day,_ I can make greater progress.,(in) learning English,so that,You know, I,wanted to see,the Beijing Opera, so Lingling,offered to take,me there. (WY 8AM5),点拨:want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”;offer to do sth.意为“主动提出做某事”,offer常用的结构:offer sb. sth./offer sth. to sb.,意为“给某人提供某物”。,仿写:我想参加他的聚会。I,_,his party.,比尔主动提出洗碗。Bill,_,.,want to take part in,offers/offered to do the dishes,I,cant help laughing,when I watch them! (WY 8BM5),点拨:can,t help doing sth.意为“禁不住做某事;情不自禁做某事”。,仿写:当听到这个消息时,他不禁哭了起来。,When he heard the news,_.,he couldnt help crying,It is a pity that his foot problem,stopped him from completing,the 2012 London Olympic Games. (WY 9AM8),点拨:stop sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,同义词组有keep/prevent sb. from doing sth.。,仿写:我将尽自己最大的努力阻止自己犯同样的错误。,I will try my best to _,the same mistake.,stop myself from making,Even though,all of the photos are excellent, we are sorry to say that we cannot give prizes to everyone. (WY 9AM11),点拨:even though意为“即使;尽管”,引导让步状语从句,可与even if互换。,仿写:即使你不喜欢这部电影,你也最好看看。,_, you,d better watch it.,Even though/if you dont like the film,It is a beautiful girl who is wearing a blouse and skirt, and who is,protecting,her books,against,the showers.,(WY 9AM11),点拨:protectagainst意为“,保护免遭,;,使不受,”。,仿写:他戴上太阳眼镜,以保护眼睛免受强烈阳光的照射。,He puts on the sunglasses _,the strong sunlight.,to protect his eyes against,Do you,intend to stay,in China for long, Tony? (WY 9BM8),点拨:intend to do sth.意为“打算做某事”。,仿写:艾伦打算在中国各地旅游。,Alan,_,all over China.,intends/intended to travel,I,m sure that,you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years.(WY 9BM8),点拨:形容词sure后面接一个由that引导的宾语从句。除了sure外,能带宾语从句的形容词还有sorry, glad, afraid, worried, proud等。,仿写:我确信我们的世界将会变得更加美丽。,_ our world will _.,I am sure (that),become more beautiful,You,re,very,good at telling,stories. (RJ 7BU1),点拨:be good at doing sth.意为“擅长做某事”,介词后接动词ing形式。,仿写:我最喜欢的科目是体育,并且我很擅长打排球。,My favourite subject is P,.,E.,and I,_.,am good at playing volleyball,Then we,need you to help with,sports for English,-,speaking students. (RJ 7BU1),点拨:need (sb.) to do sth.意为“需要(某人)做某事”。help with sth.意为“在某方面给予帮助”,with后接名词或名词短语;help sb. with sth.意为“在某方面给予某人帮助”。,仿写:汤姆需要看医生。Tom,_,.,安娜经常帮助我学英语。,Anna often,_.,needs to see a doctor,helps me with English/helps me learn English,Because I,hope to find,out whats going on around the world. (RJ 8AU5),点拨:hope to do sth.意为“希望做某事”。,仿写:我希望有一天能成为一名记者。,I,_,one day.,hope to be a reporter,Todays cartoons are usually,not so simple,as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. (RJ 8AU5),点拨:not so/asas意为“,不像那样,”, 中间用形容词、副词的原级。,仿写:问题没他想象的那么简单。,The problem,_,he imagined.,was not so/as simple as,The characters may not be perfect, but they,try their best to solve,their problems. (RJ 9全U9),点拨:try one,s best to do sth.意为“尽全力做某事”。,仿写:我将尽全力赶上其他人。,I will,_,others.,try my best to catch up with,Laughing,for two hours is a good way to relax! (RJ 9全U9),点拨:这句话的主语是laughing,动词 laugh作主语时要改用动名词laughing。,仿写:每天做运动可以让我们保持健康。,_ can keep us healthy.,Doing exercise every day,Its sad beauty,not only,paints a picture of Abing,s own life,but also,makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences. (RJ 9全U9),点拨:not onlybut also意为“,不但而且,”,连接并列的成分。当其连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由邻近的主语决定。,仿写:露西能歌善舞。Lucy,_,.,杰克和他的父母都将在那里度假。,Not only Jack but also his parents _ going to spend their holiday there.,can not only sing but also dance,are,Because of her, I,put in,more,effort,and my exam scores doubled. (RJ 9全U14),点拨:put in effort意为“付出努力”,put in意为“投入;付出;花费(时间、精力等)”。,仿写:如果你想取得好成绩,就必须付出更大的努力。,If you want to get good grades,_.,you must put in more effort,This year,with Mr,.,Trent,s help, my English level has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year. (RJ 9全U14),点拨:with one,s help/with the help of sb.意为“在某人的帮助下”,可置句首或句末。,仿写:在同学的帮助下,她解开了这道数学题。,_, she worked out the maths problem.,With her classmates help/With the help of her classmates,原创时文精选,()1. The Ministry of Education announced that _.,A. students shouldnt use smartphones at school,B. teachers shouldn,t give children too much homework,C. students shouldn,t use smartphones to do their homework,D. teachers shouldn,t use smartphone apps to give homework,()2. Liu Yanming takes pictures of his homework because _.,A. his father asks him to do that,B. it will improve his learning skills,C. it is a way to hand in his homework,D. he should post his homework on WeChat,D,C,()3. What does the word “damaged” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?,A. 损害,B. 增长,C. 重视,D. 治疗,()4. According to the passage,_ thinks parents can know their kids,situation by using smartphone apps.,A. Liu YanmingB. Liu Yong,C. Bai YuepingD. Chu Zhaohui,()5. This passage is mainly about_.,A. the education on the Internet,B. the discussion about WeChat,C. the opinions of using apps for homework,D. the situation of national education,A,C,C,备考演练,Task 1,语法选择(,9,年,1,考:,2020,),()1. A. aboutB. withC. atD. in,()2. A. becauseB. unlessC. untilD. after,()3. A. successB. succeed,C. successfulD. successfully,()4. A. interestB. interested,C. interestingD. interests,()5. A. learnB. learning,C. to learnD. learned,A,C,D,B,C,()6. A. thatB. whoseC. whoD. what,()7. A. take placeB. are taking place,C. took placeD. have taken place,()8. A. bringB. brought,C. are broughtD. were brought,()9. A. aB. anC. theD. /,()10. A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest,A,D,D,A,D,Task 2,完形填空,()1. A. forgotB. failedC. wanted D. continued,()2. A. excitedB. angryC. bored D. satisfied,()3. A. kindlyB. loudlyC. politely D. patiently,()4. A. writing downB. putting on,C. waiting forD. giving up,()5. A. jokesB. concertsC. booksD. articles,C,A,B,D,A,()6. A. dislikedB. mindedC. doubtedD. loved,()7. A. dreamB.troubleC. wealthD. luck,()8. A.valuableB. wonderful,C. terribleD.meaningful,()9. A. encouragedB. hated,C. punishedD. saved,()10. A. classmatesB. fans,C. parentsD. teachers,D,A,C,A,B,Task 3,阅读理解(,9,年,3,考:,2017,、,2016,、,2013,),()1. Of all forms of Chinese opera, _ is the most famous.,A. Beijing OperaB. Ge Zai Xi,C. Yu OperaD. Yue Opera,()2. The character with a yellow and white face is _.,A. braveB. dishonestC. honestD. rude,()3. What does the underlined word “,familiar,” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?,A. 陌生的,B. 好奇的,C. 熟悉的,D. 讨厌的,A,B,C,()4. We can know from the last paragraph that _,A. only schools would like to make Chinese opera active,B. anyone who likes opera can be accepted into the program,C. students in the program have to study for 7 years at,school,D. many students in the program will finally become actors,()5. The passage is mainly about _.,A. the influence of Chinese opera,B. the introduction of Beijing opera,C. the importance of costumes and facial design,D. the development of the art of Chinese opera,D,B,Task 4,配对阅读(,9,年,1,考:,2019,),G,F,A,E,B,Task 5,短文填空(,9,年,1,考:,2012,),1.,_,2.,_,3.,_,4.,_,5.,_,6.,_,7.,_,8.,_,9.,_,10.,_,However,the,broke,by,worried,hospital,his,flowers,spent,whether/if,Task 6,读写综合(,9,年,2,考:,2016,、,2014,),1. What,s the topic of the film Better Days?,_,2. When did the movie hit theaters?,_,3. How many students were caught for bullying last year?,_,4. Who directed the film Better Days?,_,5. What are schools asked to do when dealing with bullying?,_,_,Its school bullying. / Its topic is school bullying.,The movie/It hit theaters on October 25th, 2019.,3, 407 students were caught for bullying last year.,Derek Tsang directed the film.,Schools are asked to work with the government when dealing with bullying.,Task 6,读写综合,最近,校园欺凌事件频发,备受社会各界关注。为了共建平安美好校园,学校举办了一场主题为“向欺凌说不”的英语演讲比赛。假设你是李雷,你将要参加此次比赛,请你写一篇英文演讲稿。,内容包括:,1. 讲述你身边发生过的或你听说过的一次校园欺凌事件(school bullying);,2. 呼吁同学们制止校园欺凌。,作文要求:,1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。,2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。,第一步:,读题审题,最近,校园欺凌事件频发,备受社会各界关注。为了共建平安美好校园,学校举办了一场主题为“,向欺凌说不,”的英语演讲比赛。假设你是李雷,,你,将要参加此次比赛,请你写一篇英文演讲稿。,内容包括:,1. 讲述你身边,发生过的或你听说过的一次校园欺凌事件,(school bullying);,2.,呼吁,同学们制止校园欺凌。,审主题:,向欺凌说不,审人称:第一人称,审时态:一般过去时,审时态:一般现在时,第二步:,构思列纲,第三步:,扩写句子,1. Let me tell you an experience of being influenced by words. Let me tell you an experience of being influenced by words. Once, I failed to do thing well,I have experienced school bullying before.(扩写具体的校园欺凌事件),_,2. Life is valuable. We should take it seriously.,Life is valuable. We should take it seriously. We must remember that safety should always come first and we should protect ourselves.,We must say no to school bullying bravely.(扩写呼吁同学们“向欺凌说不”),_,第四步:,句型仿写,常用句型,1. need (sb.) to do sth. 意为“需要(某人)做某事”。(结合【写作句型仿写】第11点),【例句】我需要给我的母亲买一份礼物。,I need to buy a present for my mother.,【仿写】我们需要制止校园欺凌行为。,_,We need to stop school bullying.,高分句型,2. stop sb. from doing sth. 意为“阻止某人做某事”。(结合【写作句型仿写】第5点),【例句】我的父亲阻止我玩太多电脑游戏。,My father stopped/stops me from playing too many computer games.,【仿写】我们应该尽力阻止人们欺负别人。,_,We should try our best to stop people from bullying others.,第五步:,语段成篇,Ladies and gentlemen,Many of us have seen or even experienced school bullying more or less. Let me tell you something about bullying in school. I have experienced school bullying before. _,_,(具体事件),.,We must say no to school bullying bravely. _,_,(呼吁1). No one has the right to hurt us.,_,(呼吁2).,That,s all. Thank you.,实战演练,Ladies and gentlemen,Many of us have seen or even experienced school bullying more or less. Let me tell you something about bullying in school.,That,s all. Thank you.,I have experienced school bullying before. I was good at maths when I was in primary school. In a math exam, one of my classmates asked me to write down the answer on a note to him. I refused to do this. Then after school, I was hit by several boys. I told the teachers and my parents right away. I was sure that I did the right thing. We must say no to school bullying bravely. We need to stop school bullying. No one has the right to hurt us. When we see someone bullying others, we should try our best to stop him from bullying others,


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