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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,PEP Book 7 Unit4,I have a pen pal,Hobbies (爱好),:,I like,watch,ing,TV.,I like,read,ing,books,.,I like,listen,ing,to music,.,hobbies,What are your hobbies?,.,(同桌相互问一问),A: What are your hobbies?B: I like.,pair work,What are,his,hobbies,?,sing,ing,do,ing,kung fu,mak,ing,pen pals,Maybe he like,s,.,(同桌互相讨论),He like,s,Peter,Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about his pen pal Peter.,( ) 1. Peter likes basketball.,Lets try,( ) 2. He isnt tall.,T,F,(T or F),Where is Peter from?,Hes from,New Zealand,.,New Zealand (新西兰),New Zealand is a beautiful country.,There are many high,mountains,.,There are some,lakes,and t,he water is very clean.,There are many,flowers,and,trees,.,You can see many,farms,in New Zealand.,On the farm, there are lots of sheep.,You can see many cows on the farms, too.,Whats in New Zealand?,(新西兰有哪些特色?),There are.,farm,s,Peter,live,s,on a farm.,pair work,(同桌互相讨论),What does he like doing on the farm?,(他喜欢在农场里干什么呢?),Maybe he,likes _,_,on the farm.,playing basketball,What are Peters hobbies?,He like,s,_.,Lets find out,reading stories,doing kung fu,and,swimming,singing,He,like,s,rea,ding,stories,.,Sometimes he read,s,to the,_.,cows,Wow, _!,He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows!,Thats interesting.,What are Peters hobbies?,He likes doing kung fu and swimming.,Really? Me too!,What are Olivers hobbies,?,They have the,same,hobbies.,(相同的),He likes doing kung fu and swimming.,He also likes singing.,Oh, you like singing, too,.,Yes. Im going to teach him the Chinese song Jasmine Flower!,Good idea!,跟读课文,Lets read,P38,1. 同桌两人一组,2.,选择,一个片段,演一演,3.,注意模仿语音、语调,Lets act,1,2,3,Who is Zhang Pengs,best friend,?,Xu Wei,Maybe he likes.,What are his hobbies?,listening to music,drawing cartoons,climbing mountains,.,同桌说一说,What are his hobbies?,My best friend is Xu Wei.,He likes flying kites and singing English songs.,Xu Wei,What are his hobbies?,He likes,flying kites,and,singing English songs,.,Talk in pairs,参考句型:,My best friend is. What are,his,/,her,hobbies?,He,/,She,likes.,(同桌相互谈论自己的好朋友),(记得交换问答哦!),What is friend?,They like draw,ing,cartoons.,So they draw cartoons together.,They like read,ing,stories.,So they read stories together.,They like play,ing,football.,So they play football together.,They like listen,ing,to music.,So they listen to music together.,They like skat,ing,.,They skate together.,They play together and study together.,Friends help each other.,Friends share the same hobbies.,We love our friends.,Homework,1. Read the dialogue with emotions.,(有感情地朗读对话),2. Talk about your friends hobbies,(用英语谈论朋友的兴趣爱好),


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