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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Module 8 Story time,一般动词的过去式中-ed 发音,规则,动词原形,过去式,以清,辅音,结尾的动词加-ed 后,ed读作,/ t /,knock pick push like,stop,knoc,k,ed,pick,ed,pus,h,ed,lik,ed,stop,p,ed,以,浊辅音和元音,结尾的动词加-ed后,ed读作,/ d /,answer enter hurry live,answe,r,ed,enter,ed,hurr,i,ed,li,v,ed,以字母,t, d,结尾的动词加-ed后,ed读作,/ id /,point decide,poin,t,ed,deci,d,ed,Did you hear any fairy tales童话故事when you were a samll child,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,Cinderella,Alice in Wonderland,哪吒闹海,How do we usually start a fairy tale or a very old story in Chinese,2. How about in English,很久很久以前,,Once upon a time . / Long long ago,Unit 1 Once upon a time.,1.Listening and check the true sentences,( ) 1. The story is,Goldilocks and the Three Bears.,( ) 2. The story begins: Once upon a time.,( ) 3. Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold.,( ) 4. Goldilocks lived in the forest.,( ) 5. She decided to go for a walk in the park,with her basket.,near the forest,forest,1. Who was Goldilocks,A. a girl B. a bear,2. Where was she,A. in the park B. in the forest,She was a,little girl,with,golden hair,.,She was in the,forest,with a,basket,.,Answer the questions.,3. What did Goldilocks notice,A. a little house B. a little bird,2,.Listen and choose the best answers.,1.Did Goldilocks often go for a walk in the forest alone,A.Yes, she did. B.No,she didnt,2. Who was in the little house when Goldilocks entered it,A. An old woman. B. An animal. C. Nobody.,3. Which bowl did Goldilocks like,A. The very big one. B. The small one. C. The big one.,.,count,enter,hurry,knock,notice,pick,push,be lost,Match the words with the pictures.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,enter,ed,hurr,i,ed,knock,ed,pick,ed,push,ed,notice,d,3.Listen and number,the pictures in the correct order.,was,lost,8,7,4,5,1,6,3,2,_,count,ed,4.Listen again and answer the questions.,1. Did she pick any flowers in the forest,2. Did she notice a big tree in the forest,3. Was the door open,Yes, she did.,No, she didnt. She noticed a little house.,Yes, it was.,4. Was there food in the bowls,5. Did she want to eat the food,6. Did she like the big bowl,Yes, there was.,Yes, she did.,No, she didnt. She liked the small bowl.,5.Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs,.,be lost count enter hurry knock notice pick,push,What did Goldilocks do,1. She _ some flowers.,picked,2. Soon she _.,was lost,3. She _ a little house.,noticed,4. She _ to the house.,hurried,6. She _ the door.,pushed,5. She _ on the door.,knocked,8. She _ three bowls.,counted,7. She _ the house.,entered,Watch the flash and read with the speakers.,One day Goldilocks walked into the forest and _ some flowers. It was vey _ and soon she was lost. She looked _ her, and saw a little house, and she walked _ it. Then she _ on the door, but there was _ in. She _ the door and _ the house. There were three _ on the table, a small one, a big one and a very big one.,6.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box,.,picked,dark,around,towards,around bowl dark enter knock,nobody pick push towards,knocked,nobody,pushed,entered,bowls,Begin with:,Who:,Where:,What:,Goldilocks,picked,was lost,noticed,hurried, knocked,pushed, entered,counted,finished,in the forest,Once upon a tim,e,/Long long ago,How to be a good story teller,:,_ _,_,_,a house,_,_,some flowers,lost,_,_,towards it,on the door,_ _ _ _,the door,the house,the bowls the food,count,ed,enter,ed,finish,ed,knock,ed,pick,ed,push,ed,notice,d,was,there was a little girl. Her name was,Once upon a tim,e,How to be a good story teller,:,Goldilocks,.,O,ne day, she walked into the forest.,Choose the words from the box for each picture.,pick,count,finish,knock,push,notice,be,enter,hurry,Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was. One day,walked,forest.,hurr,ie,d,Now please tell us the story.,If you add some body language when you tell the story, you can get one more point.,pick,ed,was,lost,notic,ed, hurr,ied,knock,ed,on,finish,ed,push,ed,count,ed,enter,ed,Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was. One day,walked,forest.,T,ell the story,Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was. One day,.,T,ell the story,Why did Goldilocks like the little bowl,Because it was the,just right,one. It is the key of the story.,When you make a choice, dont think about whether it is hot or cold, big or small, beautiful or ugly, cheap or expensive, but choose the just right one.,Language points,1.Grammar:,一般动词的过去式的构成,规那么动词的过去式变化规那么:,变化规则,动词原形,过去形式,一般动词词尾加,-ed,以,不发音,的字母e结尾的动词后加,-d,以,辅音字母加-y,结尾的动词,,变y为i,,再加-,ed,以元音字母加辅音字母结尾的,重读闭音节,动词,,,先,双写,该,辅音字母,,,再加,-,ed,walk, listen, look,finish,walk,ed, listen,ed, look,ed, finish,ed,live, notice, decide,liv,ed, notic,ed, decid,ed,hurry,marry carry,hurr,ied, marr,ied,carr,ied,stop,step,shop,sto,pp,ed,ste,pp,ed,sho,pp,ed,Goldilocks pick,ed,some flowers.,Goldilocks look,ed,around her.,He walk,ed,to school this morning.,pick,look,walk,pick,ed,look,ed,walk,ed,+ed,不规那么动词的过去式:do/doesdid gowent buybought have/hashad 见书P120,一般动词的过去式中-ed 发音,规则,动词原形,过去式,以清,辅音,结尾的动词加-ed 后,ed读作,/ t /,knock pick push like,stop,knoc,k,ed,pick,ed,pus,h,ed,lik,ed,stop,p,ed,以,浊辅音和元音,结尾的动词加-ed后,ed读作,/ d /,answer enter hurry live,answe,r,ed,enter,ed,hurr,i,ed,li,v,ed,以字母,t, d,结尾的动词加-ed后,ed读作,/ id /,point decide,poin,t,ed,deci,d,ed,Listen and notice the different ways the speaker says the words,.,finish,ed,knock,ed,lik,ed,notic,ed,pick,ed,push,ed,stopp,ed,answer,ed,enter,ed,hurri,ed,liv,ed,decid,ed,/t/,/d/,/,I,d/,She finish,ed,her homework yeaterday.,She,didnt,finish,her homework yesterday.,He visit,ed,his uncle last week.,He,didnt visit,his uncle last week.,动词的过去式的否认形式,表示过去没有做某事,要由助动词do/does的一般过去式did +not (didnt)+动词原形构成。,如: She watched an American movie last week.,改为否认句:,She an American movie last week.,didnt watch,注意:一般过去式的否认助动词didnt没有人称和数的变化,后面的谓语动词也变成原形。,一般动词过去时的一般,疑问形式,变为一般疑问句:,变为一般疑问句:,显然,一般过去时的疑问型与一般现在时一样,也是在,句首加助动词,。不同的是一般现在时采用的助动词形式是,do/does,,而一般过去时用它们的过去式,did,。,注意:一般过去时的疑问句中,谓语动词也要用原形。,I had a piano lesson yesterday.,改为一般疑问句,:,She went to Europe last year.,一般疑问句:,Did you have a piaon lesson yesterday,Yes, I did./No, I didnt,Did she go to Europe last year,Yes, she did./No, she didnt,Does she walk to school everyday,She walks to school everyday.,She walked to school yesterday morning.,Did she walk to yesterday morning,一般动词过去时的特殊,疑问形式,What did you do last night 昨晚你做了些什么?,When did you start learning English 你是什么时候开场学习英语的?,Where did you go yesterday你昨天去了哪里?,特殊疑问句:,疑问词,+did +,主语,+,动原,+,其他?,Jim wanted to go to bed because he was tired. (对划线局部提问),_ _ Jim _ to go to bed,Goldilocks noticed three bowls on the table. (对划线局部提问),_ _ bowls _ Goldilocks _ on the table,How many,did,notice,Why did,want,动词一般过去时的句型总结,+,例句,一般过去时,否定句,一般疑问,肯定回答,否定回答,特殊疑问句,一般现在时,He watches TV everyday.,他每天都看电视,He,doesnt watch,TV everyda,y,主语,+,doesnt/dont,+,动原,Does he watch TV everyday,Does/Do,+,主语,+,动原,+,其他,?,Yes,主语+do/does,No,主语+dont/doesnt,What does he do everyday,疑问词,+does/do +,主语,+,动原,+,其他?,He watched TV last night.,他昨晚看了电视,He didnt watch TV last night.,主语+,didnt,+ 动原+其他,Did he watch TV last night,Did,+主语+,动原,+其他?,Yes, 主语+did,No, 主语+didnt.,What did he do last night,疑问词,+did +,主语,+,动原,+,其他?,一般动词的过去式的用法:,1) 表示在过去某个时间发生的动作。常和表过去的时间状语连用,如:once, once upon a time, last week, in 1990,in the past 等。如:,They_ football last Saturday.,他们上周六踢了足球。,The writer _ to write in 1998.,这个作家1998年就开场写作了。,2),表示过去一段时间,经常或反复发生的动作,。常和表示频率的副词连用,如:,always, usually, often, never,等。,如,:,He often,_,his uncle,when he was young.,他小时候常去看望他叔叔。,His father often,_,_,home late last month.,他父亲上个月常常回家很晚。,played,started,visited,returned,现学现练,1.Fill in the blanks.,1. I _(walk) to school yesterday.,2. Lily _(enter) the house and saw four girls.,3. We _(arrive) in Beijing last night.,4. Davids grandfather _(cross) the busy street a moment ago.,5. The girl_(stop) at the garden and picked some flowers.,6. The child _(cry) because he didnt get a present.,walked,entered,arrived,crossed,stopped,cried,7. He stopped talking when the teacher saw him. (改为否认句) _ 8. Lily went to Easons concert last week. (改为一般疑问句句) Did _ _ _ Easons concert last week,He didnt stop talking when the teacher saw him .,Lily go to,1.,Once upon a time,there was a little girl with hair of gold.,Once upon a time 意为“从前,用在故事开头,表示事情发生在很久以前。就等于Long long ago,there was a giant with two heads.,从前,有一个两头巨人。,a prince saved the beautiful princess.,很久以前,一个王子救出了那个美丽的公主。,2.She,decided,to go,for a walk in the park with her basket.,1) decide to do sth,表示“决定做某事,否认:decide not to do sth,我决定要努力学习。,I decide to study hard.,这个小男孩决定不告诉他父亲真相。,The little boy decided not to tell his father the truth.,2) decide sth,对,.,做出决定,My mom,decides everything,in my family.,我家里老妈做主。,3),其后接句子。,如,:,Lets first,decide,where we should go.,我们先决定一下应该到什么地方去。,拓展,decide的名词形式是decision,常用于短语make a decision,表示“做出决定。make a decision to do sth= decide to do sth 如:,She decided to marry him .= She made a decision to marry him.,现学现练:,1.我们不能决定下一步我们应该做什么,We cant _ _ _ _ _ next.,2.经理不想决定这个方案,The manager didnt want to_ _ _,3.她决定要住在法国,She_ _ live in French.=,She_ _ _ _ live in French,decide what should we do,decide the plan,decided to,made a decision to,3. Goldilocks,looked around,her.,look around,向四周看,Betty,looked around,but saw nothing.,贝蒂向四周看了一下,但是什么也没看到。,拓展与look相关的短语还有:,look at 看 look after 照顾,look out 小心,留神 look out of 向外看,look into 向里面看 look like 看起来像,look back 向后看 look up 向上看,look down 向下看,4.Then she,noticed,a little house.so she,hurried towards,it,and knocked on the door.,Notice “注意到,看到感官动词,sb/sth,注意到某人或某事,sb do sth 注意到某人做了某事动作已发生,sb do,ing,sth 注意到某人,正在,做某事,(1) Im sorry I didnt,notice you,just now.,(2) I didnt notice the little boy,come,in because I was listening to music.,(3)I noticed a girl,crying,in the street at four yesterday afternoon.,现学现练:,1.刚刚我注意到那个女孩进入了房间。,I _ the girl _ the room .,2.我注意到他正在公园跳舞,I_ him _ in the park.,sb do sth 看到某人做了某事动作已发生,sb do,ing,sth 注意到某人正在做某事,hear,sb do sth 听到某人做了某事动作已发生,sb do,ing,sth 听到某人正在做某事,noticed,enter,noticed,dancing,see,4.Then she,noticed,a little house.so she,hurried towards,it,and knocked on the door.,hurry towards 朝.匆匆赶去(目的地比近,hurry ,“赶紧;匆忙,后接地点要用介词to连接,hurry to ., “匆匆赶往某地,但注意如果后跟地点副词如home,here, there,那么不要to。,1Its 7:30 now! I must school.,( 2) Its most 10:00 pm. I must home.,拓展:,be in a hurry,匆忙之中,People often lose things when theyre in a hurry.,应用:,She,_,to the house to ask where he was.,A.hurries B.hurry C. hurried D. hurryed,C,hurry to,hurry,5.Then she,noticed a little house.so she hurried towards it,and,knocked on,the door.,knock ,“敲,敲击.,用 knock on/ at .,knock on the door=knock at the door.,他敲了敲门便走了进去。,He _ _ _ _ and entered the room.,knock on the door,6. She,picked up,the very big bowl but ,pick up 捡起,拿起,当后面接代词时通常放在pick与up之间,接名词那么既可在中间也可在up之后。,My cup is on the floor. Please pick it up for me.,我的杯子在地上。请帮我捡起来。,Your books are on the floor.Please _,A. pick it up B. pick up them C.pick up it D. pick them up.,此外,还有那些类似用法的短语呢,turn on/ turn off turn down/ turn up put on.,D,6.She,finished,all the food in it.,finish v. 吃完,喝完/完成、完毕 finish +sth.,finish doing sth.完成做某事,我会在一个星期内阅读完这本书。,I will finish reading this book in a week.,The little girl finished her room very quickly.,A. clean B. cleaning C.cleans D. to clean,B,


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